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  1. Derby
  2. DERBY-6251

nightly regression test failure on weme, derbyrunjartest failing with: Process exception: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Test
    • None
    • Regression Test Failure


      failing consistently on one machine, 10.9, windows, weme -

          • Start: derbyrunjartest jdkWECE J2ME Foundation Specification v1.1 derbyall:derbytools 2013-05-17 23:02:07 ***
            2 del
            < Usage: java org.apache.derby.tools.ij [-p propertyfile] [inputfile]
            > Process exception: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
            4 del
            < USAGE: java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo -cp [ [ embedded ][ server ][ client] [ tools ] [ anyClass.class ] ]
            > Process exception: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
            6 del
            < USAGE:
            7 del
            < java org.apache.derby.tools.dblook -d <sourceDBUrl> [OPTIONS]
            8 del
            < where the source URL is the full URL, including the connection protocol
            9 del
            < and any connection attributes that might apply. For example, use
            10 del
            < 'jdbc:derby:myDB', or 'jdbc:derby://xxxFILTERED_HOSTNAMExxx:1527/myDB;user=usr;'.
            11 del
            < options include:
            12 del
            < -z <schemaName> to specify a schema to which the DDL generation
            13 del
            < should be limited. Only database objects with that schema will have
            14 del
            < their DDL generated.
            15 del
            < -t <tableOne> <tableTwo> ... to specify a list of tables for which
            16 del
            < the DDL will be generated; any tables not in the list will be ignored.
            17 del
            < -td <value> to specify what should be appended to the end
            18 del
            < of each DDL statement.
            19 del
            < This defaults to ';'.
            20 del
            < -noview to prevent the generation of DDL for views.
            21 del
            < -append to keep from overwriting the output files.
            22 del
            < -verbose to have error messages printed to the console (in addition
            23 del
            < to the log file). If not specified, errors will only be printed to the
            24 del
            < log file.
            25 del
            < -o <filename> to specify the file name to which the generated DDL
            26 del
            < will be written.
            27 del
            < If not specified, default is the console.
            > Process exception: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
            29 del
            < Usage: NetworkServerControl <commands>
            30 del
            < Commands:
            31 del
            < start [-h <host>] [-p <portnumber>] [-noSecurityManager] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            32 del
            < shutdown [-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>] [-user <username>] [-password <password>]
            33 del
            < ping [-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            34 del
            < sysinfo [-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            35 del
            < runtimeinfo [-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            36 del
            < logconnections {on|off} [-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            37 del
            < maxthreads <max>[-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            38 del
            < timeslice <milliseconds>[-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            39 del
            < trace {on|off}

            [-s <session id>][-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            40 del
            < tracedirectory <traceDirectory>[-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] [-ssl <sslmode>]
            40 add
            > Process exception: (2) The system cannot find the file specified.
            Test Failed.

          • End: derbyrunjartest jdkWECE J2ME Foundation Specification v1.1 derbyall:derbytools 2013-05-17 23:02:07 ***




            myrna Myrna van Lunteren
            mikem Mike Matrigali
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

