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  1. Apache Cassandra
  2. CASSANDRA-4459

pig driver casts ints as bytearray



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Normal
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.1.3
    • None
    • None
    • C* 1.1.2 embedded in DSE

    • Normal


      we seem to be auto-mapping C* int columns to bytearray in Pig, and farther down I can't seem to find a way to cast that to int and do an average.

      grunt> cassandra_users = LOAD 'cassandra://cqldb/users' USING CassandraStorage();
      grunt> dump cassandra_users;
      (bobhatter,(act,22),(fname,bob),(gender,m),(highSchool,Cal High),(lname,hatter),(sat,500),(state,CA),{})
      (alicesmith,(act,27),(fname,alice),(gender,f),(highSchool,Tuscon High),(lname,smith),(sat,650),(state,AZ),{})
      // notice sat and act columns are bytearray values 
      grunt> describe cassandra_users;
      cassandra_users: {key: chararray,act: (name: chararray,value: bytearray),fname: (name: chararray,value: chararray),
      gender: (name: chararray,value: chararray),highSchool: (name: chararray,value: chararray),lname: (name: chararray,value: chararray),
      sat: (name: chararray,value: bytearray),state: (name: chararray,value: chararray),columns: {(name: chararray,value: chararray)}}
      grunt> users_by_state = GROUP cassandra_users BY state;
      grunt> dump users_by_state;
      ((state,AX),{(aoakley,(highSchool,Phoenix High),(lname,Oakley),state,(act,22),(sat,500),(gender,m),(fname,Anne),{})})
      ((state,AZ),{(gjames,(highSchool,Tuscon High),(lname,James),state,(act,24),(sat,650),(gender,f),(fname,Geronomo),{})})
      ((state,CA),{(philton,(highSchool,Beverly High),(lname,Hilton),state,(act,37),(sat,220),(gender,m),(fname,Paris),{}),(jbrown,(highSchool,Cal High),(lname,Brown),state,(act,20),(sat,700),(gender,m),(fname,Jerry),{})})
      // Error - use explicit cast
      grunt> user_avg = FOREACH users_by_state GENERATE cassandra_users.state, AVG(cassandra_users.sat);
      grunt> dump user_avg;
      2012-07-22 17:15:04,361 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1045: Could not infer the matching function for org.apache.pig.builtin.AVG as multiple or none of them fit. Please use an explicit cast.
      // Unable to cast as int
      grunt> user_avg = FOREACH users_by_state GENERATE cassandra_users.state, AVG((int)cassandra_users.sat);
      grunt> dump user_avg;
      2012-07-22 17:07:39,217 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1052: Cannot cast bag with schema sat: bag({name: chararray,value: bytearray}) to int

      Seed data in CQL

      CREATE KEYSPACE cqldb with 
        strategy_class = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy' 
        and strategy_options:replication_factor=3;	
      use cqldb;
        KEY text PRIMARY KEY, 
        fname text, lname text, gender varchar, 
        act int, sat int, highSchool text, state varchar);
      insert into users (KEY, fname, lname, gender, act, sat, highSchool, state)
      values (gjames, Geronomo, James, f, 24, 650, 'Tuscon High', 'AZ');
      insert into users (KEY, fname, lname, gender, act, sat, highSchool, state)
      values (aoakley, Anne, Oakley, m , 22, 500, 'Phoenix High', 'AX');
      insert into users (KEY, fname, lname, gender, act, sat, highSchool, state)
      values (jbrown, Jerry, Brown, m , 20, 700, 'Cal High', 'CA');
      insert into users (KEY, fname, lname, gender, act, sat, highSchool, state)
      values (philton, Paris, Hilton, m , 37, 220, 'Beverly High', 'CA');
      select * from users;


        1. 4459.txt
          0.8 kB
          Brandon Williams
        2. 4459-v2.txt
          2 kB
          Brandon Williams



            brandon.williams Brandon Williams
            cdaw Cathy Daw
            Brandon Williams
            Pavel Yaskevich
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

