The grammar doesn't accept the OR operator without parentheses in some constructs.
For example, in a select list:
ij> create table t(b1 boolean, b2 boolean);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> select b1 or b2 from t;
ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "or" at line 1, column 11. (errorCode = 30000)
Issue the 'help' command for general information on IJ command syntax.
Any unrecognized commands are treated as potential SQL commands and executed directly.
Consult your DBMS server reference documentation for details of the SQL syntax supported by your server.
However, it does not fail if OR is replaced by AND, or if parentheses are used around the OR expression:
ij> select (b1 or b2) from t;
0 rows selected
ij> select b1 and b2 from t;
0 rows selected
Similar behaviour is seen in VALUES statements:
ij> values true or false;
ERROR 42X01: Syntax error: Encountered "or" at line 1, column 13. (errorCode = 30000)
Issue the 'help' command for general information on IJ command syntax.
Any unrecognized commands are treated as potential SQL commands and executed directly.
Consult your DBMS server reference documentation for details of the SQL syntax supported by your server.
ij> values (true or false);
1 row selected
ij> values true and false;
1 row selected
Issue Links
- is related to
DERBY-6423 The expression syntax in CASE's THEN clause doesn't accept boolean value expression
- Closed
- relates to
DERBY-6289 Derby 10.8 backport issue (summer 2013)
- Closed