The BreadcrumbModel is held by the session (specifically, the AuthenticatedWebSessionForIsis, subclass of a Wicket session class).
This holds a list of EntityModels.
The EntityModels are LoadableDetachable, which caches the underlying ObjectAdapter in a transient field.
It seems that the model isn't being serialized/deserialized, and there is no explicit detach, thus on the next request the EntityModel still holds the ObjectAdapter (for the previous PersistenceSession) and which in turn holds the pojo. From JDO/Datanucleus' perspective, this pojo is not persistent.
As per ISIS-1194 simplificaitons, we now delegate to the pojo to determine whether it is persistent or not; and so JDO/DN reports that this pojo is NOT persistent.
In turn this gives us a "" empty string for the oid str, and things then break.
The fix is to explicitly detach all the EntityModels of the BreadcrumbModel. This can be done by hooking into the AuthenticatedWebSessionForIsis#detach() hook.