Get "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream." exception when sending a message. Message gets added to queue appropriately though.
Stack trace:
at System.IO.__Error.EndOfFile()
at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer(Int32 numBytes)
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt32()
at Apache.NMS.Util.EndianBinaryReader.ReadInt32()
at Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.OpenWire.OpenWireFormat.Unmarshal(BinaryReader dis)
at Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Transport.Tcp.TcpTransport.ReadLoop()
To replicate run attached console against an ActiveMQ 5.2 broker. Inputs entered should be similar to the following, of which after entering Visual Studio 2008 breaks at the exception being thrown. Bug does not occur when using NMS 1.2.
What is the machine name your broker is running on?
What is the port your broker is running on?
URI using is: failover:(tcp://wamqdev1:10200?transport.UseLogging=true)
What is the queue?
Run consumer? (Y/N)N
Run producer? (Y/N)Y
Do you need to enter a username/password? (Y/N)Y
enter Usernameuser
enter Passwordpassword
How many messages do you want to send (e.g. 10)?
Press <enter> at any time to shutdown.
Please enter a pace to send messages in milliseconds (e.g. 1000) or 0 for no wai
t between message sending. Test was started at 5/19/2010 11:14:34 AM.