Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
PROBLEM: Ambari is configured for password encryption and Save Admin Credentials has been enabled after Ambari restart. However, even though we have saved the credentials, we are still getting asked for it in each new service add.
This seems to be a bug and it will prompts for the KDC principal and password each time adding services.
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: On a HDP 2.3.2 and Ambari 2.2.0, Select Amin Tab --> Managed KDC Credentials Tab --> Kerberos and put in Admin principal and Admin password, click save.
Then when adding a service, it for Admin principal and Admin password again. If we leave it blank and proceed, it errors with the error in the .doc attached.
EXPECTED RESULT: Expected result is it should not prompt for principal and password again.
ACTUAL RESULT: What the actual result is it is prompting for principal and password again.