
    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.1-incubating
    • 0.2-incubating
    • Security-Module
    • None


      this feature is listed at and part of myfaces codi-core.

      @Secured is a simple cdi interceptor annotation which allows to filter method calls to cdi beans based on custom rules.

      it's possible to specify 1-n custom implementations of AccessDecisionVoter. those voters get invoked before the call is forwarded to the target method (a voter is a cdi bean which gets resolved by its concrete type). an implementation of AccessDecisionVoter can access the InvocationContext to get further details about the target method to trigger the corresponding evaluation. as a result voters return a set of violations (SecurityViolation). if there is no violation, the target-method gets executed. if there is at least one violation, an AccessDeniedException will be thrown.

      in addition an AccessDecisionVoterContext is needed to detect if there is an ongoing security check (e.g. it's possible to use it in a custom scope to avoid that a security check postpones the expiration).
      (in myfaces codi it's also used to secure views via view-configs, however, we will exclude this part for now.)

      users can use those simple and generic apis to implement their own access control and it will get used by other deltaspike modules automatically (if they use the security-api).
      (in an AccessDecisionVoter it's possible to integrate 3rd party security-frameworks.)

      usage of @Secured:

      {MyAccessDecisionVoter1.class, MyAccessDecisionVoter2.class}

      public class SecuredBean


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              gpetracek Gerhard Petracek
              gpetracek Gerhard Petracek
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