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  1. Axis2-C
  2. AXIS2C-540

Memory Leaks - Test Suite



    • Test
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.96
    • 1.1.0
    • None
    • None
    • Windows XP


      This is a follow-up to my post regarding memory-leaks on axis-c-dev (original message attached below). the test-tool i used for my tests is apache jmeter (http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/index.html). i am using the current version 2.2. unfortunately the component for creating soap requests has a minor bug in its current version. it is creating http requests with
      "transfer-encoding: chunked". as it stands now the simple_axis_server does not handle this transfer-encoding, with mod_axis2 and apache it appears to be working. i am however not sure if simple_Axis_server is supposed to properly handle such requests. if
      it is i can open a jira for this.
      anyway i attach both a patched version of a jmeter library that addresses the "chunked" issue (hopefully without introducing a host of new ones...).

      instructions (after download/setup of jmeter 2.2):

      • copy the jar to [jmeter_main_dir]\lib\ext.
      • replace the original apachejmeter_http.jar.

      this should work. i also attach the test suite i used (the .jmx file). it simply calls the add method of the math web-services with 5 concurrent threads.
      i hope this helps you guys to reproduce my results.

      Original mesasge from axis-c-dev:

      List: axis-c-dev
      Subject: Memory leaks
      From: mgt () gmx ! at
      Date: 2007-02-25 15:48:47
      Message-ID: 20070225154847.73890 () gmx ! net

      A couple of your postings during the last days were concerning memory leaks within \
      axis2c. I used a load testing tool to run a simple suite consisting of the concurrent \
      invocations of the math sample web-service (the add service method).

      In case you are interested find my results below (values are taken from windows \
      process view column "mem usage"):

      • axis2_http_server doubles its memory usage after approx. 5000 requests (from \
        initially 5.5 megs to approx. 10 megs)
      • when using mod_Axis2 with apache2 (2.0.59) the situation is as follows:
        initially the server takes about 13 megs of memory. after 1000 "add" requests apache \
        went up to 40 mb of mem usage and kept increasing steadily.
      • when using apache2 ver. 2.2.3 the situation is almost the same.

      If you are interested in investigating these issues further I can provide you with \
      all the details about test-tool (jakarta jmeter), test-suite,etc.

      I think especially fixes for the apache mod would be particularly important/helpful \
      for 1.0 as this is the suggested deployment scenario (i assume?). Bye,


        1. patched_ApacheJMeter_http.jar
          225 kB
          markus mayer
        2. Axis2MathMemLeakSample.jmx
          9 kB
          markus mayer



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