1. Create a loan product with interest recalculation enabled, Tranche count as 3 and Tranche disbursement charge attached as Flat-100.
2. Submit new loan application for a client on 01 January 2016, with 2 tranches attached as 5000 on 01 January 2016 and 2nd tranche 5000 on 01 March 2016.
3. Approve and disburse the first tranche.
4. While disbursing the 2nd tranche change amount to 3000 and disburse the 2nd tranche on 01 March 2016.
5. Click on Loan tranche details page and add another tranche on 24 March 2016 and amount as 2000.
6. Click on repayment schedule in which the charge applied as 200.
> It should be 100.
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FINERACT-117 Tranche disbursement charge % disbursed amount is displaying as -ve amount if the 2nd tranche disbursed is with lesser amount and charge was waived before 2nd disbursement
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