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  1. Beam
  2. BEAM-10990

Elasticsearch IO Infinite loop with write Error when the pipeline job streaming mode


    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • P3
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.24.0
    • 2.35.0
    • io-java-elasticsearch
    • None


      When streaming messages from PubsubIO , the pipeline is in Streaming mode.

      If for some reason the ElasticSearchIO.Write() has an response from the ElasticSearch index api, the writefn will throw a IOException.  Since this excetpion is part of the Write transform, it becomes an unhandled error.  This will then inheritly cause behaviour from the job pipeline to infinitely retry that error.. 

      snippet form beam website

      The Dataflow service retries failed tasks up to 4 times in batch mode, and an unlimited number of times in streaming mode. In batch mode, your job will fail; in streaming, it may stall indefinitely.


      This is the ElasticSearchIO.write transform .

        public PDone expand(PCollection<String> input) {
                  ElasticsearchIO.ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfiguration = this.getConnectionConfiguration();
                  Preconditions.checkState(connectionConfiguration != null, "withConnectionConfiguration() is required");
             *     input.apply(ParDo.of(new ElasticsearchIO.Write.WriteFn(this)));*
                  return PDone.in(input.getPipeline());

      The pardo function (WriteFn) finishBundle step will call ElasticsearchIO.checkForErrors helper method which will throw exception if the http response from elasticsearch has error in the json reponse.

      // Some comments here
       public void finishBundle(DoFn<String, Void>.FinishBundleContext context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                  private void flushBatch() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
                      if (!this.batch.isEmpty()) {
                          StringBuilder bulkRequest = new StringBuilder();
                          Iterator var2 = this.batch.iterator();
                          while(var2.hasNext()) {
                              String json = (String)var2.next();
                          this.currentBatchSizeBytes = 0L;
                          String endPoint = String.format("/%s/%s/_bulk", this.spec.getConnectionConfiguration().getIndex(), this.spec.getConnectionConfiguration().getType());
                          HttpEntity requestBody = new NStringEntity(bulkRequest.toString(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
                          Request request = new Request("POST", endPoint);
                          Response response = this.restClient.performRequest(request);
                          HttpEntity responseEntity = new BufferedHttpEntity(response.getEntity());
                          if (this.spec.getRetryConfiguration() != null && this.spec.getRetryConfiguration().getRetryPredicate().test(responseEntity)) {
                              responseEntity = this.handleRetry("POST", endPoint, Collections.emptyMap(), requestBody);
                          ElasticsearchIO.checkForErrors((HttpEntity)responseEntity, this.backendVersion, this.spec.getUsePartialUpdate());
       static void checkForErrors(HttpEntity responseEntity, int backendVersion, boolean partialUpdate) throws IOException {
              JsonNode searchResult = parseResponse(responseEntity);
              boolean errors = searchResult.path("errors").asBoolean();
              if (errors) {
                  StringBuilder errorMessages = new StringBuilder("Error writing to Elasticsearch, some elements could not be inserted:");
                  JsonNode items = searchResult.path("items");
                  Iterator var7 = items.iterator();
                  while(var7.hasNext()) {
                      JsonNode item = (JsonNode)var7.next();
                      String errorRootName = "";
                      if (partialUpdate) {
                          errorRootName = "update";
                      } else if (backendVersion == 2) {
                          errorRootName = "create";
                      } else if (backendVersion >= 5) {
                          errorRootName = "index";
                      JsonNode errorRoot = item.path(errorRootName);
                      JsonNode error = errorRoot.get("error");
                      if (error != null) {
                          String type = error.path("type").asText();
                          String reason = error.path("reason").asText();
                          String docId = errorRoot.path("_id").asText();
                          errorMessages.append(String.format("%nDocument id %s: %s (%s)", docId, reason, type));
                          JsonNode causedBy = error.get("caused_by");
                          if (causedBy != null) {
                              String cbReason = causedBy.path("reason").asText();
                              String cbType = causedBy.path("type").asText();
                              errorMessages.append(String.format("%nCaused by: %s (%s)", cbReason, cbType));
                  throw new IOException(errorMessages.toString());


      As a possible suggestion, rather than throw the exception, could it be possible to write the exception to an errorhandling tupeltag which then can handled to a deadletter queue ?



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              egalpin Evan Galpin
              stevegaunt Steven Gaunt
              2 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue



                Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0h
                  Time Spent - 6h 50m
                  6h 50m