Uploaded image for project: 'ActiveMQ Classic'
  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-6405

"Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet" after restarting master repeatedly



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • None
    • None
    • LevelDB
    • None
    • Junit


      I created the following unit test to restart master repeatedly in ReplicatedLevelDBBrokerTest.java. Occasionally it hung up and reported "Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.". It can't be re-produced every time as it depends largely on timing.

      I think it happened due to an issue of hawtdispatch-transport. I have created a pull request for that. The issue caused the "next" callback of wal_session_copy.transport.stop(next) not being triggered.

      I'm not sure when the pull request will be merged and released as hawtdispatch-transport doesn't seem to be maintained actively. That would be great if some work-around could be done in ActiveMQ.

      @Test(timeout = 1000*60*10)
          public void test() throws Throwable {
          	boolean jmx = false;
              try {
                  System.out.println("1.	Start 3 activemq nodes.");
                  BrokerService master = waitForNextMaster();
                  System.out.println("2.	Push a message to the master and browse the queue");
                  sendMessage(master, pad("Hello World #1", 1024));
                  assertEquals(1, browseMessages(master, jmx).size());
                  int times = 200; 
                  System.out.println("iteration " + times + " times.");
                  for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
      	            System.out.println( i  + ".3.	Restart master node");
      	            master = createBrokerNode(master.getBrokerName());
      	            master = waitForNextMaster();
      	            System.out.println(i + ".4.	Browse the queue on new master");
      	            assertEquals(1, browseMessages(master, jmx).size());
      	            System.out.println(i + ".5.	Found");
              } catch (Throwable e) {
                  throw e;
      Starting ZooKeeper
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,848 | INFO  | main | Server environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,853 | INFO  | main | Server environment:host.name=
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,853 | INFO  | main | Server environment:java.version=1.7.0_79
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,853 | INFO  | main | Server environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,853 | INFO  | main | Server environment:java.home=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,854 | INFO  | main | Server environment:java.class.path=/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/test-classes:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.0/scala-library-2.11.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-broker/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-client/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/javax/jmdns/jmdns/3.4.1/jmdns-3.4.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.13/slf4j-api-1.7.13.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec/1.1.1/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtbuf/hawtbuf/1.11/hawtbuf-1.11.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec/1.0.1/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-net/commons-net/3.5/commons-net-3.5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.12/junit-4.12.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12/1.7.13/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.13.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/log4j/log4j/1.2.17/log4j-1.2.17.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-openwire-legacy/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtbuf/hawtbuf-proto/1.11/hawtbuf-proto-1.11.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtdispatch/hawtdispatch-scala-2.11/1.22/hawtdispatch-scala-2.11-1.22.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtdispatch/hawtdispatch/1.22/hawtdispatch-1.22.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/iq80/leveldb/leveldb-api/0.6/leveldb-api-0.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/iq80/leveldb/leveldb/0.6/leveldb-0.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/google/guava/guava/12.0/guava-12.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/google/code/findbugs/jsr305/1.3.9/jsr305-1.3.9.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/leveldbjni/leveldbjni/1.8/leveldbjni-1.8.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtjni/hawtjni-runtime/1.9/hawtjni-runtime-1.9.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/hawtdispatch/hawtdispatch-transport/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/linkedin/org.linkedin.zookeeper-impl/1.4.0/org.linkedin.zookeeper-impl-1.4.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/linkedin/org.linkedin.util-groovy/1.7.1/org.linkedin.util-groovy-1.7.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/jul-to-slf4j/1.5.8/jul-to-slf4j-1.5.8.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant/1.8.4/ant-1.8.4.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant-launcher/1.8.4/ant-launcher-1.8.4.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/json/json/20090211/json-20090211.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/linkedin/org.linkedin.util-core/1.4.0/org.linkedin.util-core-1.4.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/zookeeper/zookeeper/3.4.6/zookeeper-3.4.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/jline/jline/0.9.94/jline-0.9.94.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/io/netty/netty/3.7.0.Final/netty-3.7.0.Final.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/osgi/org.osgi.core/4.3.1/org.osgi.core-4.3.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/osgi/org.osgi.compendium/4.3.1/org.osgi.compendium-4.3.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.5/commons-io-2.5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/xerial/snappy/snappy-java/1.1.2/snappy-java-1.1.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/iq80/snappy/snappy/0.2/snappy-0.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-core/2.6.3/jackson-core-2.6.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-annotations/2.6.3/jackson-annotations-2.6.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-databind/2.6.3/jackson-databind-2.6.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-core/1.0.0/hadoop-core-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-configuration/commons-configuration/1.6/commons-configuration-1.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.2/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-digester/commons-digester/1.8/commons-digester-1.8.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils/1.9.2/commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils-core/1.8.0/commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-broker/target/test-classes:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-kahadb-store/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/activemq/protobuf/activemq-protobuf/1.1/activemq-protobuf-1.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-test/1.0.0/hadoop-test-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ftpserver/ftplet-api/1.0.0/ftplet-api-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/mina/mina-core/2.0.0-M5/mina-core-2.0.0-M5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ftpserver/ftpserver-core/1.0.0/ftpserver-core-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ftpserver/ftpserver-deprecated/1.0.0-M2/ftpserver-deprecated-1.0.0-M2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/tomcat/jasper-runtime/5.5.12/jasper-runtime-5.5.12.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/tomcat/jasper-compiler/5.5.12/jasper-compiler-5.5.12.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-math/2.2/commons-math-2.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scalatest/scalatest_2.11/2.1.5/scalatest_2.11-2.1.5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.11.0/scala-reflect-2.11.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-parser-combinators_2.11/1.0.1/scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.1/scala-xml_2.11-1.0.1.jar:/Applications/Eclipse-Mars-4.5.app/Contents/Eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/379/0/.cp/:/Applications/Eclipse-Mars-4.5.app/Contents/Eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/378/0/.cp/
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,854 | INFO  | main | Server environment:java.library.path=/Users/samuel.ma/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:.
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,855 | INFO  | main | Server environment:java.io.tmpdir=/var/folders/7k/ds05vsr900q_s75x5wq2q9g40000gp/T/
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,855 | INFO  | main | Server environment:java.compiler=<NA>
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,855 | INFO  | main | Server environment:os.name=Mac OS X
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,855 | INFO  | main | Server environment:os.arch=x86_64
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,855 | INFO  | main | Server environment:os.version=10.10.5
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,856 | INFO  | main | Server environment:user.name=samuel.ma
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,856 | INFO  | main | Server environment:user.home=/Users/samuel.ma
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,856 | INFO  | main | Server environment:user.dir=/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,857 | INFO  | main | tickTime set to 500
      2016-08-25 09:01:04,905 | INFO  | main | binding to port
      ZooKeeper started
      1.	Start 3 activemq nodes.
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,242 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,242 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,242 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,771 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,772 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,771 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:host.name=
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:java.version=1.7.0_79
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:java.home=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:java.class.path=/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/test-classes:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.11.0/scala-library-2.11.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-broker/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-client/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/javax/jmdns/jmdns/3.4.1/jmdns-3.4.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.13/slf4j-api-1.7.13.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec/1.1.1/geronimo-jms_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtbuf/hawtbuf/1.11/hawtbuf-1.11.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec/1.0.1/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec-1.0.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-net/commons-net/3.5/commons-net-3.5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.12/junit-4.12.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12/1.7.13/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.13.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/log4j/log4j/1.2.17/log4j-1.2.17.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-openwire-legacy/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtbuf/hawtbuf-proto/1.11/hawtbuf-proto-1.11.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtdispatch/hawtdispatch-scala-2.11/1.22/hawtdispatch-scala-2.11-1.22.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtdispatch/hawtdispatch/1.22/hawtdispatch-1.22.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/iq80/leveldb/leveldb-api/0.6/leveldb-api-0.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/iq80/leveldb/leveldb/0.6/leveldb-0.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/google/guava/guava/12.0/guava-12.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/google/code/findbugs/jsr305/1.3.9/jsr305-1.3.9.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/leveldbjni/leveldbjni/1.8/leveldbjni-1.8.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/fusesource/hawtjni/hawtjni-runtime/1.9/hawtjni-runtime-1.9.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/hawtdispatch/hawtdispatch-transport/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/linkedin/org.linkedin.zookeeper-impl/1.4.0/org.linkedin.zookeeper-impl-1.4.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/linkedin/org.linkedin.util-groovy/1.7.1/org.linkedin.util-groovy-1.7.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/jul-to-slf4j/1.5.8/jul-to-slf4j-1.5.8.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant/1.8.4/ant-1.8.4.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ant/ant-launcher/1.8.4/ant-launcher-1.8.4.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/json/json/20090211/json-20090211.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/linkedin/org.linkedin.util-core/1.4.0/org.linkedin.util-core-1.4.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/zookeeper/zookeeper/3.4.6/zookeeper-3.4.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/jline/jline/0.9.94/jline-0.9.94.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/io/netty/netty/3.7.0.Final/netty-3.7.0.Final.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/osgi/org.osgi.core/4.3.1/org.osgi.core-4.3.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/osgi/org.osgi.compendium/4.3.1/org.osgi.compendium-4.3.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.5/commons-io-2.5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/xerial/snappy/snappy-java/1.1.2/snappy-java-1.1.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/iq80/snappy/snappy/0.2/snappy-0.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-core/2.6.3/jackson-core-2.6.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-annotations/2.6.3/jackson-annotations-2.6.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/com/fasterxml/jackson/core/jackson-databind/2.6.3/jackson-databind-2.6.3.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-core/1.0.0/hadoop-core-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-configuration/commons-configuration/1.6/commons-configuration-1.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-collections/commons-collections/3.2.2/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-digester/commons-digester/1.8/commons-digester-1.8.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils/1.9.2/commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils-core/1.8.0/commons-beanutils-core-1.8.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-broker/target/test-classes:/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-kahadb-store/target/classes:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/activemq/protobuf/activemq-protobuf/1.1/activemq-protobuf-1.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-test/1.0.0/hadoop-test-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ftpserver/ftplet-api/1.0.0/ftplet-api-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/mina/mina-core/2.0.0-M5/mina-core-2.0.0-M5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ftpserver/ftpserver-core/1.0.0/ftpserver-core-1.0.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/ftpserver/ftpserver-deprecated/1.0.0-M2/ftpserver-deprecated-1.0.0-M2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/tomcat/jasper-runtime/5.5.12/jasper-runtime-5.5.12.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/tomcat/jasper-compiler/5.5.12/jasper-compiler-5.5.12.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-math/2.2/commons-math-2.2.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scalatest/scalatest_2.11/2.1.5/scalatest_2.11-2.1.5.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-reflect/2.11.0/scala-reflect-2.11.0.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-parser-combinators_2.11/1.0.1/scala-parser-combinators_2.11-1.0.1.jar:/Users/samuel.ma/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/modules/scala-xml_2.11/1.0.1/scala-xml_2.11-1.0.1.jar:/Applications/Eclipse-Mars-4.5.app/Contents/Eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/379/0/.cp/:/Applications/Eclipse-Mars-4.5.app/Contents/Eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/378/0/.cp/
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:java.library.path=/Users/samuel.ma/Library/Java/Extensions:/Library/Java/Extensions:/Network/Library/Java/Extensions:/System/Library/Java/Extensions:/usr/lib/java:.
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:java.io.tmpdir=/var/folders/7k/ds05vsr900q_s75x5wq2q9g40000gp/T/
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:java.compiler=<NA>
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:os.name=Mac OS X
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:os.arch=x86_64
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:os.version=10.10.5
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:user.name=samuel.ma
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:user.home=/Users/samuel.ma
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Client environment:user.dir=/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,783 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@57f6eb51
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,783 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@13d33ff5
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,783 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@57f6eb51
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,803 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,803 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,803 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,807 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,807 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,808 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,808 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,812 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54919
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,815 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,816 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,816 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54919
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,817 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,818 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Creating new log file: log.1
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,827 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250000 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,828 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250000, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,828 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250001 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54919
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,828 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250002 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,829 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250001, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,829 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250002, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,860 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Got user-level KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x156bec917250001 type:create cxid:0x3 zxid:0x5 txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error Path:/default Error:KeeperErrorCode = NodeExists for /default
      2016-08-25 09:01:05,861 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Got user-level KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x156bec917250002 type:create cxid:0x3 zxid:0x6 txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error Path:/default Error:KeeperErrorCode = NodeExists for /default
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,391 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,393 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,405 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,524 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | listeners are taking too long to process the events
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,524 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | listeners are taking too long to process the events
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,568 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,932 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54921
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,943 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,943 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,965 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54921
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,965 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54921
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,982 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:06,982 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,784 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,784 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,852 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.00/0.00 kb and 1/1 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,852 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.00/0.00 kb and 1/1 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,854 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,854 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:07,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,132 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:1) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,167 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54927
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,168 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,168 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:1) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,168 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,169 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 0 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30381 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30381 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,170 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 0 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30381 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30381 mb
      Master started: node-2
      2.	Push a message to the master and browse the queue
      iteration 200 times.
      0.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,709 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:1) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,711 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,731 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,731 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,731 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250000
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,732 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250000 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,732 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,733 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250000
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,737 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,737 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,738 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:08,738 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,193 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,193 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,194 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,228 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,234 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,241 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,325 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,341 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:1) uptime 4.193 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,341 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:1) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,350 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,358 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@22ea26c0
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,358 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,359 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,360 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,360 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,361 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,362 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250003 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,362 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250003, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,390 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54931
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,396 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,396 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,410 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54931
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,410 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54931
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,410 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,410 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,769 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000002
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000002
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000003.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000003.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.36/2.70 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.05/1.34 kb and 1/3 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.41/2.70 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.68/2.70 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.06/1.34 kb and 2/3 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.34/1.34 kb and 3/3 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/2.70 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,790 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,790 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,792 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:2) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,821 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54936
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,822 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,822 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:2) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,822 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,822 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30783 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30783 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,822 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30783 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30783 mb
      Master started: node-3
      0.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      0.5.	Found
      1.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,877 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:2) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,878 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,881 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,881 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,881 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250001
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,882 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250001 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,882 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54919 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250001
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,882 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,882 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,883 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,920 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,924 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,930 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,990 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,992 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:2) uptime 4.846 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,992 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:2) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:09,997 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54938
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,000 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,006 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@58053ef7
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,006 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,006 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,007 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,007 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,007 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54939
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,007 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54938
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,008 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54939
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,008 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,008 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250004 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54939
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,009 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250004, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,021 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,024 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54938
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,025 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,027 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,031 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000004
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000006.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,035 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,037 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.10/2.25 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,038 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.05/2.25 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,038 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.07/2.25 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,039 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.25/2.25 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,040 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,041 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,042 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,043 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000006.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,043 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,043 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,044 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000004
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,044 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:3) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,053 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.95/2.25 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,053 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.13/2.25 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,054 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.15/2.25 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,055 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.25/2.25 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,056 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,063 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54944
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,063 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,064 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:3) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,064 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,064 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,064 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-1
      1.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      1.5.	Found
      2.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,115 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:3) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,116 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,119 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,120 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250002
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,120 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,120 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250002 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,120 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,121 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250002
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,122 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,124 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,125 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,130 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,130 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,134 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,143 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,148 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,157 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,204 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54946
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,210 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,212 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54946
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,212 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000006.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000004
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,244 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,245 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:3) uptime 5.100 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,245 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:3) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/2.25 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.29/2.25 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.24/2.25 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.25/2.25 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,263 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,268 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@626495c2
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,268 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,269 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,270 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:4) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,270 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,271 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54949
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,271 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54949
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,279 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250005 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54949
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,280 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250005, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,305 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54950
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,305 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,306 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,307 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:4) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,307 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,307 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,307 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,307 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54946
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,308 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      Master started: node-2
      2.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,359 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,367 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000004
      2.5.	Found
      3.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,368 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:4) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,368 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,369 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000006.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,369 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,369 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,372 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,373 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250003
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,373 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,374 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250003 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,374 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,375 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250003
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,377 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,378 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,380 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,381 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,400 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,400 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,404 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,407 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,414 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,419 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,455 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54954
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,461 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,461 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54954
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,461 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,479 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,480 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:4) uptime 1.138 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,480 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:4) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,488 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,492 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,492 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7171ff47
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,493 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,494 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,494 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,495 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,495 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,497 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250006 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,497 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250006, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,500 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,502 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000007
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,502 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000009.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,502 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,511 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.95/3.21 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,511 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,511 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/3.21 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,512 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.01/3.21 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,513 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54954
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,513 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,513 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.19/3.21 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,514 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.21/3.21 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,514 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,518 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,520 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:5) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,535 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54959
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,536 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,536 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:5) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,536 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,536 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,537 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,537 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      Master started: node-3
      3.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,549 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,551 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000009.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,551 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000007
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,552 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,552 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,552 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,573 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/3.21 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,574 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.34/3.21 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,574 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.29/3.21 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,575 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.19/3.21 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,576 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.21/3.21 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,576 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,582 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      3.5.	Found
      4.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,588 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:5) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,589 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,592 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,593 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250004
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,593 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,594 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250004 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,594 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,594 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54939 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250004
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,596 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,596 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,626 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,627 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,630 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,653 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,658 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,665 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,704 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54962
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,710 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,711 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54962
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,712 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,723 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,724 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:5) uptime 0.731 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,724 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:5) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,732 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,735 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@17c1fbff
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,735 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,736 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,737 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,737 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,738 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,739 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250007 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,739 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250007, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,742 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,765 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,768 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54962
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,768 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000007
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000009.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/3.21 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/3.21 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.07/3.21 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.02/3.21 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,781 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.21/3.21 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,781 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,785 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,787 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:6) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54967
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:6) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,800 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,800 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      4.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,857 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,867 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,868 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000007
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,868 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000009.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,868 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,869 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,869 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.15/3.21 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,880 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.34/3.21 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,881 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.24/3.21 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.19/3.21 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.21/3.21 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,896 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      4.5.	Found
      5.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,927 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:6) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,930 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,935 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,936 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,938 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250005
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,939 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54949 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250005
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,939 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250005 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,940 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,941 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,942 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,952 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,953 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,984 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,985 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:10,988 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,005 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,010 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,016 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,060 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,061 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:6) uptime 0.815 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,061 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:6) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,063 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54970
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,067 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,068 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,070 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6d2eb2e
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,071 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54970
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,071 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,071 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,072 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,072 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,072 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,072 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,073 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250008 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,074 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250008, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,089 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,091 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54970
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,091 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,108 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000010
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000012.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000010
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,124 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,124 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,125 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,125 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,125 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000012.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/4.16 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/4.16 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,131 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.86/4.16 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,131 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.07/4.16 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,132 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.97/4.16 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,133 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.16/4.16 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,133 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,136 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,138 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.21/4.16 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,138 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:7) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,139 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.11/4.16 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,140 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.01/4.16 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,140 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.96/4.16 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,141 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.97/4.16 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,142 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.16/4.16 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,142 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,148 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54976
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,148 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,148 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:7) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,148 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,148 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,149 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      5.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      5.5.	Found
      6.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,184 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:7) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,185 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,189 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,190 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,191 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250006
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,192 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250006 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,192 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,192 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250006
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,196 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,196 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,197 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,197 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,243 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,243 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,244 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,246 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,250 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,258 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,306 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,307 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:7) uptime 0.826 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,307 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:7) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,313 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,316 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6086510a
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,316 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54978
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,316 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,317 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,318 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,318 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54979
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,318 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54979
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,319 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250009 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54979
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,319 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250009, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,323 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,324 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54978
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,324 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,330 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,332 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54978
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,332 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000012.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000010
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,358 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/4.16 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,359 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/4.16 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,359 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,360 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,360 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.82/4.16 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,360 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,360 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000010
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,360 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000012.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,361 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/4.16 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,361 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,361 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,361 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.21/4.16 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,362 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.16/4.16 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,362 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,365 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,366 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:8) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,366 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.95/4.16 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,367 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.96/4.16 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,368 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.17/4.16 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,369 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.35/4.16 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,370 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.26/4.16 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.16/4.16 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,384 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54984
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,384 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,385 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:8) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,385 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,385 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,385 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      6.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      6.5.	Found
      7.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,421 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:8) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,422 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,426 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,427 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,427 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250007
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,428 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250007 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,428 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,428 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250007
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,432 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,432 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,486 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,488 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,506 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,507 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,511 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,515 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,531 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,532 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:8) uptime 0.806 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,532 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:8) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,536 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,538 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@28289bdd
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,539 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,540 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,540 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,540 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,541 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,542 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725000a with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,542 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725000a, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,567 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54987
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,572 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,572 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,574 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54987
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,574 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54987
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,574 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,574 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,601 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000013
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000015.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000016.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/5.11 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000015.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000013
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000016.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.16/5.11 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.17/5.11 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.36/5.11 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.26/5.11 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.26/5.11 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.21/5.11 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.11/5.11 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,631 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,632 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/5.11 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,633 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.44/5.11 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,634 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.34/5.11 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.34/5.11 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,636 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.36/5.11 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,638 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.26/5.11 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,639 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.21/5.11 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,640 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.11/5.11 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,640 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,644 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,646 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,646 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:9) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,656 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:54992
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,656 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,657 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:9) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,657 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,657 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,657 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      7.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      7.5.	Found
      8.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,690 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:9) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,691 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,697 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,698 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250008
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,699 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250008 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,699 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250008
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,699 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,704 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,704 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,704 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,705 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,756 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,760 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,779 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,779 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,785 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,790 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,819 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,820 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:9) uptime 0.758 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,820 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:9) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,825 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,830 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@15bfc674
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,830 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,831 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,831 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,831 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54994
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,832 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54994
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,833 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725000b with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54994
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,833 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725000b, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,874 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:54995
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,879 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,879 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,881 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54995
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,881 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,881 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:54995
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,881 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,896 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,906 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,907 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000013
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,907 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000016.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000015.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,909 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,914 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.26/5.11 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.16/5.11 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.06/5.11 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.06/5.11 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.24/5.11 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.26/5.11 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,919 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.16/5.11 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,920 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.11/5.11 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,920 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,923 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,924 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,924 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:10) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,928 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,929 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,929 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000015.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,929 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,930 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,930 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,930 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,930 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000013
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,930 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000016.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,933 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55000
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,933 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,933 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:10) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,933 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,934 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,934 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      8.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,938 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/5.11 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,939 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/5.11 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,940 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.03/5.11 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,941 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.94/5.11 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,942 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.84/5.11 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,942 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.85/5.11 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,944 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.11/5.11 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.11/5.11 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      8.5.	Found
      9.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,967 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:10) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,968 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,976 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,976 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,977 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,977 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250009
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,978 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250009 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,979 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,979 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54979 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250009
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,980 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:11,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,082 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,083 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:10) uptime 0.775 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,083 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:10) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,088 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,093 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7dc082e2
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,093 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,094 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,094 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,094 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55002
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,095 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55002
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,096 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725000c with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55002
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,096 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725000c, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,110 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,125 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,129 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,161 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,162 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,167 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,170 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,225 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55003
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,232 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,233 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,234 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55003
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,235 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,235 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55003
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,235 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,304 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,313 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,313 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,314 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,314 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,314 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,314 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000018.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,314 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,314 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000018.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000016
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000016
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/6.06 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/6.06 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,324 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/6.06 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,324 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/6.06 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/6.06 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/6.06 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,326 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/6.06 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,326 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.72/6.06 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/6.06 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.31/6.06 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.21/6.06 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.25/6.06 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.16/6.06 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.15/6.06 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.06/6.06 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.06/6.06 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,338 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:11) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,341 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,350 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55008
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,350 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,350 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:11) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,350 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,351 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,351 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      9.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      9.5.	Found
      10.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,385 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:11) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,386 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,386 | INFO  | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: tcp:// | socketQueue interrupted - stopping
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,387 | INFO  | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: tcp:// | Could not accept connection during shutdown  : java.lang.InterruptedException
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,392 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,393 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,394 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725000a
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,395 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725000a closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,395 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725000a
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,399 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,399 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,478 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,479 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,482 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,500 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,506 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,512 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,514 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,515 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:11) uptime 0.983 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,515 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:11) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,520 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,523 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@c09a095
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,523 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,524 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,525 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,525 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,525 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,526 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725000d with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,526 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725000d, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,592 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55011
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,599 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,599 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,601 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55011
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,601 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,602 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55011
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,602 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000018.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000016
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,672 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/6.06 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,673 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/6.06 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/6.06 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/6.06 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.83/6.06 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.14/6.06 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000018.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.04/6.06 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000016
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.06/6.06 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,682 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:12) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,686 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/6.06 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,687 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/6.06 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,687 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/6.06 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,688 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.89/6.06 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/6.06 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,690 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.74/6.06 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,691 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.04/6.06 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,692 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.06/6.06 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,692 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55016
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:12) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,696 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,696 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      Master started: node-1
      10.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      10.5.	Found
      11.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,734 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:12) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,735 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,738 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,740 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725000b
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,740 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,743 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725000b closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,743 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,743 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54994 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725000b
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,744 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,744 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,744 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,745 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,847 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,847 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:12) uptime 1.026 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,847 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:12) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,853 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,857 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@b52dc3
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,857 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,858 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,859 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,859 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,859 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,860 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725000e with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,861 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725000e, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,867 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,871 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,875 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,884 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,885 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,890 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,898 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,974 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55019
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,980 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,980 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,982 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55019
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,982 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,982 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55019
      2016-08-25 09:01:12,982 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,027 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,044 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,044 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,045 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,045 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000019
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000021.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,047 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,048 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,049 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000021.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,050 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,050 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,050 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,050 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,050 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000019
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,051 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,051 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,051 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,054 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/7.01 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,055 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/7.01 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,056 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/7.01 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,056 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.71/7.01 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,057 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/7.01 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.56/7.01 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.92/7.01 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.10/7.01 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/7.01 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,061 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.01/7.01 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,061 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/7.01 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,061 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,062 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/7.01 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,063 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/7.01 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,064 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/7.01 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,065 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.14/7.01 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,065 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,065 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.09/7.01 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,066 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.11/7.01 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,067 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:13) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,067 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.01/7.01 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,068 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,073 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,075 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55024
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,075 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,076 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:13) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,076 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,076 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,076 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      11.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      11.5.	Found
      12.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,109 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:13) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,110 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,113 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,114 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,114 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725000c
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,115 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55002 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725000c
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,115 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,115 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725000c closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,121 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,121 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,244 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,245 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:13) uptime 1.161 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,245 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:13) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,249 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,256 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4d995fb7
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,256 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,257 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,258 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,258 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,258 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,259 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725000f with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,259 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725000f, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,262 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,263 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,264 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,265 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,272 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,281 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,360 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55027
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,366 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,366 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,368 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55027
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,369 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,369 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55027
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,369 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000021.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000019
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000021.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000019
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.01 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/7.01 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.44/7.01 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.34/7.01 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.24/7.01 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,444 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.26/7.01 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,445 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.21/7.01 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,446 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.11/7.01 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,447 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.01/7.01 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,448 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/7.01 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,453 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:14) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,454 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/7.01 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/7.01 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/7.01 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/7.01 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/7.01 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.16/7.01 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.11/7.01 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.01/7.01 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,462 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55032
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,462 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,463 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:14) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,463 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,463 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,463 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      12.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      12.5.	Found
      13.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,484 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:14) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,485 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,489 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,489 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725000d
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,489 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,490 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725000d closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,490 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,490 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725000d
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,494 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,494 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,494 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,494 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,594 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,594 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:14) uptime 1.078 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,595 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:14) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,598 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,609 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@41991669
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,610 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,611 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,611 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,611 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55034
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,611 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55034
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,612 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250010 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55034
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,613 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250010, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,627 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,667 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,672 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,678 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,678 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,683 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,688 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,771 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55035
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,777 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,777 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,779 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55035
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,779 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,780 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55035
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,780 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,842 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,842 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,846 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,847 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,847 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,848 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,848 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,848 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000022
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,848 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,848 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000022
