New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Won't Fix
Cmel-ibatis or Cmel-mybatis provides us the basic CURD processing to be integrated with ibatis or mybatis api, but there's no special support for Page Querying which is quite common in practise. So some improvements towards that should be added.
Take mybatis for example, "SqlSession" interface of it provides "List selectList(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds)" method to support pageQuery while similar jobs did in Hibernatewith PageDialect brought in for support. so PageQuery support either in camel-ibatis or camel-mybatis seems more helpfull in real life to be integrated with ibatis or mybatis. I think we should add new peration type in "StatementType" and try to make some patch towards the XXProducer or XXConsumer class to put it into practise.