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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-7168

ActiveMQ Karaf Features Install SNAPSHOT Karaf Bundles



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 5.15.8
    • None
    • OSGi/Karaf
    • None


      When installing the activemq-client 5.15.8 feature in a fresh install of Apache Karaf 4.2.3, the following SNAPSHOT bundles show up:

      • Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Boot - 4.3.0.SNAPSHOT
      • Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Console - 4.3.0.SNAPSHOT
      • Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Table - 4.3.0.SNAPSHOT


      Here's a log of what I did:

      karaf@root()> mifarjcarman-m1:apache-karaf-4.2.3 jcarman$ rm -fR data
      mifarjcarman-m1:apache-karaf-4.2.3 jcarman$ bin/karaf
              __ __                  ____
             / //_/____ __________ _/ __/
            / ,<  / __ `/ ___/ __ `/ /_
           / /| |/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / __/
          /_/ |_|\__,_/_/   \__,_/_/
        Apache Karaf (4.2.3)
      Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
      and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
      Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown Karaf.
      karaf@root()> feature:repo-add activemq 5.15.8
      Adding feature url mvn:org.apache.activemq/activemq-karaf/5.15.8/xml/features
      karaf@root()> feature:install activemq-client
      karaf@root()> list -t 0
      START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 0
      ID │ State    │ Lvl │ Version          │ Name
       0 │ Active   │   0 │ 5.6.12           │ System Bundle, Fragments: 1
       1 │ Resolved │   1 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Features :: Extension, Hosts: 0
       2 │ Active   │   5 │ 1.2.2            │ Apache Felix Metatype Service
       3 │ Active   │   5 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: OSGi Services :: EventAdmin
       4 │ Active   │   5 │ 2.6.1            │ OPS4J Pax Url - mvn:
       5 │ Active   │   8 │ 1.17.1           │ jansi
       6 │ Active   │   8 │ 1.10.1           │ OPS4J Pax Logging - API
       7 │ Active   │   8 │ 1.10.1           │ OPS4J Pax Logging - Log4j v2
       8 │ Active   │   9 │ 1.0.2            │ Apache Felix Coordinator Service
       9 │ Active   │  10 │ 1.9.10           │ Apache Felix Configuration Admin Service
      10 │ Active   │  11 │ 3.6.4            │ Apache Felix File Install
      11 │ Active   │  15 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Features :: Core
      12 │ Active   │  30 │ 2.9.0            │ Apache ServiceMix :: Specs :: Activation API 1.4
      13 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.1.5            │ Apache Aries JMX API
      14 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.1.8            │ Apache Aries JMX Core
      15 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.2.0            │ Apache Aries Whiteboard support for JMX DynamicMBean services
      16 │ Active   │  20 │ 1.1.3            │ Apache Aries Util
      17 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Bundle :: Core
      18 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: ConfigAdmin :: Core
      19 │ Active   │  26 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Features
      20 │ Active   │  24 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Karaf Archive (.kar)
      21 │ Active   │  24 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Wrap Non OSGi Jar
      22 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Diagnostic :: Core
      23 │ Active   │  80 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: OSGi Services :: Event
      24 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Features :: Command
      25 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Instance :: Core
      26 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Command
      27 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Config
      28 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Modules
      29 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: KAR :: Core
      30 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Log :: Core
      31 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Management
      32 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Package :: Core
      33 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Service :: Core
      34 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Various Commands
      35 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Core, Fragments: 62
      36 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: SSH
      37 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: System :: Core
      38 │ Active   │  30 │         │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: not-yet-commons-ssl
      39 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.7.0            │ Apache Mina SSHD :: Core
      42 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.9.0            │ JLine Terminal, Fragments: 75
      44 │ Active   │   5 │ 2.6.1            │ OPS4J Pax Url - wrap:
      45 │ Active   │  50 │ 5.15.8           │ activemq-osgi
      46 │ Active   │  20 │ 1.0.1            │ Apache Aries Blueprint API
      47 │ Active   │  20 │ 1.3.1            │ Apache Aries Blueprint CM
      48 │ Active   │  20 │ 1.10.1           │ Apache Aries Blueprint Core, Fragments: 49
      49 │ Resolved │  20 │ 1.0.0            │ Apache Aries Blueprint Core Compatiblity Fragment Bundle, Hosts: 48
      50 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.2.0            │ Apache Aries JMX Blueprint API
      51 │ Active   │  30 │ 1.2.0            │ Apache Aries JMX Blueprint Core
      52 │ Active   │  20 │ 1.1.4            │ Apache Aries Proxy Service
      53 │ Active   │  50 │ 3.6.0            │ Apache Commons Net
      54 │ Active   │  50 │ 2.4.2            │ Apache Commons Pool
      55 │ Active   │  50 │ 1.0.1            │ geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec
      56 │ Active   │  50 │ 1.1.1            │ geronimo-jms_1.1_spec
      57 │ Active   │  50 │ 1.1.1            │ geronimo-jta_1.1_spec
      58 │ Active   │  50 │ 3.4.6            │ ZooKeeper Bundle
      59 │ Active   │  24 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: Deployer :: Blueprint
      60 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.2.3            │ Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Blueprint :: Config
      61 │ Resolved │  80 │ 4.3.0.SNAPSHOT   │ Apache Karaf :: JAAS :: Boot
      62 │ Resolved │  30 │ 4.3.0.SNAPSHOT   │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Console, Hosts: 35
      63 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.3.0.SNAPSHOT   │ Apache Karaf :: Shell :: Table
      64 │ Active   │  30 │          │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: aopalliance
      65 │ Active   │  50 │         │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jaxb-impl
      66 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.3.22.RELEASE_2 │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-aop
      67 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.3.22.RELEASE_2 │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-beans
      68 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.3.22.RELEASE_2 │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-context
      69 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.3.22.RELEASE_2 │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-context-support
      70 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.3.22.RELEASE_2 │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-core
      71 │ Active   │  30 │ 4.3.22.RELEASE_2 │ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: spring-expression
      72 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.10.0           │ JLine Builtins
      73 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.10.0           │ JLine Reader
      74 │ Active   │  30 │ 3.10.0           │ JLine Terminal, Fragments: 75
      75 │ Resolved │  30 │ 3.10.0           │ JLine JANSI Terminal, Hosts: 74, 42
      76 │ Active   │  50 │ 0.6.4            │ JAXB2 Basics - Runtime
      77 │ Active   │  20 │ 7.1.0            │ org.objectweb.asm
      78 │ Active   │  20 │ 7.1.0            │ org.objectweb.asm.commons
      79 │ Active   │  20 │ 7.1.0            │ org.objectweb.asm.tree
      80 │ Active   │  20 │ 7.1.0            │ org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis
      81 │ Active   │  20 │ 7.1.0            │ org.objectweb.asm.util




            jbonofre Jean-Baptiste Onofré
            jwcarman James Carman
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