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000024.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,849 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000024.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,850 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,850 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,857 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.96 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,858 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/7.96 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,859 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/7.96 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,859 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.11/7.96 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,860 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.01/7.96 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,861 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.91/7.96 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,862 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.81/7.96 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,863 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.82/7.96 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,864 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.77/7.96 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,864 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/7.96 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,864 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.96/7.96 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,864 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/7.96 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,865 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,866 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.86/7.96 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,867 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.76/7.96 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,868 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.66/7.96 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,869 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.07/7.96 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.97/7.96 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.16/7.96 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,871 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:15) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.06/7.96 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.96/7.96 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,878 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55040
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,879 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,879 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:15) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,879 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,879 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,879 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      13.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      13.5.	Found
      14.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,907 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:15) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,908 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,913 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,914 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,915 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,918 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,919 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725000e
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,920 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725000e closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,920 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725000e
      2016-08-25 09:01:13,920 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,038 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,039 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,039 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,041 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,045 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,046 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,047 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:15) uptime 1.199 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,047 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:15) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,050 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,052 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,053 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@102873a6
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,053 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,054 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,055 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,055 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55042
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,055 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55042
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,064 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250011 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55042
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,064 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250011, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,133 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55043
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,139 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,139 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,140 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55043
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,141 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,141 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55043
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,141 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,165 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000022
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000024.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,175 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.41/7.96 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,175 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.31/7.96 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,176 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.33/7.96 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,177 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.23/7.96 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,177 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.13/7.96 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,178 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.03/7.96 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,179 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.97/7.96 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,180 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.87/7.96 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,181 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.77/7.96 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,182 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.96/7.96 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,182 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,187 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:16) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,196 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55047
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,196 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,197 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:16) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,197 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,197 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,197 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      14.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,203 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,219 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,221 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,221 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,221 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,221 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000022
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,221 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,222 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,222 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,222 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000024.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,222 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,222 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      14.5.	Found
      15.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,234 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:16) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,234 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,239 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,240 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,240 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,242 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,242 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725000f
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,253 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725000f closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,253 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725000f
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,253 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,327 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,327 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,330 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,357 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,358 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:16) uptime 1.112 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,358 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:16) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,361 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,365 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6ac47476
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,365 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,366 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,366 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,366 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,366 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,367 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250012 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,367 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250012, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,376 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,425 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,430 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,436 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,519 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55051
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,525 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,525 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,525 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55051
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,525 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,526 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55051
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,526 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,577 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,581 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000025
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000027.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,591 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,593 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,593 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,593 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000025
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000027.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.91 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,598 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/8.91 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,599 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/8.91 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,599 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/8.91 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,600 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.62/8.91 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,601 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.08/8.91 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,602 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.26/8.91 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,603 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.21/8.91 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,603 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.91 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,603 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.11/8.91 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,604 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/8.91 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,604 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.01/8.91 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.91/8.91 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/8.91 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.27/8.91 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.17/8.91 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.08/8.91 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.26/8.91 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,610 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.21/8.91 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,610 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.11/8.91 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.01/8.91 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,611 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:17) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.91/8.91 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,618 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55056
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,618 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,618 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:17) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,618 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,618 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,619 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,620 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      Master started: node-1
      15.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      15.5.	Found
      16.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,646 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:17) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,646 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,652 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,653 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250011
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,653 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,653 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,653 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55042 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250011
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,654 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250011 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,654 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,656 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,656 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,658 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,783 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,784 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:17) uptime 0.736 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,784 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:17) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,788 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,789 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,794 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,795 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@37f832df
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,795 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,796 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,796 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,796 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,797 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,797 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,797 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,798 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250013 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250013, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,802 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,813 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,895 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55059
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,901 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,901 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,902 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55059
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,902 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,903 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55059
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,903 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000027.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000025
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.91 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/8.91 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.82/8.91 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000025
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000027.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.72/8.91 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.62/8.91 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.52/8.91 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.42/8.91 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.32/8.91 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.50/8.91 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.45/8.91 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,983 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.91/8.91 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,983 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.91 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,987 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,988 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.36/8.91 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,989 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.26/8.91 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,990 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:18) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,990 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.44/8.91 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,991 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.34/8.91 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,991 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.36/8.91 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.26/8.91 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.16/8.91 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.06/8.91 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.96/8.91 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,996 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55064
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.91/8.91 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,996 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,996 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:18) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,997 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,997 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:14,997 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      16.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,002 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      16.5.	Found
      17.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,023 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:18) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,024 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,029 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,032 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,034 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250010
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,035 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250010 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,035 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55034 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250010
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,035 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,037 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,037 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,037 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,038 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,140 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,141 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:18) uptime 1.546 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,141 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:18) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,145 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,150 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@184797a
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,151 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,152 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,152 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,152 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55066
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,153 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55066
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,153 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250014 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55066
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,154 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250014, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,174 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,176 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,179 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,232 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,232 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,240 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,245 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,337 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55067
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,343 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,343 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,344 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55067
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,344 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55067
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,344 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,344 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,359 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000030.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000028
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000030.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000031.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000031.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000028
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,424 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,424 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,424 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/9.86 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,424 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/9.86 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/9.86 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.82/9.86 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,426 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/9.86 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,426 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.72/9.86 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/9.86 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.55/9.86 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.56/9.86 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.41/9.86 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.41/9.86 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.47/9.86 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.37/9.86 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.31/9.86 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.55/9.86 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.21/9.86 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.11/9.86 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.45/9.86 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.06/9.86 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.35/9.86 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.96/9.86 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.35/9.86 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,438 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:19) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,444 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55072
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,452 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,452 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:19) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,452 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,452 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,453 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-2
      17.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      17.5.	Found
      18.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,486 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:19) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,488 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,494 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,494 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,495 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250012
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,496 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250012
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,496 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250012 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,496 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,500 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,500 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,616 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,616 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:19) uptime 1.258 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,617 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:19) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,620 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,624 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@519b1696
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,624 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,626 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,626 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,626 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,627 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,628 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250015 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250015, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,647 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,679 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,679 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,686 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,691 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,697 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,702 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,788 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55075
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,792 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,794 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,794 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55075
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,795 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,795 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55075
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,795 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,858 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000030.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000031.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000028
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,874 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000031.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000028
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000030.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/9.86 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.99/9.86 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/9.86 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.95/9.86 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.85/9.86 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/9.86 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.75/9.86 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/9.86 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.65/9.86 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/9.86 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.55/9.86 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.11/9.86 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.55/9.86 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.45/9.86 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.01/9.86 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.35/9.86 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.91/9.86 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.81/9.86 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,892 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.83/9.86 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,893 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.72/9.86 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,894 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.67/9.86 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,895 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,895 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,896 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,898 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,898 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:20) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,903 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55080
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,903 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,903 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:20) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,903 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,904 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,904 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      18.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      18.5.	Found
      19.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,928 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:20) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,929 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,934 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,935 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,936 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,936 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,936 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,936 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,938 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250013
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,939 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250013 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,939 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250013
      2016-08-25 09:01:15,939 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,042 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,043 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:20) uptime 1.258 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,043 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:20) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,046 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,048 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7505d7e7
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,048 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,049 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,049 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,049 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,049 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,050 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250016 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,050 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250016, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,068 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,140 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,140 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,141 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,144 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,147 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,152 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,237 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55083
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,242 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,242 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,243 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55083
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,243 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,244 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55083
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,244 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,319 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,319 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,326 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000031
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000033.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000031
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000033.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,348 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/10.81 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,348 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/10.81 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,349 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/10.81 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,349 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.46/10.81 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.82/10.81 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.36/10.81 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.72/10.81 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.26/10.81 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.62/10.81 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.16/10.81 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.06/10.81 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.52/10.81 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.96/10.81 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.08/10.81 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.86/10.81 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.98/10.81 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.76/10.81 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.88/10.81 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.71/10.81 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.78/10.81 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.89/10.81 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.96/10.81 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.91/10.81 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.81/10.81 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.91/10.81 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.81/10.81 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,361 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,362 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:21) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,362 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,367 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55088
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,367 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,367 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:21) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,367 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,368 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,368 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      19.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      19.5.	Found
      20.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,389 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:21) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,390 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,396 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,398 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250014
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,399 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250014 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,399 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,399 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55066 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250014
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,400 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,404 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,525 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,526 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:21) uptime 1.382 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,526 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:21) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,529 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,532 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@177a26e
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,533 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,533 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,534 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,534 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55090
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,535 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55090
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,536 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250017 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55090
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,536 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250017, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,550 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,556 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,556 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,561 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,578 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,586 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,592 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,675 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55091
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,680 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,680 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,681 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55091
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,681 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55091
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,681 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,682 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,696 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,749 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,757 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,758 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,758 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000033.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,758 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000031
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,760 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000033.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000031
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/10.81 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/10.81 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.03/10.81 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.93/10.81 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.83/10.81 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,774 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/10.81 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,775 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.63/10.81 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.53/10.81 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/10.81 kb and 1/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.43/10.81 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/10.81 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.89/10.81 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/10.81 kb and 2/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.79/10.81 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.81/10.81 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/10.81 kb and 3/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/10.81 kb and 4/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,781 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/10.81 kb and 5/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,782 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/10.81 kb and 6/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,783 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,783 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/10.81 kb and 7/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,784 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.32/10.81 kb and 8/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,784 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:22) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,785 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.26/10.81 kb and 9/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,786 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.16/10.81 kb and 10/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,786 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/10.81 kb and 11/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,787 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.25/10.81 kb and 12/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,788 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.81/10.81 kb and 13/13 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,788 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,790 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55096
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,790 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,791 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:22) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,791 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,791 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,791 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,793 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      Master started: node-2
      20.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      20.5.	Found
      21.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,813 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:22) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,814 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,814 | INFO  | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: tcp:// | socketQueue interrupted - stopping
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,815 | INFO  | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: tcp:// | Could not accept connection during shutdown  : java.lang.InterruptedException
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,822 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,827 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,828 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250015
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,829 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250015
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,830 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250015 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,830 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,833 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,833 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,833 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,833 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,933 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,934 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:22) uptime 1.316 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,934 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:22) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,936 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,940 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6f900132
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,940 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,943 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,944 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,944 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55098
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,944 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55098
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,945 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250018 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55098
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,945 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250018, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:16,956 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,124 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,128 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,147 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,148 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,153 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,170 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,312 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55099
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,317 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,317 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,319 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55099
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,319 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,320 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55099
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,321 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000037.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000036.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000034
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000036.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000034
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000037.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/11.75 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,453 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/11.75 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,454 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/11.75 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,454 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/11.75 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/11.75 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.83/11.75 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/11.75 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.74/11.75 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.64/11.75 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/11.75 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.15/11.75 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/11.75 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/11.75 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/11.75 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/11.75 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/11.75 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/11.75 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/11.75 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.31/11.75 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,464 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.21/11.75 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.11/11.75 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/11.75 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.24/11.75 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.14/11.75 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,468 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:23) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.16/11.75 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/11.75 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/11.75 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,473 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55104
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/11.75 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,473 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,473 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:23) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,474 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,474 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,474 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/11.75 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/11.75 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      Master started: node-1
      21.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,481 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      21.5.	Found
      22.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,494 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:23) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,494 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,496 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,497 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250016
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,497 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,498 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250016 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,498 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,498 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250016
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,505 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,505 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,505 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,505 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,627 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,628 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:23) uptime 1.584 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,628 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:23) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,631 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,634 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6e57f107
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,634 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,635 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,636 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,636 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,637 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250019 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,637 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250019, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,649 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,735 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,739 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,746 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,746 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,756 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,764 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,909 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55107
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,916 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,918 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55107
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,918 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55107
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,918 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,918 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:17,933 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,014 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,015 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,015 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000034
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000036.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000037.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,018 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,018 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,018 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,018 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,018 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,019 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,020 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000034
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,020 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,020 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,020 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000036.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000037.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,022 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,022 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,022 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,022 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,027 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/11.75 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,028 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.51/11.75 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,028 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.41/11.75 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,029 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.31/11.75 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,030 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.21/11.75 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,030 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.16/11.75 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,031 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.34/11.75 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/11.75 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/11.75 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,033 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/11.75 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,034 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.51/11.75 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,034 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.26/11.75 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,035 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.53/11.75 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,035 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.16/11.75 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,035 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/11.75 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,035 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.43/11.75 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,036 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/11.75 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,036 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/11.75 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,037 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/11.75 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,037 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.51/11.75 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,037 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/11.75 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,037 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/11.75 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,037 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,038 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/11.75 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,039 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/11.75 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,040 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/11.75 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,040 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.15/11.75 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,041 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.05/11.75 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,043 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/11.75 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,044 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,044 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/11.75 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/11.75 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,046 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,047 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:24) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,052 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55112
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,052 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,053 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,053 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:24) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,053 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,053 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,053 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      22.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      22.5.	Found
      23.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,071 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:24) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,072 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,078 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,079 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,080 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,080 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,080 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,081 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,081 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250017
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,082 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55090 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250017
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,083 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250017 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,083 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,188 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,189 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:24) uptime 1.662 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,189 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:24) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,192 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,194 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@727c55d0
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,194 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,195 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,195 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,195 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,196 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,196 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725001a with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,197 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725001a, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,205 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,340 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,348 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,348 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,353 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,358 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,486 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55115
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,492 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,492 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,494 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55115
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,494 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,495 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55115
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,495 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,599 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,601 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,604 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000037
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000039.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000039.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000037
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/12.71 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.56/12.71 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.46/12.71 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/12.71 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.36/12.71 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.26/12.71 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/12.71 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,620 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/12.71 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,620 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.16/12.71 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/12.71 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.06/12.71 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.96/12.71 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/12.71 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,622 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.86/12.71 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,622 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/12.71 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,622 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.76/12.71 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,622 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.63/12.71 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.53/12.71 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.66/12.71 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.43/12.71 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.84/12.71 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/12.71 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.74/12.71 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.69/12.71 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.22/12.71 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.71/12.71 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.89/12.71 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.79/12.71 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.69/12.71 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.71/12.71 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,631 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:25) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,632 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55120
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:25) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,637 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,637 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-2
      23.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      23.5.	Found
      24.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,663 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:25) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,663 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,666 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,667 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,667 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,667 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250018
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,667 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,668 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,668 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,668 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250018 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,668 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,668 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55098 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250018
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,783 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,784 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:25) uptime 1.850 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,784 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:25) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,787 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,790 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3d31af5f
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,790 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,791 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,791 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,791 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55122
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,792 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55122
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,793 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725001b with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55122
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,793 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725001b, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,802 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,862 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,864 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,865 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,865 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,870 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,873 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,992 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55123
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,997 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,997 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,999 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55123
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,999 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,999 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55123
      2016-08-25 09:01:18,999 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000037
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000039.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000037
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000039.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.66/12.71 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.61/12.71 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.51/12.71 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.70/12.71 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.59/12.71 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,131 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.49/12.71 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,132 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.39/12.71 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,133 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.29/12.71 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,133 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.19/12.71 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,134 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.09/12.71 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,135 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.99/12.71 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,136 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.89/12.71 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,136 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.90/12.71 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,137 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/12.71 kb and 1/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,137 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.80/12.71 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,137 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.56/12.71 kb and 2/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,137 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.71/12.71 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,138 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,138 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.46/12.71 kb and 3/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,138 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.36/12.71 kb and 4/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,139 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/12.71 kb and 5/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,140 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/12.71 kb and 6/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,141 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.34/12.71 kb and 7/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,142 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.24/12.71 kb and 8/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,142 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.14/12.71 kb and 9/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,143 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.15/12.71 kb and 10/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,144 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/12.71 kb and 11/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.01/12.71 kb and 12/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.91/12.71 kb and 13/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.81/12.71 kb and 14/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,148 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.71/12.71 kb and 15/15 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,148 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,154 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:26) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,159 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55128
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,159 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,159 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:26) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,159 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,160 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,160 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      24.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      24.5.	Found
      25.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,179 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:26) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,179 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,183 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,183 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,183 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,184 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,184 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,185 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,185 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250019
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,186 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250019 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,186 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,186 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250019
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,290 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,291 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:26) uptime 1.661 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,291 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:26) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,294 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,298 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@78f004c9
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,298 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,299 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,299 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,300 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,300 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,301 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725001c with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,301 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725001c, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,314 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,407 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,409 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,507 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,507 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,513 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,522 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,631 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55131
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,636 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,636 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,638 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55131
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,638 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55131
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,638 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,638 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,720 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,720 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,724 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,724 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,725 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,725 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,725 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,725 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000042.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000042.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000040
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000040
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,736 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/13.66 kb and 1/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,737 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/13.66 kb and 2/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,737 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/13.66 kb and 3/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,738 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/13.66 kb and 4/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,739 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/13.66 kb and 5/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,739 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/13.66 kb and 6/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,740 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/13.66 kb and 7/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,741 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.65/13.66 kb and 8/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,742 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.55/13.66 kb and 9/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,743 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.45/13.66 kb and 10/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,744 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.34/13.66 kb and 11/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,745 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.06/13.66 kb and 12/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,746 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.96/13.66 kb and 13/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,747 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.86/13.66 kb and 14/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,748 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.76/13.66 kb and 15/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,749 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.66/13.66 kb and 16/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,749 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,753 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,753 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/13.66 kb and 1/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,754 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/13.66 kb and 2/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,754 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:27) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,755 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/13.66 kb and 3/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,755 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/13.66 kb and 4/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,756 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/13.66 kb and 5/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,757 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/13.66 kb and 6/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,758 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/13.66 kb and 7/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,758 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.53/13.66 kb and 8/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,759 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55136
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,759 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.24/13.66 kb and 9/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,759 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,759 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:27) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,759 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,759 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,760 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.14/13.66 kb and 10/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,760 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,760 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.04/13.66 kb and 11/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,761 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.94/13.66 kb and 12/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,762 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.84/13.66 kb and 13/16 files
      Master started: node-3
      25.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,762 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.74/13.66 kb and 14/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.76/13.66 kb and 15/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.66/13.66 kb and 16/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,768 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      25.5.	Found
      26.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,781 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:27) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,783 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,788 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,789 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,789 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,789 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,790 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,790 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,791 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725001a
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,792 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725001a
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,792 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725001a closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,792 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,913 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,913 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:27) uptime 1.723 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,913 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:27) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,916 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,919 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3512e6d9
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,919 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,920 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,920 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,921 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,921 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,922 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725001d with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,922 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725001d, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:19,932 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,033 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,035 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,045 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,045 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,050 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,056 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,178 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55139
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,185 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,186 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55139
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,186 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,187 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,190 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55139
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,191 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,207 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000042.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000040
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,215 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,215 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,215 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/13.66 kb and 1/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/13.66 kb and 2/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,227 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/13.66 kb and 3/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/13.66 kb and 4/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/13.66 kb and 5/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/13.66 kb and 6/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/13.66 kb and 7/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.65/13.66 kb and 8/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,234 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.55/13.66 kb and 9/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.45/13.66 kb and 10/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.35/13.66 kb and 11/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.06/13.66 kb and 12/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.96/13.66 kb and 13/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.86/13.66 kb and 14/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.76/13.66 kb and 15/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.66/13.66 kb and 16/16 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,243 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:28) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,248 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55143
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,248 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,248 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:28) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,249 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,249 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,249 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-2
      26.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      26.5.	Found
      27.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,267 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:28) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,268 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,271 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,271 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,272 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725001b
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,272 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725001b closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,272 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,273 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55122 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725001b
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,275 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,275 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,338 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,377 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,378 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:28) uptime 1.593 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,378 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:28) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,381 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,383 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@72133137
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,383 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,385 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,385 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,385 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,386 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,386 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725001e with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,386 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725001e, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,394 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,462 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,463 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,465 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,620 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,624 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,629 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,757 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55146
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,762 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,762 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55146
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,762 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,764 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,765 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55146
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,765 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,866 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,867 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,874 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,874 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,874 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,874 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,875 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000045.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,876 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000045.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000043
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000043
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/14.61 kb and 1/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/14.61 kb and 1/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/14.61 kb and 2/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,892 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/14.61 kb and 2/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,892 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/14.61 kb and 3/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,892 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/14.61 kb and 3/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,893 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/14.61 kb and 4/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,893 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/14.61 kb and 4/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,894 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/14.61 kb and 5/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,894 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/14.61 kb and 5/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,894 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.68/14.61 kb and 6/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,894 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/14.61 kb and 6/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,895 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/14.61 kb and 7/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,895 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/14.61 kb and 7/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,896 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/14.61 kb and 8/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,896 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.60/14.61 kb and 8/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,896 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.26/14.61 kb and 9/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,896 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.50/14.61 kb and 9/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,897 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.45/14.61 kb and 10/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,897 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.39/14.61 kb and 10/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,898 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.16/14.61 kb and 11/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,898 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.35/14.61 kb and 11/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,899 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.24/14.61 kb and 12/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,899 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.10/14.61 kb and 12/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,899 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.14/14.61 kb and 13/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,899 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.00/14.61 kb and 13/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,900 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.04/14.61 kb and 14/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,900 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.90/14.61 kb and 14/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,901 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/14.61 kb and 15/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,901 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.80/14.61 kb and 15/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,901 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.71/14.61 kb and 16/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,901 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/14.61 kb and 16/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.61/14.61 kb and 17/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.61/14.61 kb and 17/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,909 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:29) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,914 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55151
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,914 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,915 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:29) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,915 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,915 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,915 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      27.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      27.5.	Found
      28.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,942 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:29) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,944 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,949 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,949 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,950 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,950 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,953 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,954 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725001d
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,955 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725001d
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,955 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,955 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725001d closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:20,955 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,073 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,074 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:29) uptime 1.160 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,074 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:29) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,077 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,079 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4dca593e
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,079 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,080 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,081 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,081 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55153
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,081 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55153
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,082 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725001f with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55153
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,082 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725001f, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,090 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,190 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,190 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,191 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,192 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,196 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,199 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,331 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55154
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,337 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,337 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55154
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55154
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,453 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000045.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000043
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000043
