1. Open any valid project with created DbEntities, ObjEntities, Relationships
2. Select DbEntity (DbEntity=Artist in my case)
3. Change 'Target' in Relationships table to another value (from Painting to Gallery in my case)
4. Go to appropriate ObjEntity (ObjEntity=Artist in my case) and see 'Target' in ObjRelationship table
-> Old value is displayed (Target=Painting in my case)
5. Click on 'Sinc ObjEntity with DbEntity' button
-> Old value is still displayed (Target=Painting in my case)
6. Save project (ignore validation problems) and close Modeler
-> xml shows different target values for db-relationship and obj-relationship:
<db-relationship name="a_p" source="Artist" target="Gallery" toMany="true" /> <obj-relationship name="a_p" source="Artist" target="Painting" deleteRule="Deny" db-relationship-path="a_p" />
7. Open the project in Modeler again and check the value in 'Target' column for appropriate ObjEntity (ObjEntity=Artist in my case)
-> Old value is still displayed (Target=Painting in my case)
8. Now put the cursor into 'DbRelationship Path' cell and then into 'Target' cell
-> 'Target' value is changed to new value (from Painting to Gallery in my case) - It's strange behavior
-> Note that Save button did not become active
see 2.png
9. Do any changes in project to make Save button active and save project
-> Now xml shows the same target values for db-relationship and obj-relationship (target=Gallery in my case):
<db-relationship name="a_p" source="Artist" target="Gallery" toMany="true" /> <obj-relationship name="a_p" source="Artist" target="Gallery" deleteRule="Deny" db-relationship-path="a_p" />
Expected: 'Target' value in ObjRelationship is changed immediately after update 'Target' in DbRelationship (or after pressing on 'Sinc ObjEntity with DbEntity' button)
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