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  1. OpenJPA
  2. OPENJPA-1557

Logging configuration is difficult for running tests

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    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.2.2, 2.0.0-beta2
    • 1.0.4, 1.2.3, 1.3.0, 2.0.0-beta3
    • None
    • None


      Logging is difficult to configure and is incorrectly documented for running tests.

      There is a system property that can be set on the command line when running tests using surefire: openjpa.loglevel. This property, set via -Dopenjpa.loglevel, is used in the pom.xml to send logging properties to the runtime. The simple case works, e.g. -Dopenjpa.loglevel=error. This affects enhancement and the test runtime to report only errors.

      However, setting this property also results in warnings:
      [echo] running enhancer
      12 WARN [main] openjpa.Runtime - The configuration property named "openjpa.loglevel" was not recognized and will be ignored, although the name closely matches a valid property called "openjpa.Log".
      2 WARN [main] openjpa.Runtime - The configuration property named "openjpa.loglevel" was not recognized and will be ignored, although the name closely matches a valid property called "openjpa.Log".

      This is because the property is both passed to the runtime and also used to configure the log level via the surefire plugin (the relevant part of the pom.xml follows):


      Via "property injection" it's also possible to set any number of other log properties using this mechanism, although it's a bit odd. Just concatenate the extra properties after the level. For example,

      mvn test -Dopenjpa.loglevel=trace,file=openjpa.log,Runtime=info

      This will set the default log level to trace, send the log output to the file openjpa.log, and set the Runtime log level to info.

      The surefire plugin effectively disables the openjpa.Log so the user cannot use this property.

      The warning can be removed by changing the PersistenceTestCase.createNamedEMF:
      Map map = new HashMap(System.getProperties());

      But the enhancer doesn't go through this path.

      Before I change the online documentation I'd like to see if anyone else has any ideas how to make this easier.



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            clr Craig L Russell
            clr Craig L Russell
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