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000045.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.95/14.61 kb and 1/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/14.61 kb and 1/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/14.61 kb and 2/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/14.61 kb and 2/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.10/14.61 kb and 3/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.86/14.61 kb and 3/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/14.61 kb and 4/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.76/14.61 kb and 4/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.66/14.61 kb and 5/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/14.61 kb and 5/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.56/14.61 kb and 6/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/14.61 kb and 6/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/14.61 kb and 7/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.46/14.61 kb and 7/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.60/14.61 kb and 8/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.23/14.61 kb and 8/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.13/14.61 kb and 9/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.50/14.61 kb and 9/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,478 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.40/14.61 kb and 10/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,478 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.02/14.61 kb and 10/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,479 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.92/14.61 kb and 11/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,479 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.29/14.61 kb and 11/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,479 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.82/14.61 kb and 12/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.00/14.61 kb and 13/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.06/14.61 kb and 12/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,481 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.96/14.61 kb and 13/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,481 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.90/14.61 kb and 14/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,481 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.80/14.61 kb and 15/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,481 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.91/14.61 kb and 14/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,482 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.70/14.61 kb and 16/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,482 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.81/14.61 kb and 15/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,482 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.61/14.61 kb and 17/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,483 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.71/14.61 kb and 16/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,483 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,483 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.61/14.61 kb and 17/17 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,483 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,486 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,487 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:30) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,487 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,491 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55159
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,491 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,492 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:30) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,492 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,492 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,492 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      28.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      28.5.	Found
      29.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,511 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:30) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,511 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,515 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,515 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,516 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725001c
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,516 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,516 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,517 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725001c closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,517 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,517 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725001c
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,517 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,517 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,623 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,623 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:30) uptime 2.332 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,624 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:30) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,626 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,629 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@27b68be7
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,629 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,630 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,631 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,631 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,631 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,632 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250020 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,632 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250020, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,640 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,844 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,845 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,847 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,849 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,854 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,860 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,966 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55162
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,971 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,971 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,972 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55162
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,972 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,974 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55162
      2016-08-25 09:01:21,974 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,064 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,074 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,074 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,075 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000048.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,075 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,075 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000046
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,083 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,084 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,084 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,084 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,084 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,084 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000046
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000048.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,094 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/15.56 kb and 1/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,095 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.09/15.56 kb and 2/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,095 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.90/15.56 kb and 3/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,096 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.80/15.56 kb and 4/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,097 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.70/15.56 kb and 5/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,097 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.60/15.56 kb and 6/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,098 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.50/15.56 kb and 7/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,099 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.40/15.56 kb and 8/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,099 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.29/15.56 kb and 9/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,100 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.31/15.56 kb and 10/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,101 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.26/15.56 kb and 11/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,102 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.16/15.56 kb and 12/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,102 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.06/15.56 kb and 13/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,103 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.96/15.56 kb and 14/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.86/15.56 kb and 15/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.76/15.56 kb and 16/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/15.56 kb and 1/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/15.56 kb and 2/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.66/15.56 kb and 17/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,106 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/15.56 kb and 3/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,106 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.56/15.56 kb and 18/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,106 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,107 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/15.56 kb and 4/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,107 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.47/15.56 kb and 5/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,108 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.37/15.56 kb and 6/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,109 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.26/15.56 kb and 7/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,109 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.16/15.56 kb and 8/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.18/15.56 kb and 9/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,111 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.08/15.56 kb and 10/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,111 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:31) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,112 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.97/15.56 kb and 11/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,112 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.87/15.56 kb and 12/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.77/15.56 kb and 13/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.67/15.56 kb and 14/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.57/15.56 kb and 15/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.47/15.56 kb and 16/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,118 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55167
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.66/15.56 kb and 17/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,118 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,118 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:31) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,118 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,118 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.56/15.56 kb and 18/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,119 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-2
      29.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,124 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      29.5.	Found
      30.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,141 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:31) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,142 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,144 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,145 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,145 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725001e
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,146 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,146 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725001e
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,146 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725001e closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,146 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,151 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,151 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,262 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,263 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:31) uptime 1.884 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,263 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:31) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,265 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,269 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4264a42e
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,270 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,270 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,271 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,271 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55169
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,271 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55169
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,272 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250021 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55169
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,272 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250021, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,282 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,362 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,366 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,368 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,369 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,375 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,384 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,493 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55170
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,500 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,500 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,502 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55170
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,502 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,503 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55170
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,503 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,515 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,591 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,592 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000048.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000046
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000046
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000048.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/15.56 kb and 1/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/15.56 kb and 2/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/15.56 kb and 3/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/15.56 kb and 4/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.55/15.56 kb and 5/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.45/15.56 kb and 6/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.63/15.56 kb and 7/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.53/15.56 kb and 8/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,610 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.43/15.56 kb and 9/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/15.56 kb and 10/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.34/15.56 kb and 11/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.24/15.56 kb and 12/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.14/15.56 kb and 13/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.04/15.56 kb and 14/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,616 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/15.56 kb and 15/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,616 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/15.56 kb and 1/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/15.56 kb and 16/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/15.56 kb and 2/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.66/15.56 kb and 17/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.56/15.56 kb and 18/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/15.56 kb and 3/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/15.56 kb and 4/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,620 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/15.56 kb and 5/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.43/15.56 kb and 6/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.33/15.56 kb and 7/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,622 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.22/15.56 kb and 8/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,622 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.12/15.56 kb and 9/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.02/15.56 kb and 10/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,624 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:32) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.92/15.56 kb and 11/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.82/15.56 kb and 12/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.72/15.56 kb and 13/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.62/15.56 kb and 14/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.52/15.56 kb and 15/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55175
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.47/15.56 kb and 16/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:32) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.37/15.56 kb and 17/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,628 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.56/15.56 kb and 18/18 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      Master started: node-3
      30.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,638 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      30.5.	Found
      31.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,650 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:32) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,651 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,654 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,656 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,656 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725001f
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,657 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55153 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725001f
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,658 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725001f closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,658 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,658 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,658 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,772 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,773 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:32) uptime 1.698 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,773 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:32) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,780 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,782 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@21a086ed
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,782 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,783 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,784 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,784 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55177
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,784 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55177
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,785 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250022 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55177
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,785 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250022, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,980 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:22,982 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,017 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,017 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,023 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,030 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,158 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55178
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,163 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,163 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,164 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55178
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,165 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,167 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55178
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,167 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,274 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000051.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000052.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000049
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,285 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000051.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000052.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/16.51 kb and 1/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000049
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/16.51 kb and 2/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/16.51 kb and 3/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/16.51 kb and 4/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,294 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/16.51 kb and 5/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,294 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/16.51 kb and 6/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,295 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.69/16.51 kb and 7/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,296 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/16.51 kb and 8/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,297 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/16.51 kb and 9/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,297 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/16.51 kb and 10/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,298 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.28/16.51 kb and 11/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,298 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.18/16.51 kb and 12/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,299 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.04/16.51 kb and 13/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.99/16.51 kb and 14/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.89/16.51 kb and 15/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,301 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.79/16.51 kb and 16/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.69/16.51 kb and 17/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/16.51 kb and 1/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.59/16.51 kb and 18/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,303 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/16.51 kb and 2/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,303 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.61/16.51 kb and 19/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,303 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.51/16.51 kb and 20/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,303 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/16.51 kb and 3/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,304 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,304 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/16.51 kb and 4/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,305 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/16.51 kb and 5/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,306 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/16.51 kb and 6/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,306 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.69/16.51 kb and 7/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/16.51 kb and 8/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/16.51 kb and 9/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/16.51 kb and 10/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/16.51 kb and 11/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,309 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:33) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.35/16.51 kb and 12/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.25/16.51 kb and 13/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.15/16.51 kb and 14/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.05/16.51 kb and 15/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,313 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/16.51 kb and 16/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,313 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/16.51 kb and 17/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,314 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.74/16.51 kb and 18/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,314 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55183
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,315 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,315 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:33) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,315 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.64/16.51 kb and 19/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,315 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,315 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.51/16.51 kb and 20/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      Master started: node-1
      31.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      31.5.	Found
      32.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,340 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:33) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,341 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,346 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,349 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,350 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250020
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,351 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250020 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,351 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250020
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,351 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,352 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,352 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,473 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,474 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:33) uptime 1.850 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,474 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:33) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,476 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,479 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@54cc6586
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,479 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,480 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,480 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,480 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,481 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,482 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250023 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,482 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250023, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,492 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,588 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,590 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,595 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,595 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,599 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,603 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,728 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55186
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,736 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,737 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55186
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,737 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,738 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,739 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55186
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,739 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,758 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,762 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000052.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000051.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000049
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/16.51 kb and 1/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,781 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/16.51 kb and 2/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,781 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/16.51 kb and 3/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,782 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/16.51 kb and 4/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,783 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/16.51 kb and 5/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,784 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/16.51 kb and 6/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,785 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.69/16.51 kb and 7/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,785 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/16.51 kb and 8/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,786 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/16.51 kb and 9/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,787 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/16.51 kb and 10/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,788 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/16.51 kb and 11/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,788 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.23/16.51 kb and 12/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,789 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.24/16.51 kb and 13/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,790 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.14/16.51 kb and 14/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,790 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.01/16.51 kb and 15/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,791 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.91/16.51 kb and 16/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,792 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.81/16.51 kb and 17/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,792 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.71/16.51 kb and 18/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,793 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.61/16.51 kb and 19/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,794 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.51/16.51 kb and 20/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,794 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,796 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,797 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:34) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,801 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55190
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,802 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,802 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:34) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,802 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,803 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,803 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-2
      32.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      32.5.	Found
      33.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,826 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:34) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,826 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,829 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,829 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,830 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,830 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,831 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250021
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,831 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250021 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,831 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,832 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55169 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250021
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,935 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,936 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:34) uptime 1.672 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,936 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:34) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,938 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,941 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@50a4a6f0
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,941 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,942 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,943 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,943 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,944 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,944 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250024 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,945 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250024, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:23,957 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,007 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,007 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,008 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,010 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,159 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,165 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,170 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,287 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55193
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,293 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,294 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55193
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,294 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,295 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,296 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55193
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,296 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,393 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000052
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000054.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000054.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000052
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/17.46 kb and 1/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,409 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/17.46 kb and 2/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/17.46 kb and 3/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/17.46 kb and 4/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/17.46 kb and 5/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/17.46 kb and 6/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/17.46 kb and 7/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/17.46 kb and 8/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.11/17.46 kb and 9/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.29/17.46 kb and 10/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.19/17.46 kb and 11/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.09/17.46 kb and 12/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.99/17.46 kb and 13/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.89/17.46 kb and 14/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.90/17.46 kb and 15/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/17.46 kb and 1/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.80/17.46 kb and 16/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/17.46 kb and 2/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.71/17.46 kb and 17/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/17.46 kb and 3/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.61/17.46 kb and 18/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.51/17.46 kb and 19/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/17.46 kb and 4/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.46/17.46 kb and 20/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/17.46 kb and 5/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/17.46 kb and 6/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,423 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/17.46 kb and 7/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,423 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/17.46 kb and 8/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,424 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.15/17.46 kb and 9/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.05/17.46 kb and 10/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.23/17.46 kb and 11/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,426 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.15/17.46 kb and 12/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.05/17.46 kb and 13/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.95/17.46 kb and 14/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,428 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:35) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.85/17.46 kb and 15/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.75/17.46 kb and 16/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.76/17.46 kb and 17/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.66/17.46 kb and 18/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.56/17.46 kb and 19/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.46/17.46 kb and 20/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55198
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:35) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,433 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,433 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      33.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      33.5.	Found
      34.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,457 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:35) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,459 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,463 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,463 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,465 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,466 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,471 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,473 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,473 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250023
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,474 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250023
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,475 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250023 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,475 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,591 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,592 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:35) uptime 1.118 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,592 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:35) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,594 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,597 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6442aec9
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,597 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,598 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,598 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,598 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55200
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,599 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55200
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,600 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250025 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55200
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,600 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250025, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,607 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,696 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,696 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,699 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,705 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,709 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,712 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,827 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55201
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,834 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,834 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,835 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55201
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,835 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,837 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55201
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,837 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,944 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,944 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000052
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000052
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000054.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000054.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,960 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/17.46 kb and 1/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,960 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/17.46 kb and 1/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,960 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/17.46 kb and 2/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/17.46 kb and 2/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.83/17.46 kb and 3/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/17.46 kb and 3/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,962 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.73/17.46 kb and 4/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,962 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/17.46 kb and 4/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,962 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.63/17.46 kb and 5/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/17.46 kb and 5/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.53/17.46 kb and 6/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.43/17.46 kb and 7/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/17.46 kb and 6/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/17.46 kb and 7/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.38/17.46 kb and 8/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.28/17.46 kb and 9/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/17.46 kb and 8/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.18/17.46 kb and 10/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.14/17.46 kb and 9/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.08/17.46 kb and 11/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.04/17.46 kb and 10/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/17.46 kb and 11/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.98/17.46 kb and 12/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/17.46 kb and 12/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.87/17.46 kb and 13/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/17.46 kb and 13/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.77/17.46 kb and 14/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.76/17.46 kb and 14/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.67/17.46 kb and 15/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.57/17.46 kb and 16/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.67/17.46 kb and 15/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.76/17.46 kb and 17/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.66/17.46 kb and 18/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.57/17.46 kb and 16/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.56/17.46 kb and 19/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.47/17.46 kb and 17/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.46/17.46 kb and 20/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.37/17.46 kb and 18/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.27/17.46 kb and 19/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.46/17.46 kb and 20/20 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,972 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,973 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:36) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,977 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55206
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,978 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,978 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:36) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,978 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,978 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:24,978 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      34.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      34.5.	Found
      35.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,002 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:36) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,003 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,006 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,006 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,007 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250022
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,008 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250022 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,008 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55177 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250022
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,009 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,012 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,012 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,013 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,013 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,112 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,113 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:36) uptime 2.339 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,113 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:36) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,115 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,118 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7b4f3d95
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,119 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,119 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,120 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,120 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,120 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,121 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250026 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,121 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250026, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,133 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,374 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,377 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,379 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,379 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,383 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,386 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,508 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55209
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,514 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,515 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,516 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55209
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,516 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,517 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55209
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,518 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,643 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,645 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,650 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000057.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000057.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000055
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000055
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,666 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/18.40 kb and 1/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,666 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/18.40 kb and 1/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,667 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/18.40 kb and 2/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,667 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/18.40 kb and 2/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,668 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/18.40 kb and 3/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,668 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/18.40 kb and 3/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,668 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/18.40 kb and 4/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/18.40 kb and 4/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/18.40 kb and 5/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.83/18.40 kb and 5/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/18.40 kb and 6/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/18.40 kb and 6/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/18.40 kb and 7/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.55/18.40 kb and 8/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.62/18.40 kb and 7/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.52/18.40 kb and 8/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.45/18.40 kb and 9/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,672 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.42/18.40 kb and 9/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,672 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.35/18.40 kb and 10/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,672 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.32/18.40 kb and 10/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,672 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.25/18.40 kb and 11/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,673 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.34/18.40 kb and 11/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,673 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.20/18.40 kb and 12/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.24/18.40 kb and 12/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.10/18.40 kb and 13/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.14/18.40 kb and 13/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.99/18.40 kb and 14/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.04/18.40 kb and 14/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.89/18.40 kb and 15/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/18.40 kb and 15/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.79/18.40 kb and 16/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.80/18.40 kb and 17/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/18.40 kb and 16/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.74/18.40 kb and 17/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.70/18.40 kb and 18/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.64/18.40 kb and 18/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.60/18.40 kb and 19/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.60/18.40 kb and 19/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.50/18.40 kb and 20/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.50/18.40 kb and 20/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.40/18.40 kb and 21/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,679 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.40/18.40 kb and 21/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,679 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,683 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,685 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:37) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,686 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,690 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55214
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,691 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,691 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:37) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,691 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,691 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,691 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-2
      35.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      35.5.	Found
      36.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,712 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:37) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,713 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,716 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,719 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,719 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,721 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,721 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250024
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,722 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250024
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,722 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250024 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,722 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,844 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,845 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:37) uptime 1.909 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,845 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:37) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,849 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,853 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1210a97
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,853 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,854 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,855 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,855 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55216
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,855 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55216
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,859 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250027 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55216
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,859 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250027, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,874 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,983 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,983 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,983 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,986 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,989 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:25,994 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,121 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55217
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,126 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,126 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,127 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55217
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,128 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,129 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55217
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,129 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,141 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000055
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000057.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,234 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,234 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,234 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,234 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000057.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000055
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/18.40 kb and 1/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/18.40 kb and 2/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/18.40 kb and 3/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/18.40 kb and 4/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,245 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/18.40 kb and 5/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/18.40 kb and 6/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/18.40 kb and 1/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/18.40 kb and 2/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/18.40 kb and 7/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/18.40 kb and 3/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.31/18.40 kb and 8/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.21/18.40 kb and 9/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.71/18.40 kb and 4/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.17/18.40 kb and 10/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/18.40 kb and 5/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.07/18.40 kb and 11/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/18.40 kb and 6/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.26/18.40 kb and 12/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/18.40 kb and 7/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.15/18.40 kb and 13/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.60/18.40 kb and 8/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.05/18.40 kb and 14/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.50/18.40 kb and 9/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.96/18.40 kb and 15/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.40/18.40 kb and 10/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.30/18.40 kb and 11/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.86/18.40 kb and 16/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.75/18.40 kb and 17/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.20/18.40 kb and 12/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.70/18.40 kb and 18/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.10/18.40 kb and 13/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.05/18.40 kb and 14/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.60/18.40 kb and 19/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/18.40 kb and 15/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.50/18.40 kb and 20/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/18.40 kb and 16/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.40/18.40 kb and 21/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.74/18.40 kb and 17/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.71/18.40 kb and 18/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.61/18.40 kb and 19/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.51/18.40 kb and 20/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.40/18.40 kb and 21/21 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,258 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:38) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,263 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55222
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,263 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,264 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:38) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,264 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,264 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,264 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      36.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      36.5.	Found
      37.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,283 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:38) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,284 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,288 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,291 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,292 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250025
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,293 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,293 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,294 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55200 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250025
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,294 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,294 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250025 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,398 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,398 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:38) uptime 1.806 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,398 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:38) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,401 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,404 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@60bc56c1
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,404 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,405 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,405 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,406 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,406 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,407 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250028 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,407 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250028, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,426 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,681 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,684 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,687 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,687 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,691 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,694 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,825 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55225
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,830 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,830 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,831 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55225
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,831 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,833 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55225
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,833 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,951 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,962 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,962 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000060.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000058
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000058
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000060.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,974 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/19.35 kb and 1/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,974 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/19.35 kb and 2/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,975 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/19.35 kb and 3/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/19.35 kb and 4/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/19.35 kb and 5/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.68/19.35 kb and 6/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/19.35 kb and 7/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/19.35 kb and 8/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/19.35 kb and 9/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/19.35 kb and 10/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.22/19.35 kb and 11/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.12/19.35 kb and 12/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.02/19.35 kb and 13/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,983 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.92/19.35 kb and 14/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,983 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/19.35 kb and 15/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,984 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/19.35 kb and 16/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,984 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.74/19.35 kb and 17/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.64/19.35 kb and 18/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/19.35 kb and 1/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/19.35 kb and 2/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.54/19.35 kb and 19/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/19.35 kb and 3/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.55/19.35 kb and 20/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.45/19.35 kb and 21/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/19.35 kb and 4/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/19.35 kb and 5/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.35/19.35 kb and 22/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,987 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/19.35 kb and 6/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,987 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/19.35 kb and 7/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,988 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.31/19.35 kb and 8/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,988 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.21/19.35 kb and 9/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,989 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.10/19.35 kb and 10/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,989 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.00/19.35 kb and 11/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,989 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.90/19.35 kb and 12/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,990 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.80/19.35 kb and 13/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,990 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,991 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.70/19.35 kb and 14/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,991 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:39) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,991 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.60/19.35 kb and 15/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,992 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.55/19.35 kb and 16/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,992 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.45/19.35 kb and 17/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.35/19.35 kb and 18/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.53/19.35 kb and 19/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.55/19.35 kb and 20/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.45/19.35 kb and 21/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.35/19.35 kb and 22/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,996 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55230
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,996 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,996 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:39) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,996 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,996 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:26,996 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      37.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,000 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      37.5.	Found
      38.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,015 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:39) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,016 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,019 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,020 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,020 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,021 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,021 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250026
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,022 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250026 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,022 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,022 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250026
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,141 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,141 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:39) uptime 2.028 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,141 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:39) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,145 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,147 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@2bf7a4f8
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,148 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,149 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,149 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,150 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,150 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,151 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250029 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,151 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250029, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,167 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,286 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,289 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,292 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,292 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,296 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,300 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,431 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55233
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,437 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,437 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,438 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55233
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,438 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,441 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55233
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,441 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,557 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,557 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,558 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,558 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000060.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000058
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000060.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000058
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,564 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,564 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,571 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/19.35 kb and 1/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,571 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/19.35 kb and 2/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,572 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/19.35 kb and 3/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,573 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/19.35 kb and 4/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,573 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/19.35 kb and 5/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,574 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/19.35 kb and 6/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,575 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.74/19.35 kb and 7/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,575 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.64/19.35 kb and 8/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,576 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.54/19.35 kb and 9/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,577 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.44/19.35 kb and 10/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,577 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.34/19.35 kb and 11/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,578 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.24/19.35 kb and 12/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,579 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.26/19.35 kb and 13/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,579 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.16/19.35 kb and 14/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,580 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.06/19.35 kb and 15/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,581 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.95/19.35 kb and 16/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,581 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.85/19.35 kb and 17/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,582 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.75/19.35 kb and 18/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,582 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.65/19.35 kb and 19/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,583 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.55/19.35 kb and 20/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,583 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.45/19.35 kb and 21/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,584 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.35/19.35 kb and 22/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,584 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,588 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:40) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/19.35 kb and 1/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,590 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/19.35 kb and 2/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,591 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/19.35 kb and 3/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,592 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/19.35 kb and 4/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,593 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/19.35 kb and 5/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55238
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/19.35 kb and 6/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:40) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.34/19.35 kb and 7/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,594 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,595 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.24/19.35 kb and 8/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.14/19.35 kb and 9/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,596 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.04/19.35 kb and 10/22 files
      Master started: node-2
      38.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,597 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.94/19.35 kb and 11/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,598 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.95/19.35 kb and 12/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,598 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.85/19.35 kb and 13/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,599 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/19.35 kb and 14/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,601 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/19.35 kb and 15/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,602 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/19.35 kb and 16/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,603 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.74/19.35 kb and 17/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,603 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.75/19.35 kb and 18/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.65/19.35 kb and 19/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.55/19.35 kb and 20/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.45/19.35 kb and 21/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.35/19.35 kb and 22/22 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      38.5.	Found
      39.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,618 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:40) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,619 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,623 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,625 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,625 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250027
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,626 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250027 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,626 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55216 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250027
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,627 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,632 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,632 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,637 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,637 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,732 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,733 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:40) uptime 1.887 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,733 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:40) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,735 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,738 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@289c0574
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,739 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,740 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,740 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,741 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,741 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,742 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725002a with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,742 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725002a, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:27,756 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,075 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,078 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,097 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,097 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,101 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,107 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,279 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55241
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,285 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,285 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,287 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55241
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,287 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,288 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55241
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,289 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000061
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000063.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000061
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000063.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/20.30 kb and 1/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/20.30 kb and 2/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/20.30 kb and 3/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/20.30 kb and 4/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/20.30 kb and 5/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/20.30 kb and 6/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,478 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/20.30 kb and 7/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,479 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.31/20.30 kb and 8/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,479 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.21/20.30 kb and 9/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.11/20.30 kb and 10/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.01/20.30 kb and 11/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,481 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/20.30 kb and 12/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,482 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/20.30 kb and 13/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,482 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.76/20.30 kb and 14/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,483 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.66/20.30 kb and 15/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,484 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.56/20.30 kb and 16/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,484 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.46/20.30 kb and 17/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,485 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.35/20.30 kb and 18/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,485 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.25/20.30 kb and 19/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,486 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.15/20.30 kb and 20/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,487 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.22/20.30 kb and 21/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,487 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/20.30 kb and 1/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,487 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.40/20.30 kb and 22/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,488 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/20.30 kb and 2/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,488 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.30/20.30 kb and 23/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,488 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,488 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.87/20.30 kb and 3/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,489 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.77/20.30 kb and 4/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,490 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.67/20.30 kb and 5/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,490 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.56/20.30 kb and 6/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,491 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.46/20.30 kb and 7/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,491 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.36/20.30 kb and 8/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,492 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.38/20.30 kb and 9/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,493 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.56/20.30 kb and 10/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,494 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.46/20.30 kb and 11/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,494 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,494 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.36/20.30 kb and 12/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,495 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:41) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.30/20.30 kb and 13/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,496 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.20/20.30 kb and 14/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,496 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.10/20.30 kb and 15/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,497 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.00/20.30 kb and 16/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,497 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.90/20.30 kb and 17/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,498 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.80/20.30 kb and 18/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,499 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.71/20.30 kb and 19/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,499 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55246
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,499 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,499 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:41) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,499 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,499 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.60/20.30 kb and 20/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,500 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,500 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,500 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.50/20.30 kb and 21/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.40/20.30 kb and 22/23 files
      Master started: node-1
      39.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.30/20.30 kb and 23/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,502 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,508 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      39.5.	Found
      40.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,517 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:41) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,518 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,520 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,521 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,521 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250028
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,522 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250028 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,522 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,522 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250028
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,523 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,523 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,524 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,524 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,639 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,640 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:41) uptime 2.240 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,640 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:41) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,642 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,645 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1c7d7259
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,645 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,646 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,647 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,647 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,647 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,648 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725002b with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,648 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725002b, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,655 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,837 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,839 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,858 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,858 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,865 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:28,869 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,031 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55249
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,036 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,037 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,038 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55249
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,038 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,040 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55249
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,040 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,053 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,056 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,057 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,057 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,057 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000063.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000061
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,059 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,060 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,074 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/20.30 kb and 1/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,074 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/20.30 kb and 2/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,075 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/20.30 kb and 3/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.89/20.30 kb and 4/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.96/20.30 kb and 5/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.85/20.30 kb and 6/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.75/20.30 kb and 7/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,079 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.65/20.30 kb and 8/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,079 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.55/20.30 kb and 9/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,080 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.45/20.30 kb and 10/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,081 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.35/20.30 kb and 11/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,081 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.25/20.30 kb and 12/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,082 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.15/20.30 kb and 13/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,083 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.04/20.30 kb and 14/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,083 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.94/20.30 kb and 15/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,084 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.84/20.30 kb and 16/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,085 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.86/20.30 kb and 17/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.76/20.30 kb and 18/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.66/20.30 kb and 19/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,087 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.56/20.30 kb and 20/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,088 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.45/20.30 kb and 21/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,088 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.35/20.30 kb and 22/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.30/20.30 kb and 23/23 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,092 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,093 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:42) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,097 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55253
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,097 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,098 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:42) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,098 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,098 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,098 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      40.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      40.5.	Found
      41.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,113 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:42) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,113 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,115 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,116 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250029
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,116 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,117 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250029 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,117 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,117 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250029
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,121 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,220 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,220 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:42) uptime 2.077 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,220 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:42) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,222 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,225 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1afd5978
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,225 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,225 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,226 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,226 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,226 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,227 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725002c with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,227 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725002c, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,233 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,363 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,363 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,364 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,367 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,580 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,584 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,587 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,735 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55256
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,743 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,743 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,743 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55256
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,743 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,745 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55256
