I'm porting the EasyBeans/Celtix integration to EasyBeans/CXF (exposing an EJB3 as a webservice).
In Celtix, we had a getImplementorClass() method in the EndpointImpl class.
This is not anymore the case in CXF for rt/frontend/jaxws/src/main/java/org/apache/cxf/jaxws/
The problem is that the implementor object that is given to the EndpointImpl class (in my case) has to be a class and not an instance (the instance will be obtained from a pool by using an our own Invoker on the service).
In the EndpointImpl class, there is the use of the following code:
JaxWsImplementorInfo implInfo = new JaxWsImplementorInfo(implementor.getClass());
List<Handler> chain = builder.buildHandlerChainFromClass(implementor.getClass(), endpointName);
I wanted to know if "implementor.getClass()" could be changed into getImplementorClass() method
Then, I can override this method by returning the class. For now, it returns MyClass.getClass() which return java.lang.Class and this is not what is wanted.