I have a table with a long integer primary key field and 11 million rows. I seem to be unable to load large chunks of rows via id in a reasonably efficient manner.
1. If I do individual lookups via the primary key, then a fast indexed lookup occurs. However, if I do large numbers of such queries, then the time is overwhelmed by round-trip overhead which makes everything incredibly slow.
2. If I use a single query with a disjunction of the primary keys of interest, then a table scan is performed (even if the clause only contains 1-3 items), which walks over 11 million rows...incredibly inefficient.
3. If I use an IN clause, then a table scan is performed (even if the clause only contains 1-3 items), which walks over 11 million rows...incredibly inefficient.
I'm guessing that this might have something to do with the fact that I'm using large integers and really big numbers that don't start anywhere at or about 1 for my keys. Could this possibly be confusing the optimizer?
Here are the unlimited query plans for the 3 cases that I enumerated:
[EL Fine]: 2013-01-17 11:09:53.384-ServerSession(582235416)Connection(1430986883)Thread(Thread["Initial Lisp Listener",5,SubL Thread Group])-SELECT TERM_ID, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, FORMULA_HASH, FORMULA_LENGTH, FORMULA_TYPE, KB_STATUS FROM KB.FORMULA_TERM WHERE (TERM_ID = ?)
bind => [2251799814033500]
Thu Jan 17 11:09:53 CST 2013 Thread["Initial Lisp Listener",5,SubL Thread Group] (XID = 4711079), (SESSIONID = 3), SELECT TERM_ID, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, FORMULA_HASH, FORMULA_LENGTH, FORMULA_TYPE, KB_STATUS FROM KB.FORMULA_TERM WHERE (TERM_ID = ?) ******* Project-Restrict ResultSet (3):
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 1
Rows filtered = 0
restriction = false
projection = true
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
projection time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count: 1.00
optimizer estimated cost: 6.59
Source result set:
Index Row to Base Row ResultSet for FORMULA_TERM:
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 1
Columns accessed from heap =
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count: 1.00
optimizer estimated cost: 6.59
Index Scan ResultSet for FORMULA_TERM using constraint KB_FORMULA_TERM_TERM_ID_PK at read committed isolation level using share row locking chosen by the optimizer
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 1
Rows filtered = 0
Fetch Size = 1
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
next time in milliseconds/row = 0
scan information:
Bit set of columns fetched=All
Number of columns fetched=2
Number of deleted rows visited=0
Number of pages visited=3
Number of rows qualified=1
Number of rows visited=1
Scan type=btree
Tree height=-1
start position:
>= on first 1 column(s).
Ordered null semantics on the following columns:
stop position:
> on first 1 column(s).
Ordered null semantics on the following columns:
optimizer estimated row count: 1.00
optimizer estimated cost: 6.59
[EL Fine]: 2013-01-17 11:01:00.732-ServerSession(1237006689)Connection(927179828)Thread(Thread["Initial Lisp Listener",5,SubL Thread Group])-SELECT TERM_ID, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, FORMULA_HASH, FORMULA_LENGTH, FORMULA_TYPE, KB_STATUS FROM KB.FORMULA_TERM WHERE (((TERM_ID = ?) OR (TERM_ID = ?)) OR (TERM_ID = ?))
bind => [2251799814033500, 2251799814033501, 2251799814033499]
Thu Jan 17 11:01:10 CST 2013 Thread["Initial Lisp Listener",5,SubL Thread Group] (XID = 4711078), (SESSIONID = 3), SELECT TERM_ID, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, FORMULA_HASH, FORMULA_LENGTH, FORMULA_TYPE, KB_STATUS FROM KB.FORMULA_TERM WHERE (((TERM_ID = ?) OR (TERM_ID = ?)) OR (TERM_ID = ?)) ******* Project-Restrict ResultSet (3):
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 3
Rows filtered = 0
restriction = false
projection = true
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
projection time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count: 1176730.30
optimizer estimated cost: 5931065.54
Source result set:
Project-Restrict ResultSet (2):
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 11767298
Rows filtered = 11767295
restriction = true
projection = false
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
projection time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count: 1176730.30
optimizer estimated cost: 5931065.54
Source result set:
Table Scan ResultSet for FORMULA_TERM at read committed isolation level using instantaneous share row locking chosen by the optimizer
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 11767298
Rows filtered = 0
Fetch Size = 16
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
next time in milliseconds/row = 0
scan information:
Bit set of columns fetched=All
Number of columns fetched=9
Number of pages visited=34358
Number of rows qualified=11767298
Number of rows visited=11767298
Scan type=heap
start position:
stop position:
optimizer estimated row count: 1176730.30
optimizer estimated cost: 5931065.54
[EL Fine]: 2013-01-17 11:27:00.627-ServerSession(1237006689)Connection(1688096771)Thread(Thread["Initial Lisp Listener",5,SubL Thread Group])-SELECT TERM_ID, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, FORMULA_HASH, FORMULA_LENGTH, FORMULA_TYPE, KB_STATUS FROM KB.FORMULA_TERM WHERE (TERM_ID IN (?,?,?))
bind => [2251799814033500, 2251799814033501, 2251799814033499]
Thu Jan 17 11:47:26 CST 2013 Thread["Initial Lisp Listener",5,SubL Thread Group] (XID = 4711080), (SESSIONID = 3), SELECT TERM_ID, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, FORMULA_HASH, FORMULA_LENGTH, FORMULA_TYPE, KB_STATUS FROM KB.FORMULA_TERM WHERE (TERM_ID IN (?,?,?)) ******* Project-Restrict ResultSet (3):
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 3
Rows filtered = 0
restriction = false
projection = true
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
projection time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count: 1176730.30
optimizer estimated cost: 5931065.54
Source result set:
Project-Restrict ResultSet (2):
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 11767298
Rows filtered = 11767295
restriction = true
projection = false
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
restriction time (milliseconds) = 0
projection time (milliseconds) = 0
optimizer estimated row count: 1176730.30
optimizer estimated cost: 5931065.54
Source result set:
Table Scan ResultSet for FORMULA_TERM at read committed isolation level using instantaneous share row locking chosen by the optimizer
Number of opens = 1
Rows seen = 11767298
Rows filtered = 0
Fetch Size = 16
constructor time (milliseconds) = 0
open time (milliseconds) = 0
next time (milliseconds) = 0
close time (milliseconds) = 0
next time in milliseconds/row = 0
scan information:
Bit set of columns fetched=All
Number of columns fetched=9
Number of pages visited=34358
Number of rows qualified=11767298
Number of rows visited=11767298
Scan type=heap
start position:
stop position:
optimizer estimated row count: 1176730.30
optimizer estimated cost: 5931065.54
Issue Links
- is related to
DERBY-47 Some possible improvements to IN optimization
- Closed
DERBY-6156 Starting Derby 10.9, we do not not keep statistics for single-column unique index. Check the code to see optimizer calculates correct cost even with the missing stats for such indexes
- Closed
- relates to
DERBY-6226 enhance optmizer to use multiple probes into multiple indexes to satisfy OR queries on different columns.
- Open
DERBY-3790 Investigate if request for update statistics can be skipped for certain kind of indexes, one instance may be unique indexes based on one column.
- Closed