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,745 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000064
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000066.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,920 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,920 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,920 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000066.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000064
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,923 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,923 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,923 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/21.25 kb and 1/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/21.25 kb and 1/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/21.25 kb and 2/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/21.25 kb and 2/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,946 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/21.25 kb and 3/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,946 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/21.25 kb and 3/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/21.25 kb and 4/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/21.25 kb and 4/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/21.25 kb and 5/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/21.25 kb and 5/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.51/21.25 kb and 6/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/21.25 kb and 6/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/21.25 kb and 7/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/21.25 kb and 7/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.31/21.25 kb and 8/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.24/21.25 kb and 8/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.21/21.25 kb and 9/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,950 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.43/21.25 kb and 9/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,951 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.11/21.25 kb and 10/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,951 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/21.25 kb and 10/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,952 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.45/21.25 kb and 11/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,952 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.23/21.25 kb and 11/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,952 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.13/21.25 kb and 12/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,952 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.35/21.25 kb and 12/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,954 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.03/21.25 kb and 13/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,954 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.25/21.25 kb and 13/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,954 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.15/21.25 kb and 14/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,954 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.93/21.25 kb and 14/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,955 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.04/21.25 kb and 15/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,955 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.83/21.25 kb and 15/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,955 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.78/21.25 kb and 16/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,955 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.94/21.25 kb and 16/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,956 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.68/21.25 kb and 17/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,956 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.96/21.25 kb and 17/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.86/21.25 kb and 18/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.58/21.25 kb and 18/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.76/21.25 kb and 19/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.47/21.25 kb and 19/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.37/21.25 kb and 20/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.66/21.25 kb and 20/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.56/21.25 kb and 21/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.27/21.25 kb and 21/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,960 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.17/21.25 kb and 22/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,960 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.46/21.25 kb and 22/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.35/21.25 kb and 23/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.35/21.25 kb and 23/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.25/21.25 kb and 24/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.25/21.25 kb and 24/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,962 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,968 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:43) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,972 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55261
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,973 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,973 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:43) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,973 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,973 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,973 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      41.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      41.5.	Found
      42.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,994 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:43) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,995 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,997 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,998 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,998 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,998 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725002b
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,999 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725002b closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,999 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:29,999 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725002b
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,001 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,005 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,005 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,005 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,005 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,120 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,121 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:43) uptime 1.481 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,121 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:43) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,123 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,126 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@5a8234a5
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,126 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,127 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,128 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,128 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55263
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,129 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55263
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,129 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725002d with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55263
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,130 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725002d, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,138 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,328 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,331 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,333 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,333 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,337 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,340 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,525 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55264
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,531 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,531 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,532 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55264
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,532 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,534 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55264
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,535 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,546 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,679 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,679 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,680 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,680 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,680 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000066.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000064
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,682 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,696 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/21.25 kb and 1/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/21.25 kb and 2/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/21.25 kb and 3/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,698 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,698 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,698 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.94/21.25 kb and 4/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,698 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,698 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,698 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.84/21.25 kb and 5/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.74/21.25 kb and 6/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,699 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000064
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.63/21.25 kb and 7/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.53/21.25 kb and 8/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,700 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000066.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,701 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.43/21.25 kb and 9/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,702 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/21.25 kb and 10/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,702 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.23/21.25 kb and 11/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,703 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.13/21.25 kb and 12/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,704 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.25/21.25 kb and 13/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,704 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.15/21.25 kb and 14/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,705 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.05/21.25 kb and 15/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,706 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.95/21.25 kb and 16/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,707 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.85/21.25 kb and 17/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,707 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.75/21.25 kb and 18/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,708 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.65/21.25 kb and 19/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,709 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.55/21.25 kb and 20/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,709 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.45/21.25 kb and 21/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,710 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.46/21.25 kb and 22/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,711 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.36/21.25 kb and 23/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,711 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.25/21.25 kb and 24/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,711 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,713 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,714 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/21.25 kb and 1/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,715 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:44) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,715 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/21.25 kb and 2/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,716 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/21.25 kb and 3/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,716 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/21.25 kb and 4/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,717 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/21.25 kb and 5/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,717 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/21.25 kb and 6/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,718 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/21.25 kb and 7/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/21.25 kb and 8/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/21.25 kb and 9/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55269
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.99/21.25 kb and 10/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:44) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,720 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.90/21.25 kb and 11/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,721 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.80/21.25 kb and 12/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,722 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/21.25 kb and 13/24 files
      Master started: node-2
      42.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,723 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.64/21.25 kb and 14/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,724 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.76/21.25 kb and 15/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,724 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.78/21.25 kb and 16/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,725 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.68/21.25 kb and 17/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.58/21.25 kb and 18/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,726 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.48/21.25 kb and 19/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,727 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.38/21.25 kb and 20/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,728 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.27/21.25 kb and 21/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,728 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.17/21.25 kb and 22/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,729 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.07/21.25 kb and 23/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,730 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.25/21.25 kb and 24/24 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,730 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,736 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      42.5.	Found
      43.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,739 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:44) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,740 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,743 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,744 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,745 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725002a
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,745 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725002a
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,745 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725002a closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,746 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,748 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,748 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,748 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,748 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,850 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,850 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:44) uptime 3.116 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,851 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:44) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,853 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,856 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4b0f573b
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,856 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,857 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,857 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,857 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,858 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,859 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725002e with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,859 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725002e, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:30,868 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,230 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,232 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,253 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,253 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,257 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,262 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,450 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55272
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,454 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,454 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,456 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55272
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,456 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,458 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55272
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,458 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000069.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000067
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000067
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000069.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,630 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,635 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,636 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,636 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,636 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,649 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/22.20 kb and 1/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,650 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/22.20 kb and 2/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,650 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/22.20 kb and 3/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.71/22.20 kb and 4/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/22.20 kb and 5/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.51/22.20 kb and 6/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.95/22.20 kb and 1/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/22.20 kb and 7/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/22.20 kb and 2/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.31/22.20 kb and 8/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/22.20 kb and 3/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.21/22.20 kb and 9/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.92/22.20 kb and 4/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.39/22.20 kb and 10/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.82/22.20 kb and 5/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.29/22.20 kb and 11/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.72/22.20 kb and 6/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.19/22.20 kb and 12/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.62/22.20 kb and 7/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.09/22.20 kb and 13/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.52/22.20 kb and 8/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.99/22.20 kb and 14/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.42/22.20 kb and 9/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.94/22.20 kb and 15/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/22.20 kb and 16/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.31/22.20 kb and 10/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.73/22.20 kb and 17/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.50/22.20 kb and 11/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.40/22.20 kb and 12/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.64/22.20 kb and 18/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.30/22.20 kb and 13/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.54/22.20 kb and 19/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.44/22.20 kb and 20/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.20/22.20 kb and 14/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,661 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.10/22.20 kb and 15/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,661 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.33/22.20 kb and 21/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,661 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.99/22.20 kb and 16/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,661 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.23/22.20 kb and 22/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,662 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.89/22.20 kb and 17/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,662 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.13/22.20 kb and 23/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,662 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.79/22.20 kb and 18/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,662 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.03/22.20 kb and 24/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,663 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.20/22.20 kb and 25/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,663 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.69/22.20 kb and 19/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,663 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,663 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.70/22.20 kb and 20/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,664 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.60/22.20 kb and 21/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,665 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.50/22.20 kb and 22/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,665 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.41/22.20 kb and 23/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,666 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.30/22.20 kb and 24/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,666 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.20/22.20 kb and 25/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,666 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,672 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:45) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,676 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55277
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,676 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,676 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:45) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,676 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,676 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,676 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-3
      43.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      43.5.	Found
      44.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,693 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:45) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,694 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,696 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,696 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725002c
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,697 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725002c closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,697 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,697 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725002c
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,701 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,701 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,701 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,701 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,811 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,812 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:45) uptime 2.591 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,812 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:45) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,815 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,817 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4b8e51d2
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,817 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,818 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,818 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,818 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,819 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,819 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725002f with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,819 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725002f, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:31,827 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,015 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,017 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,020 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,020 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,025 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,029 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,217 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55280
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,222 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,222 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,224 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55280
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,224 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,226 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55280
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,226 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,392 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,393 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,393 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,393 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,393 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000069.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000067
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000069.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000067
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/22.20 kb and 1/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/22.20 kb and 2/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.10/22.20 kb and 3/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/22.20 kb and 4/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/22.20 kb and 5/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/22.20 kb and 6/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.69/22.20 kb and 7/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.59/22.20 kb and 8/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.76/22.20 kb and 9/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/22.20 kb and 1/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.66/22.20 kb and 10/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/22.20 kb and 2/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.56/22.20 kb and 11/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/22.20 kb and 3/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.46/22.20 kb and 12/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/22.20 kb and 4/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.41/22.20 kb and 13/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/22.20 kb and 5/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.31/22.20 kb and 14/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/22.20 kb and 6/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.21/22.20 kb and 15/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/22.20 kb and 7/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.11/22.20 kb and 16/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/22.20 kb and 8/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.01/22.20 kb and 17/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/22.20 kb and 9/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.91/22.20 kb and 18/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.99/22.20 kb and 10/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.81/22.20 kb and 19/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.71/22.20 kb and 20/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.94/22.20 kb and 11/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.61/22.20 kb and 21/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.12/22.20 kb and 12/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,423 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.51/22.20 kb and 22/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,423 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.02/22.20 kb and 13/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,423 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.92/22.20 kb and 14/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,423 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.41/22.20 kb and 23/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,424 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.30/22.20 kb and 24/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,424 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.82/22.20 kb and 15/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.72/22.20 kb and 16/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.20/22.20 kb and 25/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.62/22.20 kb and 17/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,426 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.52/22.20 kb and 18/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,426 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.42/22.20 kb and 19/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.32/22.20 kb and 20/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.49/22.20 kb and 21/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,428 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:46) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.51/22.20 kb and 22/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.41/22.20 kb and 23/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.31/22.20 kb and 24/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.20/22.20 kb and 25/25 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55285
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:46) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,433 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,433 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,433 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-1
      44.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      44.5.	Found
      45.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,448 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:46) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,448 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,451 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,452 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,452 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,452 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725002d
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,452 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,453 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,453 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725002d closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,453 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55263 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725002d
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,453 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,558 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,559 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:46) uptime 2.437 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,559 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:46) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,562 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,564 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1886ff2
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,564 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,565 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,565 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,565 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55287
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,565 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55287
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,566 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250030 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55287
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,566 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250030, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,572 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,981 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,983 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,985 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,986 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,990 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:32,997 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,177 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55288
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,181 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,181 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,183 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55288
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,183 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,185 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55288
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,185 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,365 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,381 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,381 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000070
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000072.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000072.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000070
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/23.15 kb and 1/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/23.15 kb and 2/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.86/23.15 kb and 3/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.76/23.15 kb and 4/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,402 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.66/23.15 kb and 5/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,402 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.56/23.15 kb and 6/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,403 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.46/23.15 kb and 7/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,403 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.36/23.15 kb and 8/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.26/23.15 kb and 9/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,405 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/23.15 kb and 1/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,405 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.16/23.15 kb and 10/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,405 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/23.15 kb and 2/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,405 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/23.15 kb and 11/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/23.15 kb and 3/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/23.15 kb and 12/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/23.15 kb and 4/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.85/23.15 kb and 13/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/23.15 kb and 5/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/23.15 kb and 14/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.65/23.15 kb and 15/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/23.15 kb and 6/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.55/23.15 kb and 16/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/23.15 kb and 7/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/23.15 kb and 8/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.45/23.15 kb and 17/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,409 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.35/23.15 kb and 18/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,409 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.10/23.15 kb and 9/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/23.15 kb and 10/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.25/23.15 kb and 19/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.89/23.15 kb and 11/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.79/23.15 kb and 12/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.15/23.15 kb and 20/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.69/23.15 kb and 13/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.59/23.15 kb and 14/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.49/23.15 kb and 15/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.05/23.15 kb and 21/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.27/23.15 kb and 22/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.44/23.15 kb and 16/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.63/23.15 kb and 17/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.17/23.15 kb and 23/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.07/23.15 kb and 24/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.97/23.15 kb and 25/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.15/23.15 kb and 26/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.52/23.15 kb and 18/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.54/23.15 kb and 19/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.44/23.15 kb and 20/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.33/23.15 kb and 21/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.23/23.15 kb and 22/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.46/23.15 kb and 23/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.36/23.15 kb and 24/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.25/23.15 kb and 25/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.15/23.15 kb and 26/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,420 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,422 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:47) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,426 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,426 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55293
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,426 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,427 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:47) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,427 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,427 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,427 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30788 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30788 mb
      Master started: node-2
      45.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      45.5.	Found
      46.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,445 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:47) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,446 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,448 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,448 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725002e
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,448 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,449 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725002e closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,449 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,449 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725002e
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,451 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,451 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,451 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,451 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,565 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,566 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:47) uptime 2.714 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,566 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:47) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,568 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,570 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7f8574aa
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,570 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,570 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,571 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,571 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,571 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,572 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250031 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,572 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250031, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,580 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,824 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,826 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,829 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,829 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,834 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:33,837 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,046 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55296
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,050 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,051 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,052 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55296
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,052 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,054 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55296
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,054 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,067 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000072.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000070
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000072.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000070
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/23.15 kb and 1/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/23.15 kb and 2/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/23.15 kb and 3/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,258 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/23.15 kb and 4/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/23.15 kb and 5/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/23.15 kb and 6/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,260 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/23.15 kb and 7/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,261 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/23.15 kb and 8/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,261 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.15/23.15 kb and 9/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,262 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.16/23.15 kb and 10/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/23.15 kb and 11/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/23.15 kb and 12/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,264 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/23.15 kb and 13/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,264 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.76/23.15 kb and 14/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.66/23.15 kb and 15/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.84/23.15 kb and 16/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.74/23.15 kb and 17/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.64/23.15 kb and 18/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.54/23.15 kb and 19/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.76/23.15 kb and 20/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.66/23.15 kb and 21/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.56/23.15 kb and 22/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.46/23.15 kb and 23/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.36/23.15 kb and 24/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.25/23.15 kb and 25/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,272 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/23.15 kb and 1/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,272 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.15/23.15 kb and 26/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,272 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,272 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/23.15 kb and 2/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,273 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/23.15 kb and 3/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,274 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/23.15 kb and 4/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,275 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/23.15 kb and 5/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,275 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/23.15 kb and 6/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,276 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:48) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/23.15 kb and 7/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,277 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/23.15 kb and 8/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,277 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/23.15 kb and 9/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.99/23.15 kb and 10/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.94/23.15 kb and 11/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.84/23.15 kb and 12/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.02/23.15 kb and 13/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.92/23.15 kb and 14/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.82/23.15 kb and 15/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55301
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:48) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.72/23.15 kb and 16/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,281 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.62/23.15 kb and 17/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.52/23.15 kb and 18/26 files
      Master started: node-3
      46.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.42/23.15 kb and 19/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.32/23.15 kb and 20/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,285 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.54/23.15 kb and 21/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,286 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.44/23.15 kb and 22/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,286 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.34/23.15 kb and 23/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,287 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.24/23.15 kb and 24/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.25/23.15 kb and 25/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.15/23.15 kb and 26/26 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      46.5.	Found
      47.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,295 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:48) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,296 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,296 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,298 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,300 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,300 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,300 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725002f
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,300 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,301 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725002f closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,301 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,301 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725002f
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,404 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,405 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:48) uptime 2.592 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,405 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:48) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,407 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,409 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@100a494b
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,409 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,410 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,410 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,410 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55303
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,410 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55303
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,411 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250032 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55303
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,411 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250032, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,418 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,852 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,854 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,875 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,876 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,880 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:34,883 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,079 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55304
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,084 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,085 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,087 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55304
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,087 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,088 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55304
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,088 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,277 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000073
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000075.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000073
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000075.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,297 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/24.10 kb and 1/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,298 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/24.10 kb and 2/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,298 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/24.10 kb and 3/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,299 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/24.10 kb and 4/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/24.10 kb and 5/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.51/24.10 kb and 6/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/24.10 kb and 7/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,301 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.68/24.10 kb and 8/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,301 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.58/24.10 kb and 9/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.48/24.10 kb and 10/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,303 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.43/24.10 kb and 11/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,303 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.33/24.10 kb and 12/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,304 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.52/24.10 kb and 13/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,305 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.42/24.10 kb and 14/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,305 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.32/24.10 kb and 15/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,306 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.21/24.10 kb and 16/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,306 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.12/24.10 kb and 17/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.02/24.10 kb and 18/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.92/24.10 kb and 19/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.82/24.10 kb and 20/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.71/24.10 kb and 21/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.61/24.10 kb and 22/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.51/24.10 kb and 23/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.41/24.10 kb and 24/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.31/24.10 kb and 25/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.21/24.10 kb and 26/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.10/24.10 kb and 27/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,317 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.27/24.10 kb and 1/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,318 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,318 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.17/24.10 kb and 2/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,320 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.07/24.10 kb and 3/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,321 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:49) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.97/24.10 kb and 4/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.87/24.10 kb and 5/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.77/24.10 kb and 6/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,324 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.67/24.10 kb and 7/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,324 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.62/24.10 kb and 8/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.52/24.10 kb and 9/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,326 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.42/24.10 kb and 10/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,326 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55309
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,326 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,326 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.60/24.10 kb and 11/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,326 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:49) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,326 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,326 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,327 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.50/24.10 kb and 12/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.40/24.10 kb and 13/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.30/24.10 kb and 14/27 files
      Master started: node-1
      47.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.20/24.10 kb and 15/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.09/24.10 kb and 16/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.99/24.10 kb and 17/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.89/24.10 kb and 18/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.79/24.10 kb and 19/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.69/24.10 kb and 20/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.59/24.10 kb and 21/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.49/24.10 kb and 22/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.39/24.10 kb and 23/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,334 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.29/24.10 kb and 24/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,336 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.31/24.10 kb and 25/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.21/24.10 kb and 26/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.10/24.10 kb and 27/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,345 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      47.5.	Found
      48.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,351 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:49) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,351 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,355 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,357 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,357 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,360 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,361 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250030
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,362 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250030 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,362 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,362 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55287 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250030
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,482 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,482 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:49) uptime 2.922 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,482 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:49) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,484 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,486 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7e333bfc
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,487 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,487 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,488 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,488 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55311
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,488 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55311
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,489 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250033 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55311
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,489 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250033, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,496 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,745 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,749 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,772 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,772 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,776 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,780 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,974 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55312
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,979 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,979 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,980 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55312
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,981 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,983 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55312
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,983 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:35,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,151 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000073
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000075.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000075.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000073
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/24.10 kb and 1/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,174 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/24.10 kb and 2/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,175 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/24.10 kb and 3/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,175 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/24.10 kb and 4/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,176 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.55/24.10 kb and 5/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,177 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.45/24.10 kb and 6/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,178 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/24.10 kb and 7/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,178 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/24.10 kb and 8/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,179 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.15/24.10 kb and 9/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,179 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.42/24.10 kb and 10/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,180 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.32/24.10 kb and 11/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,181 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.22/24.10 kb and 12/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,181 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.12/24.10 kb and 13/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,182 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.01/24.10 kb and 14/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,183 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.91/24.10 kb and 15/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,184 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.81/24.10 kb and 16/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,184 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.71/24.10 kb and 17/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.73/24.10 kb and 18/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.63/24.10 kb and 19/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,186 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.52/24.10 kb and 20/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,187 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.42/24.10 kb and 21/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,188 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.61/24.10 kb and 22/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,188 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.51/24.10 kb and 23/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.41/24.10 kb and 24/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.31/24.10 kb and 25/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,190 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.21/24.10 kb and 26/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,191 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.10/24.10 kb and 27/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,191 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,194 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,195 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:50) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/24.10 kb and 1/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,199 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55317
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,199 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,200 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:50) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,200 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/24.10 kb and 2/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,200 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,200 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,200 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,200 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/24.10 kb and 3/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,201 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.71/24.10 kb and 4/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,201 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/24.10 kb and 5/27 files
      Master started: node-2
      48.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,202 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.51/24.10 kb and 6/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,203 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/24.10 kb and 7/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,203 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.60/24.10 kb and 8/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,204 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.87/24.10 kb and 9/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,205 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.77/24.10 kb and 10/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,205 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.67/24.10 kb and 11/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,206 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.57/24.10 kb and 12/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,207 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.47/24.10 kb and 13/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.37/24.10 kb and 14/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.26/24.10 kb and 15/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,210 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.16/24.10 kb and 16/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,211 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.06/24.10 kb and 17/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.01/24.10 kb and 18/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.91/24.10 kb and 19/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.80/24.10 kb and 20/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.70/24.10 kb and 21/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,215 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.60/24.10 kb and 22/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,216 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.50/24.10 kb and 23/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,216 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.40/24.10 kb and 24/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,217 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.31/24.10 kb and 25/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,218 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.21/24.10 kb and 26/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,219 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.10/24.10 kb and 27/27 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,219 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      48.5.	Found
      49.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,222 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:50) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,223 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,229 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,230 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,230 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250031
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,232 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250031
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,233 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250031 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,234 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,238 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,238 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,338 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:50) uptime 2.772 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,338 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:50) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,340 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,343 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@39d47789
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,343 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,344 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,344 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,344 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55319
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,345 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55319
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,345 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250034 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55319
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,345 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250034, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,352 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,841 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,843 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,856 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,857 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,860 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:36,872 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,082 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55320
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,087 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,088 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55320
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,088 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,087 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,092 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55320
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,092 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,306 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,306 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000076
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,307 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,308 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000078.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,309 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,310 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000076
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,311 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000078.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,327 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/25.06 kb and 1/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/25.06 kb and 2/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/25.06 kb and 1/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.12/25.06 kb and 3/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.02/25.06 kb and 4/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/25.06 kb and 2/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.92/25.06 kb and 5/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/25.06 kb and 3/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.82/25.06 kb and 6/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.72/25.06 kb and 7/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/25.06 kb and 4/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.62/25.06 kb and 8/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/25.06 kb and 5/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.51/25.06 kb and 9/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/25.06 kb and 6/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.41/25.06 kb and 10/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.31/25.06 kb and 11/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/25.06 kb and 7/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.21/25.06 kb and 12/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/25.06 kb and 8/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,334 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.16/25.06 kb and 13/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,335 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.06/25.06 kb and 14/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,335 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/25.06 kb and 9/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,335 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.96/25.06 kb and 15/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,335 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.10/25.06 kb and 10/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,336 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.15/25.06 kb and 16/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,336 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/25.06 kb and 11/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,336 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.04/25.06 kb and 17/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.90/25.06 kb and 12/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.06/25.06 kb and 18/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.80/25.06 kb and 13/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.70/25.06 kb and 14/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.96/25.06 kb and 19/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.60/25.06 kb and 15/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.86/25.06 kb and 20/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.76/25.06 kb and 21/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.50/25.06 kb and 16/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,339 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.66/25.06 kb and 22/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,339 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.40/25.06 kb and 17/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,339 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.56/25.06 kb and 23/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,340 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.30/25.06 kb and 18/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,340 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.46/25.06 kb and 24/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,341 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.20/25.06 kb and 19/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,341 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.36/25.06 kb and 25/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,341 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.10/25.06 kb and 20/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,341 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.25/25.06 kb and 26/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,342 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.16/25.06 kb and 27/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,342 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.00/25.06 kb and 21/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,342 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.90/25.06 kb and 22/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,342 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.06/25.06 kb and 28/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,343 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,343 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.22/25.06 kb and 23/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,344 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.17/25.06 kb and 24/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.07/25.06 kb and 25/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,347 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.97/25.06 kb and 26/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,347 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.87/25.06 kb and 27/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,348 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.06/25.06 kb and 28/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,348 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,352 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:51) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,356 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55325
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,356 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,356 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:51) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,356 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,356 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,357 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,358 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      49.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      49.5.	Found
      50.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,373 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:51) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,373 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,375 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,376 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,376 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250032
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,377 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250032 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,377 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,377 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55303 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250032
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,379 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,379 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,379 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,379 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,496 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,497 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:51) uptime 3.091 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,497 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:51) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,499 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,501 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@566822b0
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,501 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,502 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,502 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,503 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,503 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,503 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250035 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,504 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250035, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,510 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,784 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,787 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,794 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,794 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:37,804 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,000 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55328
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,006 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,007 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,008 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55328
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,008 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,010 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55328
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,010 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,024 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,166 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000076
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000078.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000076
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,172 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,172 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,172 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,172 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000078.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,174 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,174 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,184 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/25.06 kb and 1/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/25.06 kb and 2/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,187 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/25.06 kb and 3/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,187 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/25.06 kb and 4/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,187 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/25.06 kb and 1/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,188 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/25.06 kb and 2/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,188 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/25.06 kb and 5/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,188 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/25.06 kb and 6/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,188 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/25.06 kb and 3/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.71/25.06 kb and 4/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/25.06 kb and 7/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/25.06 kb and 5/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/25.06 kb and 8/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,190 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.56/25.06 kb and 6/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,190 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/25.06 kb and 9/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,190 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.89/25.06 kb and 7/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,190 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.99/25.06 kb and 10/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,191 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.79/25.06 kb and 8/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,191 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.31/25.06 kb and 11/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,192 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.68/25.06 kb and 9/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,192 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.21/25.06 kb and 12/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,192 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.11/25.06 kb and 13/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,192 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.58/25.06 kb and 10/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,193 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.48/25.06 kb and 11/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,193 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.01/25.06 kb and 14/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,193 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.38/25.06 kb and 12/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,193 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.91/25.06 kb and 15/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,194 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.28/25.06 kb and 13/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,194 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.81/25.06 kb and 16/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,195 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.18/25.06 kb and 14/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,195 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.71/25.06 kb and 17/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,195 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.36/25.06 kb and 15/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,195 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.61/25.06 kb and 18/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,196 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.62/25.06 kb and 19/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,196 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.26/25.06 kb and 16/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,197 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.81/25.06 kb and 20/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,197 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.16/25.06 kb and 17/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,198 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.71/25.06 kb and 21/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,198 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.06/25.06 kb and 18/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,198 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.96/25.06 kb and 19/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,198 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.60/25.06 kb and 22/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.86/25.06 kb and 20/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.50/25.06 kb and 23/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.40/25.06 kb and 24/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.76/25.06 kb and 21/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,200 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.66/25.06 kb and 22/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,200 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.31/25.06 kb and 25/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,200 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.26/25.06 kb and 26/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,200 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.56/25.06 kb and 23/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,201 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.46/25.06 kb and 24/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,201 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.16/25.06 kb and 27/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,202 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.36/25.06 kb and 25/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,202 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.06/25.06 kb and 28/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,202 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,203 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.26/25.06 kb and 26/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,204 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.16/25.06 kb and 27/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,205 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.06/25.06 kb and 28/28 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,205 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,206 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,208 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:52) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,211 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,212 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55333
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,212 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,212 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:52) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,212 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,212 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,212 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-1
      50.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      50.5.	Found
      51.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,229 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:52) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,229 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,232 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,234 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,234 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250033
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,235 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55311 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250033
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,235 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250033 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,235 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,237 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,237 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,339 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,340 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:52) uptime 2.857 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,340 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:52) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,343 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,346 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6fac659
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,346 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,347 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,347 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,348 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55335
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,348 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55335
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,349 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250036 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55335
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,349 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250036, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,361 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,796 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,798 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,798 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,802 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:38,806 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,025 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55336
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,030 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,030 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,032 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55336
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,032 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,034 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55336
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,034 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,219 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000081.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000079
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000079
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000081.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,260 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/26.01 kb and 1/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,260 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/26.01 kb and 2/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,261 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/26.01 kb and 3/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,262 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/26.01 kb and 4/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,262 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.55/26.01 kb and 5/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.45/26.01 kb and 6/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,264 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.63/26.01 kb and 7/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,264 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.53/26.01 kb and 8/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.43/26.01 kb and 9/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.33/26.01 kb and 10/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.23/26.01 kb and 11/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.13/26.01 kb and 12/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.03/26.01 kb and 13/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.92/26.01 kb and 14/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.82/26.01 kb and 15/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.72/26.01 kb and 16/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.62/26.01 kb and 17/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.99/26.01 kb and 18/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.89/26.01 kb and 19/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.79/26.01 kb and 20/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.69/26.01 kb and 21/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,272 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.59/26.01 kb and 22/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,273 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.49/26.01 kb and 23/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,273 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.39/26.01 kb and 24/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,274 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.29/26.01 kb and 25/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,275 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.19/26.01 kb and 26/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,275 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.09/26.01 kb and 27/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.11/26.01 kb and 28/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.01/26.01 kb and 29/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,277 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/26.01 kb and 1/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/26.01 kb and 2/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/26.01 kb and 3/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.07/26.01 kb and 4/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.97/26.01 kb and 5/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.87/26.01 kb and 6/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.77/26.01 kb and 7/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.67/26.01 kb and 8/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.57/26.01 kb and 9/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.47/26.01 kb and 10/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,282 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:53) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.37/26.01 kb and 11/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.27/26.01 kb and 12/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.17/26.01 kb and 13/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.07/26.01 kb and 14/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.02/26.01 kb and 15/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,285 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.92/26.01 kb and 16/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,286 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55341
