When upgrading a node in 1.1.7 (or 1.1.11) cluster to 1.2.15 and inspecting the gossip information on port/Ip, I could see that the upgrading node (1.2 version) communicates to one other node in the same region using Public IP and non-encrypted port.
For the rest, the upgrading node uses the correct ports and IPs to communicate in this manner:
Same region: private IP and non-encrypted port
Different region: public IP and encrypted port
Because there is one node like this (or 2 out of 12 nodes cluster in which nodes are split equally on 2 AWS regions), we have to modify Security Group to allow the new traffics.
Without modifying the SG, the 95th and 99th latencies for both reads and writes in the cluster are very bad (due to RPC timeout). Inspecting closer, that upgraded node (1.2 node) is contributing to all of the high latencies whenever it acts as a coordinator node.