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  1. MINA
  2. DIRMINA-1121

Mina v2.1.1 -v2.1.3 are unable to receive writeRequest message(packet loss) in concurrent access



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Not A Problem
    • 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3
    • None
    • Filter
    • None


      Mina v2.1.1-v2.1.3 are unable to receive writeRequest message(packet loss) in concurrent access, the following code is bug and my bug fix in ProtocolCodecFilter # filterWrite method

      Note: The bug 2 is the cause of packet loss!


      • {@inheritDoc}

        public void filterWrite(NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception
        { Object message = writeRequest.getMessage(); // Bypass the encoding if the message is contained in a IoBuffer, // as it has already been encoded before if ((message instanceof IoBuffer) || (message instanceof FileRegion))

        { nextFilter.filterWrite(session, writeRequest); return; }

      // Get the encoder in the session
      ProtocolEncoder encoder = factory.getEncoder(session);

      // bug 1: The encoderOut is public that may cause duplicated message to sent.
      // ProtocolEncoderOutput encoderOut = getEncoderOut(session, nextFilter, writeRequest);

      // bug 1 fix:
      ProtocolEncoderOutput encoderOut = new ProtocolEncoderOutputImpl(session, nextFilter, writeRequest);

      if (encoder == null)

      { throw new ProtocolEncoderException("The encoder is null for the session " + session); }

      try {
      // Now we can try to encode the response
      encoder.encode(session, message, encoderOut);

      // Send it directly
      Queue<Object> bufferQueue = ((AbstractProtocolEncoderOutput) encoderOut).getMessageQueue();

      // Write all the encoded messages now
      while (!bufferQueue.isEmpty()) {
      Object encodedMessage = bufferQueue.poll();

      if (encodedMessage == null)

      { break; }

      // Flush only when the buffer has remaining.
      if (!(encodedMessage instanceof IoBuffer) || ((IoBuffer) encodedMessage).hasRemaining()) {
      // major bug 2: The same writeRequest's message may be rewritten when the code enters while loop repeatedly, it will lead to the current messageĀ  is lost.

      // writeRequest.setMessage(encodedMessage);
      // nextFilter.filterWrite(session, writeRequest);
      // bug 2 fix:
      DefaultWriteRequest defaultWriteRequest = new DefaultWriteRequest(writeRequest.getOriginalMessage(),
      writeRequest.getFuture(), writeRequest.getDestination());
      nextFilter.filterWrite(session, defaultWriteRequest);
      } catch (Exception e) {
      ProtocolEncoderException pee;

      // Generate the correct exception
      if (e instanceof ProtocolEncoderException)

      { pee = (ProtocolEncoderException) e; }


      { pee = new ProtocolEncoderException(e); }

      throw pee;




            johnnyv Jonathan Valliere
            li-libo li-libo
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