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,286 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,287 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:53) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,287 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,287 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,287 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,287 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.82/26.01 kb and 17/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.72/26.01 kb and 18/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.61/26.01 kb and 19/29 files
      Master started: node-2
      51.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.51/26.01 kb and 20/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.41/26.01 kb and 21/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.31/26.01 kb and 22/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.21/26.01 kb and 23/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.11/26.01 kb and 24/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,294 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.01/26.01 kb and 25/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,295 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.02/26.01 kb and 26/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,295 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.92/26.01 kb and 27/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,296 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.82/26.01 kb and 28/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,296 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.01/26.01 kb and 29/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,296 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      51.5.	Found
      52.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,306 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:53) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,306 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,306 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,308 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,308 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250034
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,309 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,309 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250034 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,309 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,309 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55319 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250034
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,312 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,312 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,312 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,437 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,438 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:53) uptime 3.099 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,438 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:53) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,440 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,445 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4ceb4f17
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,445 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,446 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,446 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,446 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55343
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,446 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55343
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,447 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250037 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55343
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,447 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250037, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,454 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,760 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,762 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,767 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,767 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,771 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,776 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:39,998 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55344
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,005 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,005 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,007 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55344
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,007 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,010 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55344
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,010 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,206 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,207 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,207 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,207 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000081.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,207 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000079
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,208 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,209 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,210 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,210 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,210 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,211 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,211 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000081.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000079
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,212 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,213 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,214 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,215 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,215 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,215 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,223 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/26.01 kb and 1/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,224 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/26.01 kb and 2/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/26.01 kb and 3/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/26.01 kb and 4/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/26.01 kb and 5/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,227 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/26.01 kb and 6/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.63/26.01 kb and 7/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.01/26.01 kb and 8/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.91/26.01 kb and 9/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.80/26.01 kb and 10/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.70/26.01 kb and 11/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.60/26.01 kb and 12/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,232 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.50/26.01 kb and 13/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.40/26.01 kb and 14/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,233 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.30/26.01 kb and 15/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,234 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.20/26.01 kb and 16/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,234 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.22/26.01 kb and 17/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.12/26.01 kb and 18/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.02/26.01 kb and 19/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,236 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.92/26.01 kb and 20/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.81/26.01 kb and 21/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,237 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.71/26.01 kb and 22/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,238 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.61/26.01 kb and 23/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.51/26.01 kb and 24/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,239 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.41/26.01 kb and 25/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.31/26.01 kb and 26/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.21/26.01 kb and 27/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/26.01 kb and 1/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.11/26.01 kb and 28/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/26.01 kb and 2/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.01/26.01 kb and 29/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.99/26.01 kb and 3/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.89/26.01 kb and 4/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/26.01 kb and 5/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.16/26.01 kb and 6/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,251 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:54) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.06/26.01 kb and 7/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.96/26.01 kb and 8/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.85/26.01 kb and 9/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.80/26.01 kb and 10/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.70/26.01 kb and 11/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.60/26.01 kb and 12/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,255 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55349
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,255 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,255 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:54) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,255 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,255 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,255 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.62/26.01 kb and 13/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.52/26.01 kb and 14/29 files
      Master started: node-3
      52.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.42/26.01 kb and 15/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.32/26.01 kb and 16/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,260 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.21/26.01 kb and 17/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,261 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.11/26.01 kb and 18/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,262 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.01/26.01 kb and 19/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.91/26.01 kb and 20/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,264 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.81/26.01 kb and 21/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.71/26.01 kb and 22/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.61/26.01 kb and 23/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.51/26.01 kb and 24/29 files
      52.5.	Found
      53.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.41/26.01 kb and 25/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,271 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:54) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,272 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,274 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,275 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,275 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250035
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,275 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250035 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,276 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250035
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,276 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,276 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.31/26.01 kb and 26/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,277 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.21/26.01 kb and 27/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.11/26.01 kb and 28/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.01/26.01 kb and 29/29 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,289 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,379 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,380 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:54) uptime 2.883 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,380 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:54) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,382 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,385 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4e326f04
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,385 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,386 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,386 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,386 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,387 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,387 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250038 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,387 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250038, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,884 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,887 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,921 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:40,925 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,154 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55352
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,158 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,158 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,160 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55352
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,160 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,162 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55352
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,162 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,339 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000084.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000082
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000084.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,355 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000082
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,356 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,367 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/26.96 kb and 1/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,367 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/26.96 kb and 2/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,368 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/26.96 kb and 3/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,368 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/26.96 kb and 4/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,369 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/26.96 kb and 5/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,369 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/26.96 kb and 6/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,370 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/26.96 kb and 7/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,370 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/26.96 kb and 8/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/26.96 kb and 9/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.99/26.96 kb and 10/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,372 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.89/26.96 kb and 11/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,373 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.79/26.96 kb and 12/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,373 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.69/26.96 kb and 13/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,374 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.59/26.96 kb and 14/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,374 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.49/26.96 kb and 15/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,375 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.39/26.96 kb and 16/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,375 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.29/26.96 kb and 17/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,376 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.19/26.96 kb and 18/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,377 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.37/26.96 kb and 19/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,377 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.27/26.96 kb and 20/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,378 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.17/26.96 kb and 21/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,378 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.07/26.96 kb and 22/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,379 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.97/26.96 kb and 23/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,379 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.87/26.96 kb and 24/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,380 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.29/26.96 kb and 25/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,381 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.31/26.96 kb and 26/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,381 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.26/26.96 kb and 27/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.16/26.96 kb and 28/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/26.96 kb and 1/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,382 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.06/26.96 kb and 29/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/26.96 kb and 2/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.96/26.96 kb and 30/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,383 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/26.96 kb and 3/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/26.96 kb and 4/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/26.96 kb and 5/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.68/26.96 kb and 6/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/26.96 kb and 7/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/26.96 kb and 8/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/26.96 kb and 9/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.28/26.96 kb and 10/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.18/26.96 kb and 11/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.08/26.96 kb and 12/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.98/26.96 kb and 13/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.88/26.96 kb and 14/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,390 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:55) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.78/26.96 kb and 15/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.68/26.96 kb and 16/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.58/26.96 kb and 17/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,392 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.00/26.96 kb and 18/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,392 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.90/26.96 kb and 19/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,393 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.80/26.96 kb and 20/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.70/26.96 kb and 21/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55357
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.59/26.96 kb and 22/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:55) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,395 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,395 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.61/26.96 kb and 23/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.51/26.96 kb and 24/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.41/26.96 kb and 25/30 files
      Master started: node-1
      53.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.31/26.96 kb and 26/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.21/26.96 kb and 27/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,399 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.11/26.96 kb and 28/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.06/26.96 kb and 29/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,400 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.96/26.96 kb and 30/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      53.5.	Found
      54.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,416 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:55) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,416 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,420 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,421 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,421 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,421 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,422 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,422 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250036
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,423 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250036 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,423 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55335 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250036
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,423 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,546 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,546 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:55) uptime 3.205 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,547 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:55) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,549 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,551 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@25d73bfd
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,551 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,552 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,553 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,553 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55359
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,553 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55359
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,554 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250039 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55359
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,554 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250039, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,561 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,843 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,845 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,856 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,857 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,860 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:41,868 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,097 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55360
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,103 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,103 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,105 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55360
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,105 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,108 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55360
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,108 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,125 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000084.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000082
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/26.96 kb and 1/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/26.96 kb and 2/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/26.96 kb and 3/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/26.96 kb and 4/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,147 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/26.96 kb and 5/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,147 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/26.96 kb and 6/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,148 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/26.96 kb and 7/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,149 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.32/26.96 kb and 8/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,149 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.27/26.96 kb and 9/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,150 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.17/26.96 kb and 10/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,150 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.06/26.96 kb and 11/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,151 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.96/26.96 kb and 12/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/26.96 kb and 13/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.76/26.96 kb and 14/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.66/26.96 kb and 15/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.56/26.96 kb and 16/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.75/26.96 kb and 17/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.64/26.96 kb and 18/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.54/26.96 kb and 19/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.44/26.96 kb and 20/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.34/26.96 kb and 21/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.24/26.96 kb and 22/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.66/26.96 kb and 23/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.56/26.96 kb and 24/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.46/26.96 kb and 25/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,161 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.36/26.96 kb and 26/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,161 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.26/26.96 kb and 27/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.16/26.96 kb and 28/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.06/26.96 kb and 29/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,163 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.96/26.96 kb and 30/30 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,163 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,165 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,166 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:56) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,170 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55364
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,170 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,170 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:56) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,170 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,170 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,171 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-2
      54.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      54.5.	Found
      55.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,188 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:56) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,188 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,190 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,191 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,191 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,192 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,192 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250037
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,192 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250037 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,193 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55343 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250037
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,193 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,298 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,298 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:56) uptime 2.859 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,299 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:56) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,301 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,303 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@77bac550
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,303 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,304 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,305 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,305 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55366
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,305 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55366
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,307 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725003a with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55366
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,307 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725003a, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,313 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,532 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,532 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,532 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,534 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,784 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,788 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,792 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:42,999 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55367
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,004 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,004 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,004 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55367
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,004 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,005 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55367
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,005 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,224 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,227 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000085
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000087.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/27.91 kb and 1/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/27.91 kb and 2/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/27.91 kb and 3/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/27.91 kb and 4/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/27.91 kb and 5/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.02/27.91 kb and 6/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.92/27.91 kb and 7/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.82/27.91 kb and 8/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.72/27.91 kb and 9/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.90/27.91 kb and 10/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.80/27.91 kb and 11/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.70/27.91 kb and 12/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.60/27.91 kb and 13/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.50/27.91 kb and 14/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.40/27.91 kb and 15/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.30/27.91 kb and 16/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.20/27.91 kb and 17/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.10/27.91 kb and 18/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.00/27.91 kb and 19/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.90/27.91 kb and 20/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,258 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.80/27.91 kb and 21/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.70/27.91 kb and 22/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.59/27.91 kb and 23/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,260 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.49/27.91 kb and 24/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,261 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.39/27.91 kb and 25/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,261 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.29/27.91 kb and 26/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,261 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.19/27.91 kb and 27/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,262 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.09/27.91 kb and 28/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,262 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.99/27.91 kb and 29/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.01/27.91 kb and 30/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.91/27.91 kb and 31/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,268 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:57) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000087.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000085
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,272 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55372
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,273 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,273 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:57) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,273 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,273 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,273 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-1
      55.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      55.5.	Found
      56.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,289 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:57) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,290 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,294 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,294 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,294 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,295 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250039
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,296 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250039 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,296 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55359 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250039
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,296 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,298 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,298 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,299 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,299 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,299 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,420 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,420 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:57) uptime 1.873 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,420 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:57) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,423 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,425 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6fdbce7c
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,425 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,426 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,427 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,428 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55374
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,428 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55374
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,429 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725003b with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55374
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,429 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725003b, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,437 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,522 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,525 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,727 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,727 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,731 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,734 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,928 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55375
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,934 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,934 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,934 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55375
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,934 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,936 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55375
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,936 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,952 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,956 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000085
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000087.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,959 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.48/27.91 kb and 1/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.38/27.91 kb and 2/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.27/27.91 kb and 3/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,983 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/27.91 kb and 4/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,984 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.07/27.91 kb and 5/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,984 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.97/27.91 kb and 6/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.87/27.91 kb and 7/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,985 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.77/27.91 kb and 8/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.67/27.91 kb and 9/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,986 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.57/27.91 kb and 10/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,987 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.47/27.91 kb and 11/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,987 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.65/27.91 kb and 12/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,988 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.56/27.91 kb and 13/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,988 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.57/27.91 kb and 14/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,989 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.47/27.91 kb and 15/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,989 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.37/27.91 kb and 16/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,990 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.27/27.91 kb and 17/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,991 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.17/27.91 kb and 18/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,991 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.07/27.91 kb and 19/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,992 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.96/27.91 kb and 20/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.86/27.91 kb and 21/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.76/27.91 kb and 22/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.66/27.91 kb and 23/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.56/27.91 kb and 24/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.46/27.91 kb and 25/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.36/27.91 kb and 26/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.26/27.91 kb and 27/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.16/27.91 kb and 28/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.06/27.91 kb and 29/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,998 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.01/27.91 kb and 30/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,999 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.91/27.91 kb and 31/31 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:43,999 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,002 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:58) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,006 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55379
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,006 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,006 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:58) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,006 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,006 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,006 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-3
      56.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      56.5.	Found
      57.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,026 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:58) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,027 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,030 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,031 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,032 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,032 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250038
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,033 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250038 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,033 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,033 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250038
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,138 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,139 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:58) uptime 3.759 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,139 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:58) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,141 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,144 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3d2bbb19
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,144 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,145 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,145 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,145 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,145 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,146 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725003c with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,146 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725003c, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,155 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,373 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,373 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,373 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,375 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,669 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,673 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,677 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,881 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55382
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,886 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,887 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55382
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,887 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,887 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,888 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55382
      2016-08-25 09:01:44,888 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,096 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,112 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,112 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,112 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,112 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000088
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000090.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000088
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000090.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/28.86 kb and 1/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/28.86 kb and 2/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/28.86 kb and 3/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/28.86 kb and 4/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/28.86 kb and 5/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/28.86 kb and 6/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,131 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/28.86 kb and 7/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,132 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/28.86 kb and 8/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,132 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/28.86 kb and 9/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,133 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/28.86 kb and 10/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,133 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.01/28.86 kb and 11/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,134 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.91/28.86 kb and 12/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,135 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.86/28.86 kb and 13/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,135 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.76/28.86 kb and 14/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,136 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.66/28.86 kb and 15/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,136 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.56/28.86 kb and 16/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,137 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.46/28.86 kb and 17/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,137 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.36/28.86 kb and 18/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,138 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.26/28.86 kb and 19/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,139 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.16/28.86 kb and 20/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,139 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.05/28.86 kb and 21/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,140 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.95/28.86 kb and 22/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,140 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.85/28.86 kb and 23/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,141 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.75/28.86 kb and 24/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,141 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.65/28.86 kb and 25/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,142 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.55/28.86 kb and 26/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,142 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.45/28.86 kb and 27/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,143 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.35/28.86 kb and 28/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,144 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.25/28.86 kb and 29/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.77/28.86 kb and 30/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/28.86 kb and 1/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/28.86 kb and 2/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.67/28.86 kb and 31/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.86/28.86 kb and 32/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/28.86 kb and 3/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,147 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/28.86 kb and 4/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,148 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/28.86 kb and 5/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,148 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/28.86 kb and 6/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,149 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/28.86 kb and 7/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,150 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/28.86 kb and 8/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,150 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.10/28.86 kb and 9/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,151 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/28.86 kb and 10/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.90/28.86 kb and 11/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.79/28.86 kb and 12/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.74/28.86 kb and 13/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.64/28.86 kb and 14/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.54/28.86 kb and 15/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.44/28.86 kb and 16/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.46/28.86 kb and 17/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,155 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:59) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.36/28.86 kb and 18/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.88/28.86 kb and 19/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.78/28.86 kb and 20/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.68/28.86 kb and 21/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.58/28.86 kb and 22/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.48/28.86 kb and 23/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.66/28.86 kb and 24/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,159 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55387
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.56/28.86 kb and 25/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,159 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,160 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:59) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,160 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,160 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,160 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.46/28.86 kb and 26/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,161 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.36/28.86 kb and 27/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,161 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.26/28.86 kb and 28/32 files
      Master started: node-1
      57.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.16/28.86 kb and 29/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.06/28.86 kb and 30/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,163 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.96/28.86 kb and 31/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,164 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.86/28.86 kb and 32/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,164 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      57.5.	Found
      58.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,179 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:59) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,180 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,182 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,182 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,184 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,185 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725003b
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,185 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,185 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55374 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725003b
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,185 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725003b closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,186 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,189 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,189 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,189 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,304 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,305 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:59) uptime 1.884 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,305 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:59) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,307 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,309 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@dabaed5
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,310 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,310 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,311 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,311 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55389
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,311 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55389
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,311 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725003d with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55389
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,312 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725003d, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,321 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,634 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,634 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,644 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,649 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,653 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,898 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55390
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,903 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,904 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,906 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55390
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,906 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,907 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55390
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,907 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:45,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000090.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000088
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,124 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,126 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,127 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000090.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000088
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,129 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,130 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,131 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,144 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/28.86 kb and 1/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/28.86 kb and 2/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,145 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/28.86 kb and 3/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/28.86 kb and 4/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,147 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.55/28.86 kb and 5/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,147 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.45/28.86 kb and 6/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,148 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/28.86 kb and 7/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,148 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/28.86 kb and 8/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,149 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.14/28.86 kb and 9/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,149 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.05/28.86 kb and 10/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,150 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.95/28.86 kb and 11/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,151 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.85/28.86 kb and 12/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,151 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/28.86 kb and 13/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.65/28.86 kb and 14/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,152 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.66/28.86 kb and 15/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.56/28.86 kb and 16/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,153 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.46/28.86 kb and 17/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.35/28.86 kb and 18/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.25/28.86 kb and 19/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.15/28.86 kb and 20/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.05/28.86 kb and 21/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.95/28.86 kb and 22/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.13/28.86 kb and 23/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.03/28.86 kb and 24/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.56/28.86 kb and 25/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.46/28.86 kb and 26/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.36/28.86 kb and 27/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.26/28.86 kb and 28/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,160 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.16/28.86 kb and 29/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,161 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.06/28.86 kb and 30/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.96/28.86 kb and 31/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.86/28.86 kb and 32/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/28.86 kb and 1/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/28.86 kb and 2/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,163 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/28.86 kb and 3/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,163 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/28.86 kb and 4/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,164 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/28.86 kb and 5/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,164 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,165 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/28.86 kb and 6/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,165 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/28.86 kb and 7/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,165 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:60) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,166 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/28.86 kb and 8/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,166 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.10/28.86 kb and 9/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.05/28.86 kb and 10/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.95/28.86 kb and 11/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.85/28.86 kb and 12/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.75/28.86 kb and 13/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,169 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55395
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,170 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,170 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:60) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.64/28.86 kb and 14/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.54/28.86 kb and 15/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.44/28.86 kb and 16/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,172 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.34/28.86 kb and 17/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,170 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.24/28.86 kb and 18/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,173 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,173 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.14/28.86 kb and 19/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,174 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.15/28.86 kb and 20/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,174 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.05/28.86 kb and 21/32 files
      Master started: node-2
      58.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,175 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.24/28.86 kb and 22/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,176 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.14/28.86 kb and 23/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,177 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.04/28.86 kb and 24/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,177 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.94/28.86 kb and 25/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,178 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.46/28.86 kb and 26/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,179 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.36/28.86 kb and 27/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,179 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.26/28.86 kb and 28/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,180 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.16/28.86 kb and 29/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,180 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.06/28.86 kb and 30/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,180 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.96/28.86 kb and 31/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,181 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.86/28.86 kb and 32/32 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,181 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,187 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      58.5.	Found
      59.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,194 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:60) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,194 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,197 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,198 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,199 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,199 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,200 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725003a
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,201 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55366 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725003a
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,202 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725003a closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,202 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,307 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,307 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:60) uptime 4.008 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,307 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:60) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,310 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,312 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@5f238a57
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,312 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,313 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,313 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,313 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55397
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,314 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55397
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,314 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725003e with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55397
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,315 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725003e, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,322 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,901 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,904 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,914 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,914 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,917 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:46,920 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,179 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55398
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,186 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,186 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,187 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55398
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,187 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,190 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55398
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,191 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,426 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,427 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000091
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,428 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000093.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,430 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,431 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000091
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,432 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000093.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,433 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,447 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/29.81 kb and 1/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,448 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/29.81 kb and 2/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,448 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/29.81 kb and 3/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,449 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/29.81 kb and 4/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,449 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/29.81 kb and 5/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/29.81 kb and 6/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,451 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/29.81 kb and 7/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,451 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/29.81 kb and 8/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.10/29.81 kb and 9/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/29.81 kb and 10/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,453 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.90/29.81 kb and 11/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,453 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.80/29.81 kb and 12/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,454 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.70/29.81 kb and 13/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,454 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.60/29.81 kb and 14/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.49/29.81 kb and 15/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.39/29.81 kb and 16/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.29/29.81 kb and 17/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.24/29.81 kb and 18/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.14/29.81 kb and 19/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.04/29.81 kb and 20/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.62/29.81 kb and 21/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.52/29.81 kb and 22/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.42/29.81 kb and 23/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.31/29.81 kb and 24/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.21/29.81 kb and 25/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.11/29.81 kb and 26/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.13/29.81 kb and 27/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.03/29.81 kb and 28/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,463 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.93/29.81 kb and 29/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,463 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.83/29.81 kb and 30/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,464 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.73/29.81 kb and 31/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,464 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.62/29.81 kb and 32/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.95/29.81 kb and 1/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.81/29.81 kb and 33/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/29.81 kb and 2/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/29.81 kb and 3/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/29.81 kb and 4/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/29.81 kb and 5/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/29.81 kb and 6/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.34/29.81 kb and 7/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.24/29.81 kb and 8/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.14/29.81 kb and 9/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.04/29.81 kb and 10/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.94/29.81 kb and 11/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.83/29.81 kb and 12/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.73/29.81 kb and 13/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,471 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:61) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.64/29.81 kb and 14/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.54/29.81 kb and 15/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.44/29.81 kb and 16/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.34/29.81 kb and 17/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.24/29.81 kb and 18/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.14/29.81 kb and 19/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.04/29.81 kb and 20/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,476 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55403
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,477 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.93/29.81 kb and 21/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,477 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:61) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,477 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,477 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,477 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,478 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.83/29.81 kb and 22/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,478 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.41/29.81 kb and 23/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,478 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.31/29.81 kb and 24/33 files
      Master started: node-3
      59.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,479 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.21/29.81 kb and 25/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.11/29.81 kb and 26/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.01/29.81 kb and 27/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,481 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.91/29.81 kb and 28/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,482 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.81/29.81 kb and 29/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,482 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.99/29.81 kb and 30/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,483 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.89/29.81 kb and 31/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,484 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.79/29.81 kb and 32/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,484 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.81/29.81 kb and 33/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,484 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,492 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      59.5.	Found
      60.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,497 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:61) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,498 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,501 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,501 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,502 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725003c
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,502 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725003c closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,502 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,502 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725003c
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,505 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,505 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,505 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,506 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,622 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,623 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:61) uptime 3.484 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,623 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:61) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,625 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@369fb2ed
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,628 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,629 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,630 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,630 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55405
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,630 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55405
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,631 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725003f with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55405
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,631 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725003f, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,638 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,947 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,950 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,969 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,970 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,973 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:47,976 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,204 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55406
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,209 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,209 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,210 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55406
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,210 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,213 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55406
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,213 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,223 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,384 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,385 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000093.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000091
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,387 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,388 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000091
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,389 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000093.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/29.81 kb and 1/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/29.81 kb and 2/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,402 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/29.81 kb and 3/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,402 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/29.81 kb and 4/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,403 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/29.81 kb and 5/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/29.81 kb and 6/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/29.81 kb and 7/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/29.81 kb and 8/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,405 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/29.81 kb and 9/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.28/29.81 kb and 10/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.18/29.81 kb and 11/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.08/29.81 kb and 12/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.09/29.81 kb and 13/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.99/29.81 kb and 14/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.89/29.81 kb and 15/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,409 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.79/29.81 kb and 16/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.69/29.81 kb and 17/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.59/29.81 kb and 18/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.54/29.81 kb and 19/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.44/29.81 kb and 20/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.02/29.81 kb and 21/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.92/29.81 kb and 22/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.82/29.81 kb and 23/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,414 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.71/29.81 kb and 24/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.61/29.81 kb and 25/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,415 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.51/29.81 kb and 26/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.41/29.81 kb and 27/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,416 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.31/29.81 kb and 28/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.21/29.81 kb and 29/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,417 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.11/29.81 kb and 30/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.01/29.81 kb and 31/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.91/29.81 kb and 32/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.81/29.81 kb and 33/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,419 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,422 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,424 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:62) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,428 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55411
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,428 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,428 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:62) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,428 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,428 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,428 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,429 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/29.81 kb and 1/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,434 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/29.81 kb and 2/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,434 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/29.81 kb and 3/33 files
      Master started: node-1
      60.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,435 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/29.81 kb and 4/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/29.81 kb and 5/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/29.81 kb and 6/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.97/29.81 kb and 7/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.87/29.81 kb and 8/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.77/29.81 kb and 9/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.67/29.81 kb and 10/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.57/29.81 kb and 11/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.47/29.81 kb and 12/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.37/29.81 kb and 13/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,442 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.27/29.81 kb and 14/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,443 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.17/29.81 kb and 15/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,444 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.18/29.81 kb and 16/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,445 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.08/29.81 kb and 17/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,445 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.98/29.81 kb and 18/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,446 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.88/29.81 kb and 19/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,446 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.78/29.81 kb and 20/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,446 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.68/29.81 kb and 21/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,447 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.58/29.81 kb and 22/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,448 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.48/29.81 kb and 23/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,448 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.38/29.81 kb and 24/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,449 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.28/29.81 kb and 25/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.18/29.81 kb and 26/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.13/29.81 kb and 27/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,451 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.31/29.81 kb and 28/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,452 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.21/29.81 kb and 29/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,453 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.11/29.81 kb and 30/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,454 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.01/29.81 kb and 31/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.91/29.81 kb and 32/33 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.81/29.81 kb and 33/33 files
      60.5.	Found
      61.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,456 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:62) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,457 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,461 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,461 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,463 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,463 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725003d
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,464 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725003d closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,464 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55389 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725003d
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,464 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,468 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,568 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,569 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:62) uptime 3.264 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,569 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:62) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,572 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,577 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3ec6fd33
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,577 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,578 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,579 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,579 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,579 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,580 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250040 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,580 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250040, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:48,588 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,116 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,118 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,126 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,126 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,129 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,131 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,341 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55414
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,347 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,348 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,349 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55414
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,349 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,351 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55414
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,351 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,582 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,586 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,586 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,586 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000096.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,586 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000094
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,592 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/30.76 kb and 1/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.09/30.76 kb and 2/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.99/30.76 kb and 3/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.89/30.76 kb and 4/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/30.76 kb and 5/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/30.76 kb and 6/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/30.76 kb and 7/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,610 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.60/30.76 kb and 8/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,610 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.50/30.76 kb and 9/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.40/30.76 kb and 10/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.30/30.76 kb and 11/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.20/30.76 kb and 12/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.10/30.76 kb and 13/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.00/30.76 kb and 14/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.90/30.76 kb and 15/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.80/30.76 kb and 16/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.69/30.76 kb and 17/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.59/30.76 kb and 18/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.49/30.76 kb and 19/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.39/30.76 kb and 20/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.29/30.76 kb and 21/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.19/30.76 kb and 22/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.09/30.76 kb and 23/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.99/30.76 kb and 24/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.62/30.76 kb and 25/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,616 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.57/30.76 kb and 26/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,616 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.47/30.76 kb and 27/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.37/30.76 kb and 28/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.27/30.76 kb and 29/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.17/30.76 kb and 30/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.06/30.76 kb and 31/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.96/30.76 kb and 32/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.86/30.76 kb and 33/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.76/30.76 kb and 34/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,622 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,623 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:63) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,624 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000094
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000096.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,626 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,627 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55419
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:63) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,628 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,628 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-2
      61.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      61.5.	Found
      62.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,642 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:63) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,642 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,644 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,645 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,645 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725003e
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,645 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725003e closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,645 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,646 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55397 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725003e
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,648 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,648 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,766 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,766 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:63) uptime 3.458 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,766 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:63) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,768 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,771 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@39584da9
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,771 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,771 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,772 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,772 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55421
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,772 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55421
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,773 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250041 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55421
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,773 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250041, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,778 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,889 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,889 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,889 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:49,891 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,122 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,125 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,130 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,383 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55422
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,388 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,388 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,388 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55422
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,388 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,389 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55422
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,389 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,409 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000096.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,614 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000094
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,615 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,616 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,617 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000096.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000094
