Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Apache Cassandra 3.11.3
Suppose we have a generic table:
CREATE TABLE base_table( partition1 uuid, ... partitionN uuid, static_column text static, clustering1 uuid, ... clusteringM uuid, regular text, list_text list, set_text set, map_int_text map<int, text>, PRIMARY KEY((partition1, ..., partitionN), clustering1, ... , clusteringN) );
And create an index on regular text column, the schema of the index table will be:
CREATE TABLE regular_idx( regular text, partitionColumns blob, clustering1 uuid, ... clusteringM uuid, PRIMARY KEY((regular), partitionColumns, clustering1, ..., clusteringM) );
Then it's possible to execute queries like:
SELECT * FROM base_table WHERE regular = <some_value_0> AND partition1 = <some_value_1> AND ... AND partitionN = <some_value_N> ORDER BY clustering1;
However, CQL3 would check if the secondary index is used WITH order by during prepare a select statement, and throw an exception at once for queries like above.
Could we support ORDER BY with 2ndary Indexes at least for above query pattern?