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  1. Felix
  2. FELIX-3269

@Property is not properly parsed.




      When parsing the following property annotations:
      @Property(value = "" //
      , label = "Server host" //
      , description = "IP address of host to connect to." //
      final static String HOST = "host";
      @Property(intValue = 5000 //
      , label = "Yate server port" //
      , description = "Port number to connect to, <=0 to disable this server." //
      final static String PORT = "port";
      @Property(value = "" //
      , label = "Server name" //
      , description = "Name for this server." //
      final static String NAME = "name";
      @Property(value = "ALL" //
      , label = "Server purpose" //
      , description = "What this served is going to be used for, used to filter them." //

      The metatype.xml is incorrectly generated ( extra chars from the source picked up into attribut name of AD element for port:

      <OCD id="com.peoplecall.yate.server" name="Configuracion de socket" description="Conexiones a los servidores de yate.">
      <AD id="host" type="String" default="" name="Server host" description="IP address of host to connect to."/>
      <AD id="port" type="Integer" default="5000" name="/ "Yate server port" description="Port number to connect to, <=0 to disable this server."/>
      <AD id="name" type="String" default="" name="Server name" description="Name for this server."/>
      <AD id="purpose" type="String" default="ALL" name="Server purpose" description="What this served is going to be used for, used to filter them."/>

      Notice it only happens in the non-string property, even if I use the same comment pattern as the others. I think this is related to a previously reported ( by me ) bug: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-3234 and due to the SCR plugin reparsing the source code ( I suppose there is a reason for not going to the .class file to pick up annotations ).




            cziegeler Carsten Ziegeler
            folarte Francisco Olarte
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