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,619 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,620 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,620 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,643 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/30.76 kb and 1/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,644 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/30.76 kb and 2/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,644 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/30.76 kb and 1/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,645 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/30.76 kb and 2/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,645 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/30.76 kb and 3/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,646 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/30.76 kb and 3/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,646 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/30.76 kb and 4/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,646 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/30.76 kb and 4/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,646 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/30.76 kb and 5/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,646 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/30.76 kb and 5/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,647 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.68/30.76 kb and 6/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,647 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/30.76 kb and 6/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,647 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/30.76 kb and 7/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,647 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.63/30.76 kb and 7/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,647 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/30.76 kb and 8/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,648 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.53/30.76 kb and 8/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,648 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/30.76 kb and 9/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,648 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.54/30.76 kb and 9/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,649 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.44/30.76 kb and 10/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,649 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.28/30.76 kb and 10/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,650 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.34/30.76 kb and 11/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,650 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.18/30.76 kb and 11/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,650 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.24/30.76 kb and 12/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.08/30.76 kb and 12/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.87/30.76 kb and 13/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.98/30.76 kb and 13/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,651 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.77/30.76 kb and 14/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.67/30.76 kb and 15/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,652 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.88/30.76 kb and 14/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.57/30.76 kb and 16/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.78/30.76 kb and 15/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.68/30.76 kb and 16/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,653 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.47/30.76 kb and 17/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.37/30.76 kb and 18/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.58/30.76 kb and 17/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,654 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.27/30.76 kb and 19/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.48/30.76 kb and 18/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.16/30.76 kb and 20/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.37/30.76 kb and 19/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,655 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.06/30.76 kb and 21/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.27/30.76 kb and 20/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.96/30.76 kb and 22/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.17/30.76 kb and 21/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.07/30.76 kb and 22/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,656 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.86/30.76 kb and 23/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.97/30.76 kb and 23/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.76/30.76 kb and 24/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.66/30.76 kb and 25/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,657 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.87/30.76 kb and 24/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.56/30.76 kb and 26/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.77/30.76 kb and 25/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.46/30.76 kb and 27/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,658 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.36/30.76 kb and 28/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.40/30.76 kb and 26/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.26/30.76 kb and 29/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.30/30.76 kb and 27/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.16/30.76 kb and 30/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,659 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.20/30.76 kb and 28/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.06/30.76 kb and 31/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.96/30.76 kb and 32/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.21/30.76 kb and 29/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.86/30.76 kb and 33/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,660 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.11/30.76 kb and 30/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,661 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.76/30.76 kb and 34/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,661 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,661 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.01/30.76 kb and 31/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,662 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.91/30.76 kb and 32/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,662 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.81/30.76 kb and 33/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,663 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.76/30.76 kb and 34/34 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,664 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,667 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,667 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,668 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:64) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,671 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55427
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,671 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,671 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:64) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,672 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,672 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,672 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-1
      62.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      62.5.	Found
      63.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,686 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:64) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,687 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,688 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,689 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,689 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,689 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250040
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,689 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250040 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,689 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,689 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250040
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,691 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,694 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,694 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,695 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,695 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,793 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,793 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:64) uptime 2.224 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,794 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:64) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,795 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4736c6df
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,798 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,799 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55429
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,799 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55429
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,800 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250042 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55429
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,800 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250042, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:50,806 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,375 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,376 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,378 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,379 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,383 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,386 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,626 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55430
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,631 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,632 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55430
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,632 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,633 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,638 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55430
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,638 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000099.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000097
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000099.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,887 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000097
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,910 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/31.71 kb and 1/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,911 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/31.71 kb and 2/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,911 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/31.71 kb and 3/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,912 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/31.71 kb and 4/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,912 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/31.71 kb and 5/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,913 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.68/31.71 kb and 6/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,913 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/31.71 kb and 7/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,914 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/31.71 kb and 8/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/31.71 kb and 9/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.28/31.71 kb and 10/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.18/31.71 kb and 11/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,916 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.08/31.71 kb and 12/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.97/31.71 kb and 13/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,917 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.87/31.71 kb and 14/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.77/31.71 kb and 15/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,918 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.67/31.71 kb and 16/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,919 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.57/31.71 kb and 17/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,919 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.52/31.71 kb and 18/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,920 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.42/31.71 kb and 19/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,920 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.32/31.71 kb and 20/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.22/31.71 kb and 21/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,921 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.12/31.71 kb and 22/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.01/31.71 kb and 23/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,922 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.91/31.71 kb and 24/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,923 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.81/31.71 kb and 25/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,923 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.71/31.71 kb and 26/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,923 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.61/31.71 kb and 27/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,924 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.51/31.71 kb and 28/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,924 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.53/31.71 kb and 29/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,925 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.43/31.71 kb and 30/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,926 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.33/31.71 kb and 31/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,926 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.23/31.71 kb and 32/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,927 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.13/31.71 kb and 33/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,927 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/31.71 kb and 1/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,927 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.03/31.71 kb and 34/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,928 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.71/31.71 kb and 35/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,928 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.20/31.71 kb and 2/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,928 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,928 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.10/31.71 kb and 3/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,929 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/31.71 kb and 4/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,929 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/31.71 kb and 5/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,930 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/31.71 kb and 6/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,930 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/31.71 kb and 7/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,931 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.60/31.71 kb and 8/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,931 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.50/31.71 kb and 9/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,932 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.40/31.71 kb and 10/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,932 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.30/31.71 kb and 11/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,933 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.20/31.71 kb and 12/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,934 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.10/31.71 kb and 13/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,934 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.00/31.71 kb and 14/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,935 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.90/31.71 kb and 15/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,935 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,935 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.80/31.71 kb and 16/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,936 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.70/31.71 kb and 17/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,936 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:65) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,937 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.59/31.71 kb and 18/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,937 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.49/31.71 kb and 19/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,938 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.39/31.71 kb and 20/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,939 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.29/31.71 kb and 21/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,939 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.19/31.71 kb and 22/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,940 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55435
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,940 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.09/31.71 kb and 23/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,940 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,940 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:65) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,940 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,940 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,940 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,941 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.77/31.71 kb and 24/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,941 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.67/31.71 kb and 25/35 files
      Master started: node-3
      63.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,942 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.56/31.71 kb and 26/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,943 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.46/31.71 kb and 27/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,943 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.36/31.71 kb and 28/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,944 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.26/31.71 kb and 29/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.16/31.71 kb and 30/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,945 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.06/31.71 kb and 31/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,946 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.96/31.71 kb and 32/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.86/31.71 kb and 33/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.81/31.71 kb and 34/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,948 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.71/31.71 kb and 35/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,949 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      63.5.	Found
      64.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,956 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:65) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,956 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,959 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,960 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,960 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725003f
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,960 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725003f closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,961 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,961 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55405 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725003f
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,965 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,965 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:51,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,079 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,079 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:65) uptime 4.455 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,079 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:65) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,081 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,083 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@62247009
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,083 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,084 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,085 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,085 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55437
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,085 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55437
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,086 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250043 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55437
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,086 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250043, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,091 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,484 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,486 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,486 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,486 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,489 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,492 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,753 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55438
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,758 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,758 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,759 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55438
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,760 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,762 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55438
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,762 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,975 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000097
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,976 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000099.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,978 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000097
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000099.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,980 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,981 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,982 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/31.71 kb and 1/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/31.71 kb and 2/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,998 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/31.71 kb and 3/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,998 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/31.71 kb and 4/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,999 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/31.71 kb and 5/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:52,999 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/31.71 kb and 6/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,000 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.41/31.71 kb and 7/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,000 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.09/31.71 kb and 8/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.99/31.71 kb and 9/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.89/31.71 kb and 10/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,002 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.79/31.71 kb and 11/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,002 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.69/31.71 kb and 12/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,003 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.59/31.71 kb and 13/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,004 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.49/31.71 kb and 14/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,005 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.39/31.71 kb and 15/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,005 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.29/31.71 kb and 16/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,006 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.19/31.71 kb and 17/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,007 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.08/31.71 kb and 18/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,008 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.98/31.71 kb and 19/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,008 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.88/31.71 kb and 20/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,009 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.78/31.71 kb and 21/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,009 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.68/31.71 kb and 22/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,010 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.58/31.71 kb and 23/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,010 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.48/31.71 kb and 24/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,011 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.38/31.71 kb and 25/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,011 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.57/31.71 kb and 26/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,011 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.47/31.71 kb and 27/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,012 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.37/31.71 kb and 28/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,012 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.26/31.71 kb and 29/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,012 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.17/31.71 kb and 30/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,013 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.06/31.71 kb and 31/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,013 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.01/31.71 kb and 32/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,014 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.91/31.71 kb and 33/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,014 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.68/31.71 kb and 1/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,014 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.81/31.71 kb and 34/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,015 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.71/31.71 kb and 35/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,015 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.58/31.71 kb and 2/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,015 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,015 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.48/31.71 kb and 3/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.38/31.71 kb and 4/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.28/31.71 kb and 5/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.23/31.71 kb and 6/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,017 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.13/31.71 kb and 7/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,018 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:66) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,018 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.02/31.71 kb and 8/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,018 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.92/31.71 kb and 9/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,019 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.82/31.71 kb and 10/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.00/31.71 kb and 11/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,021 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.90/31.71 kb and 12/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,022 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.80/31.71 kb and 13/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,023 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.70/31.71 kb and 14/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,023 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55443
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,023 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,023 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.60/31.71 kb and 15/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,024 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:66) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,024 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,024 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,024 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,024 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.62/31.71 kb and 16/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,024 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.51/31.71 kb and 17/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,025 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.41/31.71 kb and 18/35 files
      Master started: node-2
      64.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,026 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.31/31.71 kb and 19/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,026 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.21/31.71 kb and 20/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,027 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.11/31.71 kb and 21/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,028 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.01/31.71 kb and 22/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,029 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.92/31.71 kb and 23/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,029 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.81/31.71 kb and 24/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,030 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.71/31.71 kb and 25/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,030 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.61/31.71 kb and 26/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,031 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.51/31.71 kb and 27/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,032 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.41/31.71 kb and 28/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,033 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.31/31.71 kb and 29/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,034 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.21/31.71 kb and 30/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,035 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.11/31.71 kb and 31/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,040 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.01/31.71 kb and 32/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,041 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.91/31.71 kb and 33/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,042 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.81/31.71 kb and 34/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,042 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.71/31.71 kb and 35/35 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,042 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      64.5.	Found
      65.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,043 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:66) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,044 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,046 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,047 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,047 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250041
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,047 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,047 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,047 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250041 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,047 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,048 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55421 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250041
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,055 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,056 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,150 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,151 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:66) uptime 3.384 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,151 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:66) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,153 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,156 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7003f305
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,156 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,157 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,157 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,157 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,157 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,158 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250044 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,158 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250044, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,166 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,772 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,776 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,796 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,796 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:53,803 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,029 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55446
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,034 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,034 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,035 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55446
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,035 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,038 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55446
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,038 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,235 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000102.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000100
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000102.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000100
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,263 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/32.66 kb and 1/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,264 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/32.66 kb and 2/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,264 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/32.66 kb and 3/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/32.66 kb and 4/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/32.66 kb and 5/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/32.66 kb and 6/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/32.66 kb and 7/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/32.66 kb and 8/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/32.66 kb and 9/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.28/32.66 kb and 10/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.29/32.66 kb and 11/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.19/32.66 kb and 12/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,269 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.09/32.66 kb and 13/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.99/32.66 kb and 14/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,270 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.89/32.66 kb and 15/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.79/32.66 kb and 16/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.69/32.66 kb and 17/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,272 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.59/32.66 kb and 18/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,272 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.49/32.66 kb and 19/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,273 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.39/32.66 kb and 20/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,273 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.29/32.66 kb and 21/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,274 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.02/32.66 kb and 22/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,274 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.92/32.66 kb and 23/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,275 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.82/32.66 kb and 24/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,275 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.71/32.66 kb and 25/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.61/32.66 kb and 26/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,276 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.51/32.66 kb and 27/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,277 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.46/32.66 kb and 28/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,277 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.36/32.66 kb and 29/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.26/32.66 kb and 30/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.16/32.66 kb and 31/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.06/32.66 kb and 32/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,279 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.96/32.66 kb and 33/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/32.66 kb and 1/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.86/32.66 kb and 34/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.76/32.66 kb and 35/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/32.66 kb and 2/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.66/32.66 kb and 36/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/32.66 kb and 3/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/32.66 kb and 4/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/32.66 kb and 5/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.39/32.66 kb and 6/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.29/32.66 kb and 7/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.19/32.66 kb and 8/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/32.66 kb and 9/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.04/32.66 kb and 10/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,285 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.94/32.66 kb and 11/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,286 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.84/32.66 kb and 12/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,286 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.74/32.66 kb and 13/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,287 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.64/32.66 kb and 14/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,287 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.54/32.66 kb and 15/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.44/32.66 kb and 16/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.34/32.66 kb and 17/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.24/32.66 kb and 18/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.14/32.66 kb and 19/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.32/32.66 kb and 20/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.22/32.66 kb and 21/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.12/32.66 kb and 22/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.02/32.66 kb and 23/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.75/32.66 kb and 24/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,293 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.65/32.66 kb and 25/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,294 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.55/32.66 kb and 26/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,295 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.45/32.66 kb and 27/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,295 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.35/32.66 kb and 28/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,296 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.25/32.66 kb and 29/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,296 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.15/32.66 kb and 30/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,297 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.16/32.66 kb and 31/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,297 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.06/32.66 kb and 32/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,298 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.96/32.66 kb and 33/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,299 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.86/32.66 kb and 34/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,299 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.76/32.66 kb and 35/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.66/32.66 kb and 36/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,305 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,305 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,306 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:67) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,310 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55451
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,310 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,311 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:67) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,311 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,311 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,311 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-1
      65.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      65.5.	Found
      66.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,333 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:67) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,334 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,338 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,339 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,339 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,339 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,339 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,340 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,340 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250042
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,341 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55429 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250042
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,341 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250042 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,341 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,463 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,464 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:67) uptime 3.669 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,464 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:67) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,466 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,469 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@17161429
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,469 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,470 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,470 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,471 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,471 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,472 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250045 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,472 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250045, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,487 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,797 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,808 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,808 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,812 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:54,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,036 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55454
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,041 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,041 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,043 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55454
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,043 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,047 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55454
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,047 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,058 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,224 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,224 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000102.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,225 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000100
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,226 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,227 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,227 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,228 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,229 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,230 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000100
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000102.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,231 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/32.66 kb and 1/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,241 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/32.66 kb and 2/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/32.66 kb and 3/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,242 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/32.66 kb and 4/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/32.66 kb and 5/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,243 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/32.66 kb and 6/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/32.66 kb and 7/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/32.66 kb and 8/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,244 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/32.66 kb and 9/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,245 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/32.66 kb and 1/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,245 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/32.66 kb and 2/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,245 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/32.66 kb and 10/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,245 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/32.66 kb and 3/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,245 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.18/32.66 kb and 11/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/32.66 kb and 4/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.08/32.66 kb and 12/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/32.66 kb and 5/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,246 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.98/32.66 kb and 13/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/32.66 kb and 6/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.88/32.66 kb and 14/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/32.66 kb and 7/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.78/32.66 kb and 15/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/32.66 kb and 8/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,247 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.68/32.66 kb and 16/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.10/32.66 kb and 9/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.58/32.66 kb and 17/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.53/32.66 kb and 18/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,248 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/32.66 kb and 10/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.42/32.66 kb and 19/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.89/32.66 kb and 11/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.32/32.66 kb and 20/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,249 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.79/32.66 kb and 12/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.34/32.66 kb and 21/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.69/32.66 kb and 13/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.59/32.66 kb and 14/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.24/32.66 kb and 22/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.14/32.66 kb and 23/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,250 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.49/32.66 kb and 15/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.39/32.66 kb and 16/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.04/32.66 kb and 24/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.29/32.66 kb and 17/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,251 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.94/32.66 kb and 25/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.19/32.66 kb and 18/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.84/32.66 kb and 26/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.09/32.66 kb and 19/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.74/32.66 kb and 27/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.11/32.66 kb and 20/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.64/32.66 kb and 28/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,252 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.00/32.66 kb and 21/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.37/32.66 kb and 29/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.91/32.66 kb and 22/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.26/32.66 kb and 30/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.81/32.66 kb and 23/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.16/32.66 kb and 31/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.71/32.66 kb and 24/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,253 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.06/32.66 kb and 32/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.61/32.66 kb and 25/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.96/32.66 kb and 33/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.55/32.66 kb and 26/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,254 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.86/32.66 kb and 34/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.76/32.66 kb and 35/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.45/32.66 kb and 27/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.35/32.66 kb and 28/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.66/32.66 kb and 36/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.08/32.66 kb and 29/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.27/32.66 kb and 30/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,256 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.17/32.66 kb and 31/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.06/32.66 kb and 32/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,257 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.96/32.66 kb and 33/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,258 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.86/32.66 kb and 34/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,258 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:68) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.76/32.66 kb and 35/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.66/32.66 kb and 36/36 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,262 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55459
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,263 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,263 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:68) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,263 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,263 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,263 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      Master started: node-3
      66.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      66.5.	Found
      67.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,279 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:68) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,280 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,285 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,286 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,287 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250043
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,287 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55437 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250043
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,288 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250043 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,288 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,289 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,290 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,395 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,395 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:68) uptime 3.315 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,396 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:68) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,398 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,400 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@29a8186c
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,400 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,400 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,401 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,401 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55461
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,401 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55461
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,402 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250046 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55461
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,402 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250046, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,407 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,956 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,966 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,971 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,971 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,976 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:55,980 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,205 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55462
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,211 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,211 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,212 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55462
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,212 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,215 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55462
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,215 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,425 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,435 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,435 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000103
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,436 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000105.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000104.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,438 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000104.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,439 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000105.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000103
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,440 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,441 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/33.61 kb and 1/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/33.61 kb and 2/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,455 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/33.61 kb and 1/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.58/33.61 kb and 3/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/33.61 kb and 2/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.48/33.61 kb and 4/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,456 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/33.61 kb and 3/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/33.61 kb and 4/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,457 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.38/33.61 kb and 5/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/33.61 kb and 5/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.28/33.61 kb and 6/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,458 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/33.61 kb and 6/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/33.61 kb and 7/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,459 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.18/33.61 kb and 7/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/33.61 kb and 8/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,460 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.08/33.61 kb and 8/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.10/33.61 kb and 9/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.98/33.61 kb and 9/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.00/33.61 kb and 10/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,461 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.93/33.61 kb and 10/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.89/33.61 kb and 11/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,462 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.83/33.61 kb and 11/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,463 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.79/33.61 kb and 12/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,463 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.72/33.61 kb and 12/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,463 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.69/33.61 kb and 13/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,464 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.62/33.61 kb and 13/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,464 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.59/33.61 kb and 14/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,464 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.52/33.61 kb and 14/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.42/33.61 kb and 15/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.49/33.61 kb and 15/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.32/33.61 kb and 16/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.67/33.61 kb and 16/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.22/33.61 kb and 17/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.57/33.61 kb and 17/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.12/33.61 kb and 18/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.47/33.61 kb and 18/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.02/33.61 kb and 19/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.37/33.61 kb and 19/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.92/33.61 kb and 20/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.27/33.61 kb and 20/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.17/33.61 kb and 21/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.82/33.61 kb and 21/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.07/33.61 kb and 22/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.72/33.61 kb and 22/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.97/33.61 kb and 23/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.62/33.61 kb and 23/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.87/33.61 kb and 24/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.63/33.61 kb and 24/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.65/33.61 kb and 25/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,469 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.53/33.61 kb and 25/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.55/33.61 kb and 26/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.43/33.61 kb and 26/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.45/33.61 kb and 27/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.33/33.61 kb and 27/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.35/33.61 kb and 28/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.23/33.61 kb and 28/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.25/33.61 kb and 29/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.13/33.61 kb and 29/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.15/33.61 kb and 30/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.03/33.61 kb and 30/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.05/33.61 kb and 31/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.93/33.61 kb and 31/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.95/33.61 kb and 32/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.12/33.61 kb and 32/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.85/33.61 kb and 33/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.01/33.61 kb and 33/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.75/33.61 kb and 34/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.91/33.61 kb and 34/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.70/33.61 kb and 35/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.81/33.61 kb and 35/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 33.59/33.61 kb and 36/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.71/33.61 kb and 36/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 33.61/33.61 kb and 37/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 33.61/33.61 kb and 37/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,481 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:69) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,483 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,485 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55467
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,485 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,485 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:69) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,486 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,486 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,486 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      Master started: node-2
      67.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      67.5.	Found
      68.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,501 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:69) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,502 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,504 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,504 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,504 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250044
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,505 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250044 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,505 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,505 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250044
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,508 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,508 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,508 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,508 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,621 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,622 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:69) uptime 3.471 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,622 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:69) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,624 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,626 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@5af33ce2
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,627 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,627 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,628 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,628 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,629 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250047 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,629 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250047, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:56,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,031 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,033 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,034 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,034 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,044 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,049 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,298 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55470
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,303 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,304 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,306 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55470
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,306 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,311 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55470
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,311 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,537 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,538 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000105.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000103
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,541 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000104.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000017.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000023.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000026.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000065.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000029.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000105.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000092.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000011.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000089.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000083.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000104.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000053.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000103
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000032.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000044.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000071.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000077.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000098.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000014.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000068.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000020.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000005.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000095.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000008.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000047.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000035.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000062.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000080.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000038.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000101.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000074.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000059.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000041.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,545 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000050.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,546 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000086.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,546 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000056.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,557 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/33.61 kb and 1/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,557 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/33.61 kb and 2/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,558 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/33.61 kb and 3/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,558 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/33.61 kb and 4/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/33.61 kb and 5/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/33.61 kb and 6/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/33.61 kb and 7/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.20/33.61 kb and 8/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.09/33.61 kb and 9/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.99/33.61 kb and 10/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.89/33.61 kb and 11/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.79/33.61 kb and 12/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.69/33.61 kb and 13/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.58/33.61 kb and 14/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,564 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.60/33.61 kb and 15/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,564 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.50/33.61 kb and 16/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,565 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.40/33.61 kb and 17/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,565 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.59/33.61 kb and 18/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,566 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.49/33.61 kb and 19/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,566 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.39/33.61 kb and 20/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,567 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.29/33.61 kb and 21/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.18/33.61 kb and 22/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.96/33.61 kb and 23/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.86/33.61 kb and 24/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,569 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.76/33.61 kb and 25/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,570 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.66/33.61 kb and 26/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,570 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.56/33.61 kb and 27/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,571 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.46/33.61 kb and 28/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,571 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.36/33.61 kb and 29/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,572 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.31/33.61 kb and 30/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,572 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.21/33.61 kb and 31/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,573 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.11/33.61 kb and 32/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,573 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.01/33.61 kb and 33/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,574 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.91/33.61 kb and 34/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,574 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.81/33.61 kb and 35/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,574 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.71/33.61 kb and 36/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,575 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 33.61/33.61 kb and 37/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,575 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,578 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,579 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:70) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,583 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55475
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,583 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,583 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:70) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,583 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,584 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,584 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,585 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/33.61 kb and 1/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,585 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/33.61 kb and 2/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,586 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/33.61 kb and 3/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,586 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/33.61 kb and 4/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,587 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/33.61 kb and 5/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.68/33.61 kb and 6/37 files
      Master started: node-1
      68.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,588 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/33.61 kb and 7/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,589 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/33.61 kb and 8/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,590 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.38/33.61 kb and 9/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,590 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.28/33.61 kb and 10/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,591 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 10.18/33.61 kb and 11/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,592 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 11.08/33.61 kb and 12/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,592 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 12.86/33.61 kb and 13/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,593 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 13.76/33.61 kb and 14/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,593 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 14.66/33.61 kb and 15/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,594 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 15.56/33.61 kb and 16/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,599 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 16.46/33.61 kb and 17/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,600 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 17.36/33.61 kb and 18/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,601 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 18.25/33.61 kb and 19/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,601 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 19.15/33.61 kb and 20/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,602 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.05/33.61 kb and 21/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,603 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 20.07/33.61 kb and 22/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,603 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.02/33.61 kb and 23/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,604 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 21.92/33.61 kb and 24/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 22.82/33.61 kb and 25/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 23.72/33.61 kb and 26/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,606 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 24.62/33.61 kb and 27/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 25.52/33.61 kb and 28/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,607 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 26.42/33.61 kb and 29/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 27.32/33.61 kb and 30/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 28.21/33.61 kb and 31/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 29.11/33.61 kb and 32/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.01/33.61 kb and 33/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,611 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 30.91/33.61 kb and 34/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 31.81/33.61 kb and 35/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 32.71/33.61 kb and 36/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 33.61/33.61 kb and 37/37 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,613 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,623 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      68.5.	Found
      69.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:57,633 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:70) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,636 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,644 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,644 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,644 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250045
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,645 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,645 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,645 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,645 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,648 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250045
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,648 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250045 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,648 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,661 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,661 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,661 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,662 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,664 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,666 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,696 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55477
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,700 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,701 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55477
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,701 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,711 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,713 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,713 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,714 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000108.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,714 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,714 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000106
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,716 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/4.17 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,716 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.20/4.17 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,717 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.14/4.17 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,717 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,717 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,720 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:71) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,724 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55480
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,724 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,724 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:71) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,724 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,725 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,725 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,753 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,753 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:70) uptime 4.289 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,754 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:70) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-3
      69.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,756 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,758 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4c6425fa
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,758 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,759 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,759 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,759 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55482
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,759 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55482
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,760 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250048 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55482
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,760 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250048, negotiated timeout = 10000
      69.5.	Found
      70.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,770 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:71) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,771 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,772 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,772 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55477
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,772 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,775 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,777 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,778 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250046
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,778 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,778 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,778 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250046 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,778 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,778 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55461 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250046
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,898 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,899 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:71) uptime 3.503 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,899 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:71) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,901 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,903 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@41b861ab
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,903 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,904 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,905 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,905 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,905 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,906 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250049 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,907 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250049, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:01:58,918 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,158 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,158 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,158 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,159 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,161 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,164 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,181 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55485
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,184 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,184 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,184 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55485
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,184 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,185 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55485
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,185 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,365 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,365 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,366 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,366 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,366 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000108.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,366 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000106
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,370 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/4.17 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,370 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,370 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.96/4.17 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.14/4.17 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000106
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000108.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,371 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,375 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,376 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.03/4.17 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,376 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.22/4.17 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,377 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.23/4.17 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,377 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,377 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,378 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:72) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,382 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55490
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,382 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,383 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:72) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,383 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,383 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,383 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      Master started: node-2
      70.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,386 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      70.5.	Found
      71.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,399 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:72) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,399 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,399 | INFO  | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: tcp:// | socketQueue interrupted - stopping
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,399 | INFO  | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: tcp:// | Could not accept connection during shutdown  : java.lang.InterruptedException
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,402 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,403 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,403 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,404 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,404 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,404 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250047
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,405 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250047 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,405 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,405 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250047
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,438 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,440 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,443 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,443 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,446 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,451 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,480 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55492
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,483 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,484 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55492
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,485 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,500 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,502 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,503 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000112.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,503 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,503 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,503 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,503 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000110
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,507 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/3.22 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,508 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.20/3.22 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,508 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.14/3.22 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,509 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.04/3.22 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,509 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,510 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.22/3.22 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,510 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:72) uptime 2.888 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,510 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,510 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:72) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,512 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,513 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,514 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:73) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,516 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@28370f7b
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,516 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,517 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,518 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,518 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55495
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,518 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,518 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,518 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:73) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,518 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,518 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,519 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,519 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,519 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725004a with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,520 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725004a, negotiated timeout = 10000
      Master started: node-1
      71.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,529 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,530 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55492
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,530 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      71.5.	Found
      72.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,537 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:73) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,538 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,541 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,542 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,542 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250048
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,543 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55482 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250048
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,543 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250048 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,543 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,552 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,559 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,559 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,561 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,571 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,571 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,574 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,578 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,606 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55499
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,609 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,609 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55499
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,609 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,618 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,620 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000110
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,621 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000112.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,625 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/3.22 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,627 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/3.22 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.86/3.22 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,628 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.04/3.22 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.22/3.22 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,629 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,631 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,635 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:74) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,638 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55502
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,639 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,639 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:74) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,639 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,639 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,639 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,668 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,669 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:73) uptime 0.915 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,669 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:73) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-3
      72.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,671 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,673 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@61a8a328
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,673 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,673 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,674 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,674 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55504
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,674 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55504
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,675 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725004b with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55504
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,675 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725004b, negotiated timeout = 10000
      72.5.	Found
      73.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,681 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:74) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,681 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,682 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,683 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55499
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,683 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,683 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,685 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,685 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,685 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,685 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,685 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250049
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,685 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,686 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250049 closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,686 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250049
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,686 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,687 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,701 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,701 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,704 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,707 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,739 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55506
