Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
1.4, nightly
The following patch will move image006.jpg (welcome page) from bullet 2 to bullet 3 where it belongs. Also correct horizontal alignment.
[tsee@bean @axis2_version_dir@]$ svn diff installationguide.xml
Index: installationguide.xml
— installationguide.xml (revision 654096)
+++ installationguide.xml (working copy)
@@ -296,22 +296,23 @@
WAR file. (Some servlet containers may require a restart in order
to capture the new web application. Refer to your servlet container
documentation for more information.)
-<p align="center"><strong><img src="images/clip_image006.jpg" alt=
-"" /></strong></p>
<li>Once the WAR is successfully installed, test it by pointing the
web browser to the <strong>http://<host
:port>/axis2.</strong> It should produce the following page
-which is the <strong>Axis2 Web Application Home Page</strong>.</li>
+which is the <strong>Axis2 Web Application Home Page</strong>.
+<img src="images/clip_image006.jpg" alt= "" />
<li>Use the link "Validate" to ensure that everything is running
correctly. If the validation fails then the WAR has failed to
install properly or some essential jars are missing. In such a
situation, refer to the documentation of the particular servlet
container to find the problem. The following page shows a
successful validation. Note the statement that indicates the core
-Axis2 libraries are present.</li>
+Axis2 libraries are present.
+<img src="images/happyaxis.jpg" />
-<p align="center"><img src="images/happyaxis.jpg" /></p>
<a name="upload" id="upload"></a>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> For any Application server specific
installation information please refer to the <a href=