- Start artemis master and slave brokers and the router with the attached config files.
- Notice that the router receives an open frame from the master broker with the following failover information
2018-05-22 22:11:11.830106 -0230 SERVER (trace) [1]:0 <- @open(16) [container-id="localhost", max-frame-size=4294967295, channel-max=65535, idle-time-out=30000, offered-capabilities=@PN_SYMBOL[:"sole-connection-for-container", :"DELAYED_DELIVERY", :"SHARED-SUBS", :"ANONYMOUS-RELAY"], properties={:product="apache-activemq-artemis", :"failover-server-list"=[{:hostname="", :scheme="amqp", :port=61617, :"network-host"=""}]"}]
- Now, kill the master broker and notice that the router correctly fails over to the slave broker. But the slave broker does not provide any failover information in its open frame and hence the router erases its original master broker connection information
- When the master broker is now restarted and the slave broker is killed, the router attempts to repeatedly connect only to the slave broker but never attempts a connection to the master broker.
- If the router did not erase its failover list but preserved the original master connection information, it would have connected the master broker.