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,742 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,742 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55506
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,742 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,768 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000115.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,768 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,768 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000113
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/4.17 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/4.17 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.86/4.17 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.04/4.17 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.94/4.17 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,775 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,776 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:75) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55509
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,782 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,782 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:75) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,782 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,782 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,782 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,790 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,791 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:74) uptime 0.892 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,791 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:74) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-2
      73.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,794 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@79ea3abe
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,798 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,799 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,800 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,801 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725004c with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,801 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725004c, negotiated timeout = 10000
      73.5.	Found
      74.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,809 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:75) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,810 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,811 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,812 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,812 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725004a
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,813 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725004a closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,813 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,813 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725004a
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,814 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,816 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55506
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,816 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,817 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,817 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,817 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,819 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,838 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,838 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,842 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,844 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,879 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55513
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,882 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,882 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55513
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,882 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,900 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000113
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000115.log
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,906 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/4.17 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,906 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.17/4.17 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,907 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.07/4.17 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,907 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.09/4.17 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,907 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.99/4.17 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,910 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,910 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:76) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,914 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55516
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,914 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,914 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:76) started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,915 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,915 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,915 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30781 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30781 mb
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,948 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,949 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:75) uptime 0.439 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,949 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:75) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-1
      74.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,951 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,955 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@301ed798
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,955 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,956 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,957 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,957 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55518
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,957 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55518
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,958 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725004d with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55518
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,958 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725004d, negotiated timeout = 10000
      74.5.	Found
      75.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,966 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:76) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,967 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,969 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,970 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725004b
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,970 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,970 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725004b closed
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,971 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,971 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55504 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725004b
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,971 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,972 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,974 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55513
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,974 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,975 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,975 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:01:59,977 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,003 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,003 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,007 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,009 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,049 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55520
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,052 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,052 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55520
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,052 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,079 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,079 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:76) uptime 0.410 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,079 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:76) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,081 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,083 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,083 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@318be84d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,084 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,085 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,086 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,086 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55523
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,086 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55523
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,087 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725004e with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55523
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,087 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,087 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725004e, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000118.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000116
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,095 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/5.12 kb and 1/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,096 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/5.12 kb and 2/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,097 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.74/5.12 kb and 3/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,097 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.92/5.12 kb and 4/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,097 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,098 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.21/5.12 kb and 5/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,098 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.22/5.12 kb and 6/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,099 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.12/5.12 kb and 7/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,099 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,099 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55520
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,099 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,106 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:77) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,112 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55525
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,112 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,113 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:77) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,113 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,113 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,113 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      Master started: node-3
      75.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      75.5.	Found
      76.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,129 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:77) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,130 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,134 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,137 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,138 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725004c
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,139 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725004c
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,139 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725004c closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,139 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,140 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,140 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,164 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,164 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,167 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,189 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,189 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,192 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,195 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,230 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55527
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,234 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,234 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55527
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,234 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,253 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,254 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:77) uptime 0.463 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,254 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:77) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,255 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,256 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,258 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@567172fc
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,258 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,258 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000118.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,259 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,260 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000116
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,260 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725004f with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,260 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725004f, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,265 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/5.12 kb and 1/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.96/5.12 kb and 2/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,266 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.86/5.12 kb and 3/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,267 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,267 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.04/5.12 kb and 4/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.94/5.12 kb and 5/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.84/5.12 kb and 6/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,268 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55527
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.12/5.12 kb and 7/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,268 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,268 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,271 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,272 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:78) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,276 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55532
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,276 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,276 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:78) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,276 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,276 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,277 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      Master started: node-2
      76.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,292 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      76.5.	Found
      77.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,295 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:78) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,295 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,298 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,299 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,299 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,299 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,299 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725004d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,300 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,300 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725004d closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,301 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55518 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725004d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,301 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000118.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000116
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,302 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,303 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,303 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,313 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,314 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,375 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,375 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,378 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,381 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,407 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,408 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:78) uptime 0.458 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,408 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:78) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,410 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,412 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@2c6bedc9
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,412 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,413 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,413 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,413 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,413 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,414 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250050 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,414 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250050, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,429 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55536
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,432 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,432 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,433 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55536
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,433 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,434 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55536
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,434 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,449 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,464 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,465 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000119
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000121.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,466 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,467 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000119
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000121.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,468 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.33/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,470 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.23/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,471 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.42/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.32/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,472 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.22/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.23/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.13/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,473 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.28/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,474 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.29/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.19/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,475 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.38/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.28/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.17/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,476 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,477 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,477 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:79) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,480 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,482 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55541
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,482 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,482 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:79) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,482 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,482 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,482 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      Master started: node-1
      77.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      77.5.	Found
      78.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,499 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:79) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,500 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,503 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,504 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,504 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725004e
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,505 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55523 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725004e
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,505 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725004e closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,505 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,509 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,509 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,509 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,509 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,578 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,578 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,578 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,580 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,583 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,586 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,621 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,622 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:79) uptime 0.543 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,622 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:79) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,624 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,626 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1a984a63
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,626 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,627 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,627 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,627 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,628 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,628 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250051 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,628 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250051, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,636 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55544
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,640 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,640 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,641 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55544
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,641 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,641 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55544
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,641 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,683 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,683 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,683 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000119
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000121.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,688 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,688 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.92/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000121.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000119
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,689 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,690 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.71/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,690 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.66/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,691 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.99/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,691 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.17/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,692 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,692 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,694 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,694 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,695 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,695 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,695 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.92/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:80) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,696 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.82/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,696 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.16/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.06/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,697 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,700 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55549
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,700 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,700 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:80) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,700 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,700 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,700 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,701 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      Master started: node-3
      78.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      78.5.	Found
      79.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,717 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:80) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,718 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,720 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,721 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,721 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725004f
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,721 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725004f closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,721 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,722 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725004f
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,724 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,724 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,724 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,724 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,826 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,826 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:80) uptime 0.572 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,826 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:80) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,828 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,832 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@5652fdf4
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,832 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,833 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,833 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,833 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,834 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55551
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,834 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,834 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55551
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,835 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,836 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250052 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55551
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,836 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250052, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,837 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,840 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,847 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,901 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55552
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,905 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,905 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,907 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55552
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,907 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,907 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55552
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,907 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,953 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,953 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,957 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000124.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000122
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000124.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000122
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,958 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.02 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/7.02 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/7.02 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,964 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/7.02 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/7.02 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,965 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/7.02 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,966 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.18/7.02 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.08/7.02 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.02/7.02 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/7.02 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/7.02 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.74/7.02 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.92/7.02 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.31/7.02 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.21/7.02 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.11/7.02 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,971 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:81) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.01/7.02 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,972 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.02/7.02 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,972 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,976 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55557
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,976 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,977 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,977 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:81) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,977 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,977 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,977 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      Master started: node-2
      79.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      79.5.	Found
      80.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,998 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:81) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:00,998 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,006 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,009 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,010 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250050
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,011 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250050 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,012 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,012 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250050
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,013 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,014 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,014 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,014 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,102 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,104 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,104 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,104 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,108 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,111 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,127 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,127 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:81) uptime 0.719 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,127 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:81) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,129 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,131 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@33fca8e4
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,131 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,132 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,132 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,132 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55559
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,133 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55559
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,133 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250053 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55559
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,133 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250053, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,164 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55560
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,168 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,169 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,170 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55560
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,170 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,170 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55560
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,170 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,181 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,184 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000122
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,185 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,186 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,186 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,186 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000124.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,190 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/7.02 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,191 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.96/7.02 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,191 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.34/7.02 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,192 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.24/7.02 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,193 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.14/7.02 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,195 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.04/7.02 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,195 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.94/7.02 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,196 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.84/7.02 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,196 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.02/7.02 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,196 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,200 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:82) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,204 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55564
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,204 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,205 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:82) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,205 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,205 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30790 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30790 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,205 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30790 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30790 mb
      Master started: node-1
      80.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      80.5.	Found
      81.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,217 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:82) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,217 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,220 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,221 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,221 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,221 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,221 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250051
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,222 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250051 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,222 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250051
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,222 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,234 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,274 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,275 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,278 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,327 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,328 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:82) uptime 0.706 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,328 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:82) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,330 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,332 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3f91bd18
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,332 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,333 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,333 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,333 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55566
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,334 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55566
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,335 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250054 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55566
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,335 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250054, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,342 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,349 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,353 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,356 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,411 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55567
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,415 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,415 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,415 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55567
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,415 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,417 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55567
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,417 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,454 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,493 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,494 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,494 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000127.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000125
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,495 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,500 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/7.98 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,500 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/7.98 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.10/7.98 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000125
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,501 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000127.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,502 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/7.98 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,502 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.90/7.98 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,503 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/7.98 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,503 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/7.98 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,504 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.13/7.98 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,505 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.03/7.98 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,505 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.98/7.98 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,505 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,507 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.98 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,507 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/7.98 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,508 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.74/7.98 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,508 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,509 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/7.98 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,509 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:83) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,509 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/7.98 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,510 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.55/7.98 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,510 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.99/7.98 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,511 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.89/7.98 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,511 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.79/7.98 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,512 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.98/7.98 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,512 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,513 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55572
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,514 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,514 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:83) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,514 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,514 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30790 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30790 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,514 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30790 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30790 mb
      Master started: node-2
      81.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,516 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      81.5.	Found
      82.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,531 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:83) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,532 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,537 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,537 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,543 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,543 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250053
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,544 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,544 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250053 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,544 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,544 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55559 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250053
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,545 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,546 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,546 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,547 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,631 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,631 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,633 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,633 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,635 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,638 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,661 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,662 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:83) uptime 0.534 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,662 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:83) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,665 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,666 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@51698ab9
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,666 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,667 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,668 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,668 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,668 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,669 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250055 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,669 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250055, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,707 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55575
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,714 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,714 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,715 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55575
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,716 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,716 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55575
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,716 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,729 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000127.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000125
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,765 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,769 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,769 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.98 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/7.98 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/7.98 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000125
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000127.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/7.98 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/7.98 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.80/7.98 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.70/7.98 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.13/7.98 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.03/7.98 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,774 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.98/7.98 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,774 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,775 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.98 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/7.98 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/7.98 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.71/7.98 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,777 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:84) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.61/7.98 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.51/7.98 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.95/7.98 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.85/7.98 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.03/7.98 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.98/7.98 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,780 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55580
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,782 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,782 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:84) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,782 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,782 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30790 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30790 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,782 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30790 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30790 mb
      Master started: node-3
      82.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,784 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      82.5.	Found
      83.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,799 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:84) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,800 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,805 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,806 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,806 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,806 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,806 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,806 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250052
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,806 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,807 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250052 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,807 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,807 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55551 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250052
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,913 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,913 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:84) uptime 1.086 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,913 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:84) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,916 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,918 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3018e40b
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,918 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,919 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,920 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,920 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,920 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,921 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250056 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,921 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250056, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,927 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,965 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,966 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,967 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,968 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,971 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:01,975 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,036 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55583
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,041 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,041 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,042 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55583
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,042 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,043 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55583
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,043 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,100 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,103 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000129.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000130.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000128
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,108 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000130.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000129.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,110 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,111 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,111 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,111 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,111 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000128
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,111 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,111 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,112 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/8.93 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/8.93 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.74/8.93 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,113 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/8.93 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/8.93 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,114 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/8.93 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.34/8.93 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.35/8.93 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,115 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.25/8.93 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.44/8.93 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.93/8.93 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,117 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/8.93 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/8.93 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/8.93 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/8.93 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,119 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.78/8.93 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,120 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.72/8.93 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,121 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:85) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,121 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.62/8.93 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.52/8.93 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,122 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.01/8.93 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.03/8.93 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.93/8.93 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,123 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,125 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55588
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,125 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,125 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:85) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,125 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,125 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,126 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      83.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,128 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      83.5.	Found
      84.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,147 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:85) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,148 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,151 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,153 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,154 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250054
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,155 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,155 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,155 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250054 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,155 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,155 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55566 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250054
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,266 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,266 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,266 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,268 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,271 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,275 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,277 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,277 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:85) uptime 0.949 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,277 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:85) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,279 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,280 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@c30944a
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,280 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,281 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,281 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,281 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,281 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,282 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250057 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,282 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250057, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,334 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55591
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,337 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,337 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55591
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,338 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,339 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55591
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,339 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,393 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,394 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000129.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,395 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000130.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000128
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,396 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,397 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000128
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000129.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000130.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,398 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,401 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.93 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,402 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/8.93 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,402 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/8.93 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,403 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/8.93 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,403 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/8.93 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/8.93 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,404 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.30/8.93 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,405 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.48/8.93 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,405 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.50/8.93 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.99/8.93 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.93 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.93/8.93 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/8.93 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,406 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/8.93 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,407 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/8.93 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,408 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/8.93 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,409 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,409 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/8.93 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,410 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.93/8.93 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,410 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:86) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,411 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.83/8.93 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.84/8.93 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,412 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.03/8.93 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.93/8.93 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,413 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,414 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55596
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,414 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,414 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:86) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,414 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,414 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,415 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      84.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,418 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      84.5.	Found
      85.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,432 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:86) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,433 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,436 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,437 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,437 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,437 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,437 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,438 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250055
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,439 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250055
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,439 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250055 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,439 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,546 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,546 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:86) uptime 0.884 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,546 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:86) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,548 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,556 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@645abf3c
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,556 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,557 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,558 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,558 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55598
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,558 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55598
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,559 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250058 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55598
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,559 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250058, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,568 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,623 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,625 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,632 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,632 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,636 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,639 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,702 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55599
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,705 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,705 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,707 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55599
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,707 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,707 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55599
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,708 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,769 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,769 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,774 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,775 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000129.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000132.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000131
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000133.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,777 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,778 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000129.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000132.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000131
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000133.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,779 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,783 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/9.88 kb and 1/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,783 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/9.88 kb and 2/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,784 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.74/9.88 kb and 3/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,784 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.64/9.88 kb and 4/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,785 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/9.88 kb and 5/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,785 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.55/9.88 kb and 6/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,786 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.45/9.88 kb and 7/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,786 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.00/9.88 kb and 8/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,787 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.89/9.88 kb and 9/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,787 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.79/9.88 kb and 10/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,788 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.98/9.88 kb and 11/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,788 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.88/9.88 kb and 12/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,788 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,789 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.88 kb and 1/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,789 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.80/9.88 kb and 2/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,791 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.70/9.88 kb and 3/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,791 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.60/9.88 kb and 4/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,792 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.50/9.88 kb and 5/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,792 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.40/9.88 kb and 6/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,793 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,793 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.94/9.88 kb and 7/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,794 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.95/9.88 kb and 8/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,794 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:87) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,794 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.85/9.88 kb and 9/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,796 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.04/9.88 kb and 10/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,797 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.94/9.88 kb and 11/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,798 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.88/9.88 kb and 12/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,798 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55604
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:87) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,799 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,799 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,799 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      85.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,803 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      85.5.	Found
      86.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,818 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:87) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,819 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,823 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,825 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,825 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250056
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,826 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250056
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,826 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250056 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,826 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,829 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,829 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,829 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,829 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,940 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,941 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:87) uptime 1.027 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,941 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:87) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,943 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,947 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@322c2ddd
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,947 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,948 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,949 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,949 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55606
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,949 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55606
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,950 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250059 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55606
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,950 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250059, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,960 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,969 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,969 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,972 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,979 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,982 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:02,985 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,054 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55607
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,061 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,061 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,062 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55607
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,062 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55607
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,062 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,062 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,073 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,076 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,077 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000131
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000120.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000133.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000109.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000114.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000117.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000132.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000111.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000123.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000126.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,078 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000129.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,086 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.54/9.88 kb and 1/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,087 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.44/9.88 kb and 2/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,087 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.63/9.88 kb and 3/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,088 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.57/9.88 kb and 4/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,088 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.47/9.88 kb and 5/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,088 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.48/9.88 kb and 6/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.38/9.88 kb and 7/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.28/9.88 kb and 8/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,089 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.18/9.88 kb and 9/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,090 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.08/9.88 kb and 10/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,090 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.98/9.88 kb and 11/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,090 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.88/9.88 kb and 12/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,091 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,093 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,094 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:88) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,098 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55611
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,098 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,098 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:88) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,098 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,098 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,098 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      86.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      86.5.	Found
      87.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,114 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:88) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,114 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,117 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,118 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,118 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,119 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,119 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250057
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,120 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250057 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,120 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250057
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,120 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,138 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,198 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,198 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,200 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,228 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,228 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:88) uptime 0.951 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,228 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:88) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,230 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,232 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1d3e3a05
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,232 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,233 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,233 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,234 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,234 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,234 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725005a with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,235 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725005a, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,241 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,245 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,249 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,253 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,276 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55614
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,280 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,280 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,280 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55614
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,280 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,281 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55614
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,281 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,347 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,347 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000136.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000136.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000134
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000134
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,350 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/2.86 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/2.86 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.12/2.86 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.20/2.86 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.85/2.86 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.14/2.86 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.86/2.86 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.86/2.86 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,358 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,358 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,359 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:89) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,363 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55619
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,363 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,363 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:89) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,364 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,364 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,364 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      87.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      87.5.	Found
      88.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,383 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:89) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,384 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,388 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,388 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,390 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,390 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,391 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,391 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,393 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,394 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,394 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,394 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,394 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250059
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,395 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250059 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,395 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55606 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250059
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,395 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,397 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,401 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,404 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,425 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55621
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,430 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,431 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55621
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,432 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,444 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,446 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,446 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,446 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000134
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,447 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000136.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,447 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,449 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/2.86 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.74/2.86 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.92/2.86 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.86/2.86 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,450 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,453 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,454 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:90) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,457 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55624
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,457 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,457 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:90) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,457 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,457 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,457 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,514 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,514 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:89) uptime 0.573 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,514 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:89) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-2
      88.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,516 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,518 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3ab65057
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,518 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,518 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,519 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,519 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,519 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,519 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725005b with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,520 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725005b, negotiated timeout = 10000
      88.5.	Found
      89.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,527 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:90) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,527 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,528 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,530 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55621
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,530 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,530 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,531 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,531 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,531 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,531 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,534 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,534 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,534 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250058
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,534 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250058 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,535 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,535 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55598 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250058
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,547 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,547 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,550 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,553 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,581 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55628
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,584 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,585 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55628
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,585 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,602 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,604 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000138
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000140.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,605 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/3.22 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,608 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/3.22 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.02/3.22 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,609 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.20/3.22 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,610 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.22/3.22 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,610 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,612 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,612 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:91) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,615 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55631
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,615 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,615 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:91) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,615 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,615 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,616 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,636 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,637 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:90) uptime 1.091 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,637 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:90) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-1
      89.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,639 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,642 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@47a034e7
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,642 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,643 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,644 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,644 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55633
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,645 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55633
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,645 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725005c with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55633
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,645 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725005c, negotiated timeout = 10000
      89.5.	Found
      90.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,652 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:91) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,652 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,656 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,661 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55628
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,661 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,662 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,662 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,663 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,663 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,663 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725005a
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,664 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,664 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,664 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725005a closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,664 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,665 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725005a
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,666 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,666 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,666 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,669 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,673 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,700 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55635
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,703 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,703 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55635
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,703 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,714 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,717 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,718 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,718 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000140.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000138
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,719 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,721 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/3.22 kb and 1/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,721 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.12/3.22 kb and 2/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,722 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.14/3.22 kb and 3/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,722 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.32/3.22 kb and 4/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,723 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.22/3.22 kb and 5/5 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,723 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,725 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,727 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:92) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,731 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55638
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,732 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,732 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:92) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,732 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,732 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,732 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,792 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,792 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:91) uptime 0.563 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,793 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:91) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-3
      90.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,794 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,796 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@7371ece
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,796 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,797 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,798 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55640
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,798 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55640
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,798 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725005d with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55640
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,798 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725005d, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,805 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      90.5.	Found
      91.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,806 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:92) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,806 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,806 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55635
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,807 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,811 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,816 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,816 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725005b
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,817 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725005b closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,817 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725005b
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,817 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,837 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,837 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,839 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,840 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,859 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,860 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,860 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,863 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,866 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,910 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55642
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,913 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,914 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55642
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,914 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,920 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,921 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:92) uptime 0.406 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,921 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:92) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,923 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,925 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@6488a31b
