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  1. Aurora
  2. AURORA-1779

BatchWorker fails with PersistenceException



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 0.16.0
    • None
    • None


      Steps to reproduce (if you are lucky):

      vagrant destroy
      vagrant up
      vagrant ssh
      cd /vagrant
      ./build-support/release/verify-release-candidate 0.16.0-rc1

      For me, this resulted in the following initial stack trace (and a couple different follow ups due to a corrupted DB state):

      I0921 19:45:38.730 [TaskEventBatchWorker, JobUpdateControllerImpl:359] Forwarding task change for vagrant/test/http_example/0 
      I0921 19:45:38.744 [qtp1742582311-39, Slf4jRequestLog:60] - - [21/Sep/2016:19:45:38 +0000] "POST //aurora.local/api HTTP/1.1" 200 108  
      I0921 19:45:38.771 [TaskEventBatchWorker, JobUpdateControllerImpl:587] IJobUpdateKey{job=IJobKey{role=vagrant, environment=test, name=http_example}, id=97ff31cc-c17f-45ef-a1d9-c16cb07388c7} evaluation result: EvaluationResult{status=WORKING, sideEffects={0=SideEffect{action=Optional.of(ADD_TASK), statusChanges=[]}}} 
      I0921 19:45:38.786 [TaskEventBatchWorker, JobUpdateControllerImpl:654] Executing side-effects for update of IJobUpdateKey{job=IJobKey{role=vagrant, environment=test, name=http_example}, id=97ff31cc-c17f-45ef-a1d9-c16cb07388c7}: {0=SideEffect{action=Optional.of(ADD_TASK), statusChanges=[]}} 
      I0921 19:45:38.789 [TaskEventBatchWorker, InstanceActionHandler$AddTask:95] Adding instance IInstanceKey{jobKey=IJobKey{role=vagrant, environment=test, name=http_example}, instanceId=0} while ROLLING_FORWARD 
      I0921 19:45:38.805 [TaskEventBatchWorker, StateMachine$Builder:389] vagrant-test-http_example-0-100b76ee-ed70-4e15-8e52-046f992d0b4a state machine transition INIT -> PENDING 
      I0921 19:45:38.806 [TaskEventBatchWorker, TaskStateMachine:474] Adding work command SAVE_STATE for vagrant-test-http_example-0-100b76ee-ed70-4e15-8e52-046f992d0b4a 
      I0921 19:45:38.808 [ShutdownHook, SchedulerMain:101] Stopping scheduler services. 
      I0921 19:45:38.822 [TimeSeriesRepositoryImpl STOPPING, TimeSeriesRepositoryImpl:168] Variable sampler shut down 
      I0921 19:45:38.839 [TearDownShutdownRegistry STOPPING, ShutdownRegistry$ShutdownRegistryImpl:77] Executing 4 shutdown commands. 
      E0921 19:45:38.845 [TaskEventBatchWorker, BatchWorker:217] TaskEventBatchWorker: Failed to process batch item. Error: {} org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: 
      ### Error querying database.  Cause: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Database is already closed (to disable automatic closing at VM shutdown, add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE" to the db URL) [90121-190]
      ### The error may exist in org/apache/aurora/scheduler/storage/db/TaskMapper.xml
      ### The error may involve org.apache.aurora.scheduler.storage.db.TaskMapper.selectById
      ### The error occurred while executing a query
      ### SQL: SELECT       t.id AS row_id,       t.task_config_row_id AS task_config_row_id,       t.task_id AS task_id,       t.instance_id AS instance_id,       t.status AS status,       t.failure_count AS failure_count,       t.ancestor_task_id AS ancestor_id,       j.role AS c_j_role,       j.environment AS c_j_environment,       j.name AS c_j_name,       h.slave_id AS slave_id,       h.host AS slave_host,       tp.id as tp_id,       tp.name as tp_name,       tp.port as tp_port,       te.id as te_id,       te.timestamp_ms as te_timestamp,       te.status as te_status,       te.message as te_message,       te.scheduler_host as te_scheduler     FROM tasks AS t     INNER JOIN task_configs as c ON c.id = t.task_config_row_id     INNER JOIN job_keys AS j ON j.id = c.job_key_id     LEFT OUTER JOIN task_ports as tp ON tp.task_row_id = t.id     LEFT OUTER JOIN task_events as te ON te.task_row_id = t.id     LEFT OUTER JOIN host_attributes AS h ON h.id = t.slave_row_id         WHERE       t.task_id = ?


        1. aurora-scheduler.log
          5.42 MB
          Stephan Erb

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              maximk Maxim Khutornenko
              StephanErb Stephan Erb
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