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  1. ActiveMQ Classic
  2. AMQ-3134

Add support of MS SQL JDBC driver (version 3.0)



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 5.5.0
    • Message Store
    • None
    • CentOS Linux 2.6.18-128.el5 x86_64


      I'm trying to use MS SQL database as ActiveMQ datastore, so I've put MS SQL driver 3.0 (sqljdbc4.jar) in $ACTIVE_MQ/lib folder and configured MS SQL datasource. But when I start ActiveMQ I get the following error message:

      INFO | Database adapter driver override not found for : [microsoft_sql_server_jdbc_driver_3_0]. Will use default implementation.
      WARN | Could not create JDBC tables; they could already exist. Failure was: CREATE TABLE ACTIVEMQ_MSGS(ID BIGINT NOT NULL, CONTAINER VARCHAR(250), MSGID_PROD VARCHAR(250), MSGID_SEQ BIGINT, EXPIRATION BIGINT, MSG BLOB, PRIMARY KEY ( ID ) ) Message: Column, parameter, or variable #6: Cannot find data type BLOB. SQLState: S0007 Vendor code: 2715

      I found the similar problem description here: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/activemq-and-sql-server-2008-td2367448.html

      But it relates to 2.0 version of MS SQL driver. I can't use version 2.0, because it complains that it does not work with java 1.6. So, I opened META-INF/services/org/apache/activemq/store/jdbc folder in $ACTIVEMQ_HOME/lib/activemq-core-5.4.2.jar and copied microsoft_sql_server_jdbc_2_0_driver as microsoft_sql_server_jdbc_driver_3_0. After that ActiveMQ started successfully.

      So, the workaround is to add a "microsoft_sql_server_jdbc_driver_3_0" file to "activemq-core" lib.
      Can you please, add this file to a code base (if this is a right solution) or provide any other changes to support JDBC driver for MS SQL (version 3.0).

      Thank you!


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              gtully Gary Tully
              spoiler Dmitry B.
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