Hi Team,
Our message flow involves a AMQP Producer, Broker (with custom plugin) and a AMQP Consumer.
The message is sent by Producer to TEST queue with few headers, the broker plugin adds few more headers on BeforeSend event on the TEST queue. When the message is consumed by the consumer from TEST we see loss of certain headers.
We started facing this after the recent migration of the consumer from Openwire to AMQP protocol. There is no loss of header when the Producer/Consumer is on openwire.
Producer(AMQP) to TEST
Header1:String, Header2:long
Plugin on BeforeSend event on TEST
Adds two new headers PluginHeader1(String), PluginHeader2(long)
Consumer(AMQP) from TEST
Headers : Header1,Header2 (PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 missing)
Additional info:
If browsing message in console on TEST: Headers : Header1,Header2,PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 (All headers are present)
If the message is moved from TEST to TEST1 queue directly on the Web Console, the headers PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 are lost on TEST1 queue.
Header1:String, Header2:long
Adds two new headers PluginHeader1(String), PluginHeader2(long)
Headers : Header1,Header2,PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 (All headers are present)
Additional info:
If browsing message in console on TEST: Headers : Header1,Header2,PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 (All headers are present)
If the message is moved from TEST to TEST1 queue directly on the Web Console, the headers PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 are lost on TEST1 queue.
Header1:String, Header2:long
Adds two new headers PluginHeader1(String), PluginHeader2(long)
Headers : Header1,Header2,PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 (All headers are present)
Additional info:
If browsing message in console on TEST: Headers : Header1,Header2,PluginHeader1, PluginHeader2 (All headers are present)
If the message is moved from TEST to TEST1 queue directly on the Web Console, all headers are present TEST1 queue.
Mohanavalli A