Consider a savings a account that has automatic withdraw charges of 1%. When a withdraw transaction of happens it will automatically cause a withdrawal charge transaction to happen at the same time. Both these transactions will be listed on the account but running balances on the two transactions are some times interchanged.
Attached is a screenshot of case.
In the ScreenShot1, the latest transaction (with ID = 71890) is not assigned the correct account balance and that balance is instead assigned to the second last transaction (id = 718889)
In the ScreenShot2, the latest transaction is assigned the correct account balance which is correct. However this behavior is unpredictable in other words one one cannot reliably tell the account balance by looking at the running balance of the latest transaction. There should be consistence, that is, the latest transaction on account should reliably be assigned the current account balance.
This inconsistency can lead errors when when determining the opening and closing balance when making a report about an account considering an opening date and a closing date.