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  1. Apache Cassandra
  2. CASSANDRA-9310

Table change response returns as keyspace change response



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Normal
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.0.16, 2.1.6
    • Legacy/CQL
    • None
    • C* 1.2.19 and 2.0.14 | python-driver master (upcoming v. 2.6)

    • Normal


      When an index is dropped, its existence is still persisted across the keyspace metadata. This happens because the response to drop the index from the metadata is never received, as a keyspace change response is (incorrectly) received by the driver instead of a table change response. Related to PYTHON-241: https://datastax-oss.atlassian.net/browse/PYTHON-241


      self.session.execute("CREATE TABLE %s (k int PRIMARY KEY, a int)" % self.table_name)
      ks_meta = self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.keyspace_name]
      table_meta = ks_meta.tables[self.table_name]
      self.assertNotIn('a_idx', ks_meta.indexes)
      self.assertNotIn('b_idx', ks_meta.indexes)
      self.assertNotIn('a_idx', table_meta.indexes)
      self.assertNotIn('b_idx', table_meta.indexes)
      self.session.execute("CREATE INDEX a_idx ON %s (a)" % self.table_name)
      self.session.execute("ALTER TABLE %s ADD b int" % self.table_name)
      self.session.execute("CREATE INDEX b_idx ON %s (b)" % self.table_name)
      ks_meta = self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.keyspace_name]
      table_meta = ks_meta.tables[self.table_name]
      self.assertIsInstance(ks_meta.indexes['a_idx'], IndexMetadata)
      self.assertIsInstance(ks_meta.indexes['b_idx'], IndexMetadata)
      self.assertIsInstance(table_meta.indexes['a_idx'], IndexMetadata)
      self.assertIsInstance(table_meta.indexes['b_idx'], IndexMetadata)
      # both indexes updated when index dropped
      self.session.execute("DROP INDEX a_idx")
      ks_meta = self.cluster.metadata.keyspaces[self.keyspace_name]
      table_meta = ks_meta.tables[self.table_name]
      self.assertNotIn('a_idx', ks_meta.indexes)


      AssertionError: 'a_idx' unexpectedly found in {u'b_idx': <cassandra.metadata.IndexMetadata object at 0x7f2dd87d4590>, u'a_idx': <cassandra.metadata.IndexMetadata object at 0x7f2dd87d4a10>}

      Debug log:

      cassandra.connection: DEBUG: Message pushed from server: <EventMessage(stream_id=-1, event_type=u'SCHEMA_CHANGE', event_args={'keyspace': u'index_map_tests', 'change_type': u'CREATED', 'table': u''}, trace_id=None)>
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: Refreshing schema in response to schema change. Keyspace: index_map_tests; Table: , Type: None
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched keyspace info for index_map_tests, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched keyspace info for index_map_tests, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.connection: DEBUG: Message pushed from server: <EventMessage(stream_id=-1, event_type=u'SCHEMA_CHANGE', event_args={'keyspace': u'index_map_tests', 'change_type': u'CREATED', 'table': u'test_index_updates'}, trace_id=None)>
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: Refreshing schema in response to schema change. Keyspace: index_map_tests; Table: test_index_updates, Type: None
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched table info for index_map_tests.test_index_updates, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.connection: DEBUG: Message pushed from server: <EventMessage(stream_id=-1, event_type=u'SCHEMA_CHANGE', event_args={'keyspace': u'index_map_tests', 'change_type': u'UPDATED', 'table': u'test_index_updates'}, trace_id=None)>
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: Ignoring schedule_unique for already-scheduled task: (<bound method ControlConnection.refresh_schema of <cassandra.cluster.ControlConnection object at 0x7f9c6864fc90>>, (u'index_map_tests', u'test_index_updates', None))
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: Refreshing schema in response to schema change. Keyspace: index_map_tests; Table: test_index_updates, Type: None
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched table info for index_map_tests.test_index_updates, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched table info for index_map_tests.test_index_updates, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.connection: DEBUG: Message pushed from server: <EventMessage(stream_id=-1, event_type=u'SCHEMA_CHANGE', event_args={'keyspace': u'index_map_tests', 'change_type': u'UPDATED', 'table': u'test_index_updates'}, trace_id=None)>
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: Refreshing schema in response to schema change. Keyspace: index_map_tests; Table: test_index_updates, Type: None
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched table info for index_map_tests.test_index_updates, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched table info for index_map_tests.test_index_updates, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: Refreshing schema in response to schema change. Keyspace: index_map_tests; Table: test_index_updates, Type: None
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.connection: DEBUG: Message pushed from server: <EventMessage(stream_id=-1, event_type=u'SCHEMA_CHANGE', event_args={'keyspace': u'index_map_tests', 'change_type': u'UPDATED', 'table': u'test_index_updates'}, trace_id=None)>
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched table info for index_map_tests.test_index_updates, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched table info for index_map_tests.test_index_updates, rebuilding metadata
      cassandra.connection: DEBUG: Message pushed from server: <EventMessage(stream_id=-1, event_type=u'SCHEMA_CHANGE', event_args={'keyspace': u'index_map_tests', 'change_type': u'UPDATED', 'table': u'test_index_updates'}, trace_id=None)>
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: Refreshing schema in response to schema change. Keyspace: index_map_tests; Table: , Type: None
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Waiting for schema agreement
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas mismatched, trying again
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Schemas match
      cassandra.cluster: DEBUG: [control connection] Fetched keyspace info for index_map_tests, rebuilding metadata


        1. 9310-2.1-v2.txt
          2 kB
          Carl Yeksigian
        2. 9310-2.1.txt
          2 kB
          Carl Yeksigian
        3. 9310-2.0.txt
          2 kB
          Carl Yeksigian
        4. 9310-1.2.txt
          2 kB
          Carl Yeksigian

        Issue Links



              carlyeks Carl Yeksigian
              kishkaru Kishan Karunaratne
              Carl Yeksigian
              Sam Tunnicliffe
              Kishan Karunaratne Kishan Karunaratne
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue

