Version 2.8.1


Start date not set

Released: 16/Sep/11

Release Notes

MajorImprovementCAMEL-3968camel-soap - Add support for multiple parametersWillem JiangResolved
MajorSub-taskCAMEL-4110camel-cxf - Add blueprint namespace parser for CXFRS (and possible another missing)Willem JiangResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4254Missing setter or constructor-argument for elementNameStrategyRef in SoapJaxbDataFormatWillem JiangClosed
MajorBugCAMEL-4261Properties component - Cached locations may add duplicatesClaus IbsenResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4264The routeContext stack of DefaultUnitOfWork should be thread safeChristian MüllerResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4269Connection to sftp server occasionally don't want to come backClaus IbsenResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4276camel-cxf OSGi bundle uses an incorrect CXF version rangeJean-Baptiste OnofréClosed
MajorBugCAMEL-4287camel-aws won't build offlineJonathan AnsteyResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4293@Bean method name is ignoredClaus IbsenResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4294Camel CXF Endpoint creates incomplete WSDLWillem JiangResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4295camel-spring-ws bundle specify a wrong version of spring packageWillem JiangResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4299The cxfbean-component no longer works in OSGI (failure to auto create and NullPointerException)Willem JiangResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4316camel-cxf bundle should not ship the camel-cxf-transport packages.Willem JiangResolved
MajorImprovementCAMEL-4317Clean up the camel context file of the example after upgrading to CXF 2.4.xWillem JiangResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4322AnnotationTypeConverterLoader doesn't try all the classloaders to load the converter classWillem JiangResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4329Username/password ignored when connectionFactory is set in JMS componentClaus IbsenResolved
MajorTaskCAMEL-4335Upgrade to CXF 2.4.2Willem JiangResolved
MajorImprovementCAMEL-4347Set thread context class loader when starting camel-blueprint routesGert VanthienenResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4354header added using an EventNotifier is not present at AggregationStrategy for http endpointsClaus IbsenResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4359Exception thrown during JAXB marshalling will cause SedaConsumer to breakClaus IbsenResolved
MajorImprovementCAMEL-4368The debug doesn't work in the CamelSpringTestSupportWillem JiangResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4370It's hardly possible to use all expression of the Simple language to create file names in the file componentClaus IbsenResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4375FilterCreateCamelContextPerClassTest is wrong configuredWillem JiangResolved
MajorTaskCAMEL-4379upgrade to jetty 7.4.5.v20110725Jonathan AnsteyResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4383StreamResequencer logs unhandled Exceptions at DEBUG levelClaus IbsenResolved
MajorBugCAMEL-4388Exeptions cannot be propagated to the parent route when using LogEIPClaus IbsenResolved
MajorImprovementCAMEL-4396XML validation errors should be not logged on System.errChristian MüllerResolved
MajorImprovementCAMEL-4406use cxf feature from apache-cxf-features.xmlFreeman Yue FangResolved
MajorImprovementCAMEL-4407camel-script feature should ship script implementation bundles like groovy/javascript/rubyFreeman Yue FangResolved
MajorImprovementCAMEL-4408Fix OSGi-exports of camel-soapClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4137CxfNamespaceHandler should not just set the TCCL and not set it backWillem JiangResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4246TraceInterceptor does not work correctly for AsyncProcessingClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4252camel-ftp - Using tempFileName option should use the separator option to allow control of path separators in the generated file nameClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4265Fail to close stream in DefaultPropertiesResolverClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4274MDCUnitOfWork behaviour incorrect with nested routesClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4305xslt component - Cannot load xslt file from file systemClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4311Camel Bindy Parser One to Many KvP Unmarshall IssueClaus IbsenResolved
MinorTaskCAMEL-4323camel-example-spring-javaconfigWillem JiangResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4326NullPointerException when catching exceptionsClaus IbsenResolved
MinorImprovementCAMEL-4348Add String->TimeZone converter so that time zone can be specified for camel-quartzClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4352Ftp consumer using done file should cater for if stepwise has been enabled, and thus the done file path is to be calculated differentlyClaus IbsenResolved
MinorBugCAMEL-4367Camel-netty option "encoder" and "decoder" does not workWillem JiangResolved
MinorImprovementCAMEL-4410The URI of the ServletEndpoint exposed to the JMX is not accurateWillem JiangResolved
MinorImprovementCAMEL-4412ServletEndpoint doesn't support to create the producerWillem JiangResolved
TrivialBugCAMEL-4319Example feature: wrong spring versionClaus IbsenResolved
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