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  1. Derby
  2. DERBY-6117

Extend the Table Functions java interface to pass more query context information from Derby

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    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • SQL
    • Urgent
    • High Value Fix


      General requirement is to extend the Table Functions java interface (through RestrictedVTI or another interface) and pass more context information from Derby to Table Functions - esp in query execution phase.

      Greater urgency is required for the first 2 items below, especially the ability to access the original SQL which was available with VTIs. This is critical to the GaianDB project - we extract HINTs from the query (where we pass meta data like user credentials), and also extract full original complex predicate expressions (involving functions etc - which cannot be expressed with a Restriction) - to push on in our query prorogation...

      In order of importance + simplicity:
      1 - Original SQL (this used to be available with VTIs through VTIEnvironment for both compilation and execution phases)
      2 - Name of function that was called

      3 - User Info (ID, etc) - (this can currently be passed in the SQL hint)
      4 - Richer predicate expressions (incl functions, etc)
      5 - Context within Join query (e.g. inner or outer table, join type)
      6 - Other Query Plan information
      7 - Anything else...?


        1. derby-6117-01-aa-AwareVTI.diff
          23 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        2. derby-6117-01-ab-AwareVTI.diff
          23 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        3. derby-6117-02-aa-changeColumnNamesInStringColumnVTI.diff
          6 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        4. derby-6117-03-aa-ArchiveVTI.diff
          26 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        5. derby-6117-04-aa-improveJavadoc.diff
          0.9 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas

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            Unassigned Unassigned
            drv David Vyvyan




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