New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Buckets Collection - EC2 (s3) and Openstack (swift) drivers
(copied from mailing list - email "Large file (> 5GB) support with openstack swift back end" 09/09/2012):
On 09/09/12 10:21, Todd Loeber wrote:> I have been looking at deltacloud with swift as the back end provider
> and it looks like the deltacloud/swift combination doesn't support
> uploading files larger than 5GB. According to the following
> documentation:
> swift has a maximum blob size of 5GB and larger files must be split
> into chunks before uploading. After uploading the chunks, a manifest
> file with an X-Object-Manifest attribute must be uploaded to tie the
> chunks together.
> I wasn't able to pass the X-Object-Manifest attribute through
> deltacloudd to the swift back end. Is there a way to do this? I
> tried the following:
> curl -H "X-Object-Manifest: TestBucket/BigFile" -X PUT --user
> "account%3Auser:password" --data-binary ""
> http://localhost:3001/api/buckets/TestBucket/BigFile
> Thanks in advance!
> Todd