Falcon sets the following props, in the coordinator.
// what inputs
INPUT_FEED_NAMES("falconInputFeeds", "name of the feeds which are used as inputs", false),
INPUT_FEED_PATHS("falconInPaths", "comma separated input feed instance paths", false),
INPUT_NAMES("falconInputNames", "name of the inputs", false),
// what outputs
OUTPUT_FEED_NAMES("feedNames", "name of the feeds which are generated/replicated/deleted"),
OUTPUT_FEED_PATHS("feedInstancePaths", "comma separated feed instance paths"),
What is missing is the list of output names, example:
OUTPUT_NAMES("feedInstanceNames", "comma separated list of names of outputs", false)
Also, Falcon must ensure that the order of the input and output names correspond with the paths.
This will enable a user workflow that consumes some inputs and produces some outputs based on certain parameters, to consume these variables and use them.
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