The monitor works well for what it does, but it's very much so cobbled together. HTML is hand generated. Static state is used liberally which makes testing near impossible. View and controller logic are tightly intertwined which also adds to the testability problem.
I've been working on porting the functionality from the existing monitor to a proper rest service using dropwizard. It's not completely functional yet, but it has a number of improvements of the existing monitor code.
I thought I would post what I have already and let people give some feedback if they're interested. Help is always welcome.
Issue Links
- contains
ACCUMULO-2031 Use a url builder to create urls in the monitor
- Resolved
- is depended upon by
ACCUMULO-2181 improve the look & feel of monitor
- Resolved
- is related to
ACCUMULO-4677 Sanitize @PathParam and @QueryParam parameters in new REST-based monitor
- Resolved
ACCUMULO-4556 Monitor shows stack trace for NPE while viewing table details for accumulo.root if tablet is offline
- Resolved
ACCUMULO-4580 Exception on Monitor 'Scans' page
- Resolved
ACCUMULO-4660 Trace servlet on monitor doesn't sanitize URL data
- Resolved
ACCUMULO-4655 monitor should show response time in addition to last contact
- Resolved
ACCUMULO-4676 Missing HTTPOnly flags on the JSESSIONID cookie in Monitor UI
- Resolved
ACCUMULO-4683 Create IT for monitor REST endpoints
- Resolved
ACCUMULO-4739 Make 3rd party web resources (js, css) location configurable
- Resolved
- links to