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,926 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,926 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,927 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,927 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,927 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,928 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725005e with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,928 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725005e, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,941 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,942 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55642
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,942 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,947 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,961 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,962 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000143.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000141
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,963 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000141
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,968 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000143.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/4.17 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,969 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.12/4.17 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.02/4.17 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.04/4.17 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,970 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.27/4.17 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,971 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,972 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/4.17 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,972 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.91/4.17 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,973 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/4.17 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,973 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/4.17 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,974 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/4.17 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,974 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,975 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,975 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,976 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:93) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,979 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,981 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55648
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,982 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,982 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:93) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,982 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,982 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:03,982 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      91.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      91.5.	Found
      92.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,002 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:93) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,003 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,009 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,014 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,015 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,015 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,016 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,020 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,021 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725005c
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,021 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725005c closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,021 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,021 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55633 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725005c
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,050 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,050 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,050 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,052 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,053 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,055 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,100 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55650
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,103 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,104 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55650
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,104 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,131 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,134 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,134 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,134 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,135 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,135 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000141
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,135 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000143.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,135 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,140 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/4.17 kb and 1/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,141 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/4.17 kb and 2/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,141 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/4.17 kb and 3/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,142 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.09/4.17 kb and 4/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,143 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.27/4.17 kb and 5/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,143 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.17/4.17 kb and 6/6 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,143 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,146 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,147 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:94) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,150 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55653
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,150 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,151 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:94) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,151 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,151 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,151 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30787 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30787 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,160 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,161 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:93) uptime 0.523 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,161 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:93) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-1
      92.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,163 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,166 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@609f293a
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,166 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,166 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,167 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,167 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,167 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,168 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725005f with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,168 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725005f, negotiated timeout = 10000
      92.5.	Found
      93.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,177 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:94) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,177 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,179 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,180 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,180 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725005d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,181 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725005d closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,181 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,181 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55640 which had sessionid 0x156bec91725005d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,181 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,181 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,187 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,189 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55650
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,189 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,189 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,191 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,237 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,237 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,239 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,243 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,283 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55657
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,284 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,285 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:94) uptime 0.492 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,285 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:94) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,287 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,290 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@20bb0006
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,290 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,290 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,290 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55657
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,291 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,291 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,291 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,292 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55659
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,292 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55659
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,293 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250060 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55659
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,293 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250060, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,302 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,303 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55657
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,303 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,337 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000146.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000144
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,338 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,344 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/5.12 kb and 1/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,345 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,345 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.20/5.12 kb and 2/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,345 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,345 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.49/5.12 kb and 3/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000146.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.38/5.12 kb and 4/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000144
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,346 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,347 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.28/5.12 kb and 5/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,347 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.18/5.12 kb and 6/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,348 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.12/5.12 kb and 7/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,348 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/5.12 kb and 1/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,351 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.20/5.12 kb and 2/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,352 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:95) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.10/5.12 kb and 3/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,352 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/5.12 kb and 4/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.28/5.12 kb and 5/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,353 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.18/5.12 kb and 6/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.12/5.12 kb and 7/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,354 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,355 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55663
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,355 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,356 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:95) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,356 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,356 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,356 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,357 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      Master started: node-3
      93.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      93.5.	Found
      94.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,371 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:95) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,371 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,374 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,376 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725005e
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725005e closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,377 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725005e
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,440 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,443 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,444 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,444 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,449 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,455 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,489 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,489 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:95) uptime 0.567 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,489 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:95) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,491 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,493 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@61c28cfb
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,493 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,494 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,494 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,494 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55665
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,494 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55665
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,495 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250061 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55665
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,495 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250061, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,498 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55666
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,505 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,505 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,507 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55666
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,507 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,507 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55666
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,507 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,526 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,531 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,531 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,531 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,531 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000144
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,532 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,532 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,532 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,532 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000146.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,537 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/5.12 kb and 1/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,537 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/5.12 kb and 2/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,538 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/5.12 kb and 3/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,538 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.02/5.12 kb and 4/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,539 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.92/5.12 kb and 5/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,539 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.93/5.12 kb and 6/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.12/5.12 kb and 7/7 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,543 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:96) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,547 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55670
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,547 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,547 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:96) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,547 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,548 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,548 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      94.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,558 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      94.5.	Found
      95.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,563 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:96) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,563 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,565 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,566 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,566 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725005f
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,567 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725005f closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,567 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725005f
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,567 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,567 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000144
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000146.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,571 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,571 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,571 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,571 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,572 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,609 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,609 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,611 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,666 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,669 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,671 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,672 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:96) uptime 0.511 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,672 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:96) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,673 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,674 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,676 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@62399a23
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,676 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,677 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,677 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,677 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,677 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,678 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250062 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,678 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250062, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,725 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55674
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,728 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,728 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,729 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55674
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,729 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,730 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55674
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,730 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,763 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,764 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,766 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000149.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000147
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000147
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000149.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,767 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,770 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.24/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.25/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,771 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.15/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.92/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.09/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.26/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,772 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.27/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.15/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.17/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.05/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,773 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,774 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,774 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,776 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,777 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:97) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55679
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:97) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,781 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,781 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,781 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      95.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      95.5.	Found
      96.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,796 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:97) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,796 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,800 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Previously elected master is not online, staring new election
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,800 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,801 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,802 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,802 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,803 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,803 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,803 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250061
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,804 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250061 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,804 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,804 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55665 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250061
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,805 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,892 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,892 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,892 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,895 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,898 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,901 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,913 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,913 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:97) uptime 0.423 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,913 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:97) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,914 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,916 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3cf21ac1
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,916 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,917 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,917 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,917 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,917 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,918 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250063 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,918 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250063, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,950 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55682
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,954 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,954 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,955 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55682
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,955 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,956 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55682
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,956 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,967 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000149.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000147
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000149.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000147
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,998 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,998 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,999 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.73/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:04,999 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.63/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,000 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.53/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,000 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/6.07 kb and 1/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,002 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.20/6.07 kb and 2/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,002 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.54/6.07 kb and 3/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,003 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.48/6.07 kb and 4/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,003 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.38/6.07 kb and 5/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,004 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,004 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.27/6.07 kb and 6/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,004 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.17/6.07 kb and 7/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,005 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:98) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,005 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.07/6.07 kb and 8/8 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,005 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,008 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,009 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55687
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,009 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,009 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:98) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,009 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,009 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,009 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      96.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      96.5.	Found
      97.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,025 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:98) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,025 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,028 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,029 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,029 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250060
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,029 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250060 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,029 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,029 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55659 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250060
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,033 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,033 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,033 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,033 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,136 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,136 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:98) uptime 0.851 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,137 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:98) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,139 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,139 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,139 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,139 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,141 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,141 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@3407a533
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,141 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,142 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,143 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,143 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,143 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,143 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250064 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,143 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250064, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,144 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,147 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,201 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55690
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,205 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,205 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,206 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55690
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,206 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,206 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55690
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,206 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,240 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,278 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,280 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,281 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000150
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,282 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000152.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,283 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000150
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000152.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,284 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,287 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.02 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,287 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.02 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/7.02 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,288 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/7.02 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/7.02 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.85/7.02 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/7.02 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/7.02 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.98/7.02 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,289 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/7.02 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.88/7.02 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.54/7.02 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.82/7.02 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,290 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.44/7.02 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.00/7.02 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.83/7.02 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.02/7.02 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.02/7.02 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,291 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,294 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,294 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,295 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:99) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,299 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55695
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,299 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,299 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:99) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,299 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,299 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,299 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      97.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      97.5.	Found
      98.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,314 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:99) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,314 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,317 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,318 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,318 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,318 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,318 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,318 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,319 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250062
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,319 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250062 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,319 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250062
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,319 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,415 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,415 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,415 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,417 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,420 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,424 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,436 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,437 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:99) uptime 0.765 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,437 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:99) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,440 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,442 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@227ec5dd
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,442 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,443 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,443 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,443 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,444 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,446 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250065 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,446 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250065, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,487 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55698
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,492 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,492 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,494 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55698
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,494 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,494 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55698
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,495 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,510 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,540 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,542 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000150
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000152.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000150
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000152.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,543 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,544 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,547 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/7.02 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,547 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.02 kb and 1/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,548 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/7.02 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,548 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.91/7.02 kb and 2/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,548 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.73/7.02 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,548 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.30/7.02 kb and 3/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,548 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.75/7.02 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,548 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.20/7.02 kb and 4/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,549 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.10/7.02 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,549 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.93/7.02 kb and 5/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,549 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.00/7.02 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,549 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.32/7.02 kb and 6/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,549 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.18/7.02 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,549 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.22/7.02 kb and 7/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,550 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.08/7.02 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,550 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.12/7.02 kb and 8/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,551 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.02/7.02 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,551 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,551 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.02/7.02 kb and 9/9 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,551 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,555 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:100) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,558 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55703
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,558 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,559 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:100) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,559 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,559 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,559 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      98.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      98.5.	Found
      99.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,574 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:100) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,575 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,577 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,578 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,578 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,578 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,578 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,579 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,579 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250063
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,580 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250063
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,580 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250063 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,580 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,688 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,689 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:100) uptime 0.776 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,689 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:100) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,692 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,695 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@769bca67
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,695 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,696 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,697 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,697 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55705
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,698 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55705
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,698 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250066 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55705
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,699 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250066, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,708 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,720 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,721 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,726 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,726 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,729 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,733 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,797 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55706
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,816 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,818 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55706
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,818 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,819 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55706
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,819 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,859 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,864 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,869 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,870 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000155.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000153
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,871 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,872 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000153
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000155.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,873 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/7.97 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,877 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/7.97 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,878 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.73/7.97 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,879 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.63/7.97 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,880 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.65/7.97 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,880 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.44/7.97 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,880 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.83/7.97 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,880 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.63/7.97 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,881 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.73/7.97 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,881 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.52/7.97 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,881 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.17/7.97 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,881 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.42/7.97 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.07/7.97 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.36/7.97 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.97/7.97 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.26/7.97 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.16/7.97 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.05/7.97 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.07/7.97 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.97/7.97 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,886 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,887 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:101) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,888 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,891 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55711
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,892 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,892 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:101) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,892 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,892 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,892 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      99.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      99.5.	Found
      100.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,910 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:101) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,911 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,914 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,914 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,914 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250064
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,915 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,915 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250064
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,915 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250064 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,915 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,915 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:05,915 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,021 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,022 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,022 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,024 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,026 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,030 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,031 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,032 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:101) uptime 0.895 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,032 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:101) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,034 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,036 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@74ddb0f9
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,036 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,037 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,038 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,038 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55713
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,038 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55713
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,039 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250067 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55713
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,039 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250067, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,095 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55714
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,100 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,100 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,101 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55714
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,101 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,102 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55714
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,102 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,116 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,154 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,155 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000155.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000153
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,156 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,157 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000153
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000155.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,158 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/7.97 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,163 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.12/7.97 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,164 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.02/7.97 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,165 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.92/7.97 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,165 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.36/7.97 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,166 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.26/7.97 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.16/7.97 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,167 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.05/7.97 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.44/7.97 kb and 1/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,168 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.07/7.97 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.63/7.97 kb and 2/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.97/7.97 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,169 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.52/7.97 kb and 3/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.46/7.97 kb and 4/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.36/7.97 kb and 5/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,170 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.26/7.97 kb and 6/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.27/7.97 kb and 7/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,171 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,172 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.17/7.97 kb and 8/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,172 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.07/7.97 kb and 9/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,172 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:102) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.97/7.97 kb and 10/10 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,173 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,176 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,177 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55719
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,177 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,177 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:102) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,177 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,177 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,177 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-2
      100.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      100.5.	Found
      101.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,193 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:102) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,194 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,197 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,199 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,199 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,199 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,200 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,200 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250065
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,201 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250065
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,201 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250065 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,201 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,308 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,308 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:102) uptime 0.871 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,308 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:102) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,310 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,313 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@5180a0e5
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,313 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,314 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,315 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,315 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,315 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,316 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250068 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,316 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec917250068, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,336 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,397 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,400 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,402 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,402 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,406 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,411 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,481 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55722
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,485 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,485 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,486 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55722
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,487 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,487 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55722
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,487 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,548 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,553 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,553 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,553 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,553 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000158.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000156
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,554 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,559 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.92 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/8.92 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/8.92 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,560 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/8.92 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000156
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000158.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.77/8.92 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,561 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.67/8.92 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.57/8.92 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,562 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.47/8.92 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.41/8.92 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,563 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.90/8.92 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,564 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.92/8.92 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,564 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,566 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/8.92 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,566 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.84/8.92 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,566 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.73/8.92 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,566 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,567 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.63/8.92 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,567 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:103) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,567 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.53/8.92 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.43/8.92 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,568 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.32/8.92 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,569 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.82/8.92 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,569 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.83/8.92 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,570 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.73/8.92 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,570 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.92/8.92 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,570 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,571 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55727
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,572 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,573 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:103) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,573 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,573 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,573 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      101.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,577 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      101.5.	Found
      102.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,596 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:103) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,597 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,599 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,599 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,599 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250066
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,600 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250066 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,600 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55705 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250066
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,600 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,604 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,604 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,604 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,604 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,718 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,718 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:103) uptime 1.028 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,719 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:103) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,720 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,722 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1c18c548
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,723 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,723 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,723 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,724 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,724 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55729
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,724 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55729
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,725 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,725 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,725 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec917250069 with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55729
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,725 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec917250069, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,726 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,728 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,730 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,811 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55730
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,815 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,815 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55730
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55730
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,835 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,882 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,883 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000158.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,884 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000156
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,885 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,889 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,890 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000158.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000156
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,891 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,897 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/8.92 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,897 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.91/8.92 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,898 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.10/8.92 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,899 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/8.92 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,899 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.93/8.92 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,900 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.83/8.92 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,901 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.33/8.92 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,901 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.22/8.92 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.12/8.92 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.02/8.92 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.92/8.92 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,902 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,903 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/8.92 kb and 1/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,904 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.91/8.92 kb and 2/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,904 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.81/8.92 kb and 3/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,905 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,905 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.00/8.92 kb and 4/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,905 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.89/8.92 kb and 5/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,906 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:104) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,906 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.79/8.92 kb and 6/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,906 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.69/8.92 kb and 7/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,907 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.58/8.92 kb and 8/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.08/8.92 kb and 9/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,908 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.02/8.92 kb and 10/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,909 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.92/8.92 kb and 11/11 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,909 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,909 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55735
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,910 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,910 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:104) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,910 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,910 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,910 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      102.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,913 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      102.5.	Found
      103.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,924 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:104) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,925 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,927 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,927 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,927 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,927 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,927 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250067
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,928 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,928 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,928 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55713 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250067
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,928 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250067 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:06,928 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,036 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,036 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:104) uptime 1.004 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,036 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:104) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,039 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,041 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@4c0906ae
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,041 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,042 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,043 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,043 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,043 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,044 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725006a with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,045 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725006a, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,052 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,125 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,129 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,134 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,134 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,137 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,141 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,234 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55738
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,238 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,238 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,239 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55738
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,239 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,240 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55738
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,240 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,304 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,315 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000159
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000161.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,316 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000160.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/9.86 kb and 2/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.69/9.86 kb and 3/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000159
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,322 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.59/9.86 kb and 4/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000160.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000161.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.49/9.86 kb and 5/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,323 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.03/9.86 kb and 6/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,324 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.93/9.86 kb and 7/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,324 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.87/9.86 kb and 8/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,324 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.05/9.86 kb and 9/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.95/9.86 kb and 10/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.97/9.86 kb and 11/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 12/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,325 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,328 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,329 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:105) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,329 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.79/9.86 kb and 2/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.34/9.86 kb and 3/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,330 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.24/9.86 kb and 4/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.13/9.86 kb and 5/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,331 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.15/9.86 kb and 6/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.05/9.86 kb and 7/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,332 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.95/9.86 kb and 8/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.84/9.86 kb and 9/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55743
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:105) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.78/9.86 kb and 10/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,333 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,334 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.68/9.86 kb and 11/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,334 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 12/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,334 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Attached
      Master started: node-2
      103.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,339 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      103.5.	Found
      104.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,352 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:105) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,354 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,357 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,358 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,359 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,359 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,359 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,360 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,360 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250068
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,361 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec917250068
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,361 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250068 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,361 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,475 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,476 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:105) uptime 1.167 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,476 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:105) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,478 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,480 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1d25b88f
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,480 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,481 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,481 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,481 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,481 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,482 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725006b with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,482 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725006b, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,487 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,499 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,501 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,512 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,513 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,515 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,518 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,595 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55746
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,600 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,600 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,601 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55746
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,601 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55746
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,601 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,601 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,616 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,667 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,668 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000159
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000161.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,669 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000160.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000145.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000161.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000154.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,670 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000139.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000159
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000157.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000151.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000137.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000148.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000142.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,671 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000160.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.91/9.86 kb and 2/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,674 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.46/9.86 kb and 3/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.36/9.86 kb and 4/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.90/9.86 kb and 1/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,675 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.29/9.86 kb and 5/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.08/9.86 kb and 2/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.48/9.86 kb and 6/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.38/9.86 kb and 7/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,676 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.98/9.86 kb and 3/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 3.88/9.86 kb and 4/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.27/9.86 kb and 8/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.17/9.86 kb and 9/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 4.42/9.86 kb and 5/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 5.32/9.86 kb and 6/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,677 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.07/9.86 kb and 10/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.97/9.86 kb and 11/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 6.22/9.86 kb and 7/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 7.16/9.86 kb and 8/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 12/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,678 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,679 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.05/9.86 kb and 9/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,679 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.07/9.86 kb and 10/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,680 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 8.97/9.86 kb and 11/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,680 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attaching... Downloaded 9.86/9.86 kb and 12/12 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,680 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-3 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,681 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,681 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:106) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,684 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,685 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55751
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,685 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,685 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:106) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,685 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,685 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,685 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-3
      104.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      104.5.	Found
      105.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-3
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,705 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:106) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,706 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,709 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,711 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,711 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec917250069
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,711 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec917250069 closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,711 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,711 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55729 which had sessionid 0x156bec917250069
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,715 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,715 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,716 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,716 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has disconnected: e2fef573-6987-4c23-89fc-e23581268d5d
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,817 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3]
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,818 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:106) uptime 1.099 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,818 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-3, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:106) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,820 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-3, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,822 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@63de5fd6
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,822 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,823 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,823 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,823 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,823 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,824 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725006c with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,824 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725006c, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,830 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,875 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,875 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,875 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,877 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,879 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,883 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,910 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55754
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,915 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,916 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,916 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55754
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55754
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,917 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,932 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has connected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,991 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,992 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000165.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000162
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,993 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000164.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,994 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/MANIFEST-000162
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000165.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,995 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave requested: 0000000000000000.index/000164.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.94/2.87 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,996 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.67/2.87 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.69/2.87 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.87/2.87 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,997 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:07,999 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave has now caught up: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,000 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:107) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,001 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.02/2.87 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,002 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 0.75/2.87 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,003 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.69/2.87 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,004 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.87/2.87 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,004 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,005 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55759
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,005 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,005 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:107) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,005 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,005 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1 only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,006 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30789 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30789 mb
      Master started: node-1
      105.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,008 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      105.5.	Found
      106.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-1
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,021 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:107) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,021 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,024 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,025 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,025 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,025 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,025 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-4 | Slave has disconnected: ac72117a-1229-44e6-8fb2-8e8f1bf10dc5
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,025 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,025 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725006a
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,026 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725006a closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,026 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725006a
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,026 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,041 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,041 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,042 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,048 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,052 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | Promoted to master
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,054 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,078 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-2 | Master started: tcp://localhost:55761
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,081 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,083 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55761
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,083 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-2 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,097 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has connected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,100 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave skipping download of: log/0000000000000000.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,100 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000164.log
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,101 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/MANIFEST-000162
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,101 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/CURRENT
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,101 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Slave requested: 000000000000056d.index/000165.sst
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.18/2.87 kb and 1/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,104 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.92/2.87 kb and 2/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 1.93/2.87 kb and 3/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attaching... Downloaded 2.87/2.87 kb and 4/4 files
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,105 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-2 | Attached
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,107 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has now caught up: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,108 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:108) is starting
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,112 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Listening for connections at: tcp://Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local:55764
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,112 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Connector tcp:// started
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,112 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:108) started
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,112 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,112 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Store limit is 102400 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2 only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,112 | WARN  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 100 mb). The data directory: /Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store only has 30785 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 30785 mb
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,145 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1]
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,146 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:107) uptime 1.109 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,146 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-1, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:107) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      Master started: node-2
      106.4.	Browse the queue on new master
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,148 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-1, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,149 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@1288fe70
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,149 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,150 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916. Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,151 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,151 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55766
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,151 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55766
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,152 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725006d with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:55766
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,152 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-1-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54916, sessionid = 0x156bec91725006d, negotiated timeout = 10000
      106.5.	Found
      107.3.	Restart master node
      Stopping node-2
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,158 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:108) is shutting down
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,159 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Connector tcp:// stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,159 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Using the pure java LevelDB implementation.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,160 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | StateChangeDispatcher terminated.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,161 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Attaching to master: tcp://localhost:55761
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,161 | INFO  | ProcessThread(sid:0 cport:-1): | Processed session termination for sessionid: 0x156bec91725006b
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,161 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-1] Task-1 | Slave started
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,161 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,161 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Session: 0x156bec91725006b closed
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,161 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-EventThread | EventThread shut down
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,161 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Closed socket connection for client / which had sessionid 0x156bec91725006b
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,162 | WARN  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Unexpected session error: java.io.IOException: Connection reset by peer
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,162 | INFO  | hawtdispatch-DEFAULT-1 | Slave has disconnected: 2b5bec4f-a92b-46f6-ada8-477620658956
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,175 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Slave stopped
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,175 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-3] Task-1 | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,177 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,267 | INFO  | ActiveMQ BrokerService[node-2] Task-3 | Stopped LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2]
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,268 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:108) uptime 0.792 seconds
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,268 | INFO  | Time-limited test | Apache ActiveMQ 5.15.0-SNAPSHOT (node-2, ID:Samuel-Mas-MacBook-Pro.local-54926-1472079667961-0:108) is shutdown
      Wait for master to start up...
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,270 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Using Persistence Adapter: Replicated LevelDB[/Users/samuel.ma/git/lab/activemq/activemq-leveldb-store/target/activemq-data/leveldb-elections/node-2, localhost:54916//default]
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,272 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2 | Initiating client connection, connectString=localhost:54916 sessionTimeout=15000 watcher=org.apache.activemq.leveldb.replicated.groups.ZKClient@5f8c78e
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,272 | INFO  | ZooKeeper state change dispatcher thread | Starting StateChangeDispatcher
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,272 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Opening socket connection to server localhost/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,273 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Socket connection established to localhost/, initiating session
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,273 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Accepted socket connection from /
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,273 | INFO  | NIOServerCxn.Factory: | Client attempting to establish new session at /
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,273 | INFO  | SyncThread:0 | Established session 0x156bec91725006e with negotiated timeout 10000 for client /
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,273 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-2-SendThread(localhost:54916) | Session establishment complete on server localhost/, sessionid = 0x156bec91725006e, negotiated timeout = 10000
      2016-08-25 09:02:08,277 | INFO  | Starting broker node: node-3-EventThread | Not enough cluster members have reported their update positions yet.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            sam.ma Sam Ma
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

