I don't know if it is really a bug, or something I am missing, but I have and issue when the attachmend is resolved.
I have a xopUri like this :
// cid:998c3362-5b5f-405a-817a-b20f8373c378-5@urn%3Abe%3Acin%3Anip%3Aasync%3Ageneric
when it is resolved as attachmentId via the method getAttachmentId(xopUri) the value is this :
// 998c3362-5b5f-405a-817a-b20f8373c378-5@urn:be:cin:nip:async:generic
We see here that %3A has been replaced by his related characters ':'
After when the attachmentCallbackHandler try to find the correct attachment in the list (loadAttachments methods) it compare these 2 values in the do while
// }while(attachmentId != null && !attachmentId.equals(attachment.getId()));
The value of attachmentId is
// 998c3362-5b5f-405a-817a-b20f8373c378-5@urn:be:cin:nip:async:generic
The value of attachment.getId() is :
// 998c3362-5b5f-405a-817a-b20f8373c378-5@urn%3Abe%3Acin%3Anip%3Aasync%3Ageneric
So the comparaison fails and attachment is not found => Exception attachment not found
Is it some issue, or do I something wrong ?
Version of wss4j : 2.2.4