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  1. Apache Cordova
  2. CB-4788

Android InAppBrowser workaround for destructive PROMPT bridge problems




      We encountered the same problem as CB-4005 when running the manual mobile-spec tests.

      Please consider the following modified InAppBrowser code as a workaround to this issue.


      • If InAppBrowser uses Cordova API at all then the cordova.js falls back to using the PROMPT bridge because there is no _cordovaNative defined by InAppBrowser.
      • The InAppBrowser’s onJsPrompt method (current implementation) is not capable of handling the PROMPT bridge messages (eg "gap:", "gap_poll:" etc)

      The combination of the above causes the huge number of prompts which results in the application non-responsiveness issues already described by CB-4005 and elsewhere.


      Change the IAB onJsPrompt to simply ignore those unhandled messages from Cordova PROMPT bridge.

      • Since there is no ability for IAB to run the API calls anyway [Ref 3] no functionality is lost.
      • Now the mobile-spec tests for InAppBrowser can run OK without suffering the unresponsive problems reported by CB-4005 and CB-3665

      Perhaps this is not be a true "fix", but it is certainly more forgiving than the current implementation which just hangs.

      Here is my suggested modification for InAppBrowser.onJsPrompt()

      public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String url, String message, String defaultValue, JsPromptResult result) {
          if (defaultValue != null) { 
              // See if the prompt string uses the 'gap-iab' protocol. If so, the remainder should be the id of a callback to execute.
              if (defaultValue.startsWith("gap-iab://")) {            	
                  // blah blah same code as before 
               * IAP does not support ability to execute Cordova API calls so just gobble them up
               * and log a warning.
              if (defaultValue.startsWith("gap")) {		
                  if (!defaultValue.equals("gap_poll:")) {
                      LOG.w(LOG_TAG, "InAppBrowser does not support Cordova API calls: " + url + " " + defaultValue);	
                  return true;
          return false;

      Please try it. Works for me

      Related to:
      [1] CB-4005
      [2] CB-3665
      [3] PG Forum https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/phonegap/wyOezp7B-iI




            bowserj Joey Robert Bowser
            dinglemouse Peter
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